Hard to compare these fighters.
GSP is just a takedown beast right now. He's quick enough to shoot that his oppenents can't stay on their feet, and once on the ground they expend so much energy trying to recover that they wear themselves out and that's just where his conditioning takes over.
Anderson Silva is just amazing in the standup game. The guy has the reflexes of a cat and some power behind his punches/kicks for such a small frame. His ground fighting game is notable as well, but good luck getting him there.
You all DO realize that Anderson Silva is a natural Light Heavyweight? He cut 15+ lbs just to drop down and get the Middleweight title, and he competes in both classes. For this reason, I don't see GSP, a welterweight, coming up and basically fighting a fighter that's two weight classes above him.
If the fight ever did go down, I'd call it in Silva's favor. He's bigger, with a longer reach that he knows how to utilize, and is fast enough to keep GSP from shooting and taking him down. I'd say Silva would utilize his reach and agility to KO GSP in the first three rounds.
GSP is just a takedown beast right now. He's quick enough to shoot that his oppenents can't stay on their feet, and once on the ground they expend so much energy trying to recover that they wear themselves out and that's just where his conditioning takes over.
Anderson Silva is just amazing in the standup game. The guy has the reflexes of a cat and some power behind his punches/kicks for such a small frame. His ground fighting game is notable as well, but good luck getting him there.
You all DO realize that Anderson Silva is a natural Light Heavyweight? He cut 15+ lbs just to drop down and get the Middleweight title, and he competes in both classes. For this reason, I don't see GSP, a welterweight, coming up and basically fighting a fighter that's two weight classes above him.
If the fight ever did go down, I'd call it in Silva's favor. He's bigger, with a longer reach that he knows how to utilize, and is fast enough to keep GSP from shooting and taking him down. I'd say Silva would utilize his reach and agility to KO GSP in the first three rounds.