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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Q&A Archives > Player Archetypes Discussion #2
Originally posted by reginator

Thank you... my team has a majority of centers on special teams and it would have been a huge eff you to all their agents to basically make them outdated. Plenty of the regular position archetypes can have success when used on special teams. Let current special teams only players choose among what archetype for their position might be most useful on ST. They definitely don't need their own distinct arhectype that puts already made players at a disadvantage.

This just means most future ST will likely be made as pass blocking OL. With the ALG Minor to Speed.
Titus Pullo
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by Titus Pullo

The Hard Hitter Strong Saftey Build has Agility as a Major attribute, but then gets a penalty to the Change Direction SA. It's that a contradiction? Agility and Change Direction go hand in hand.

What penalty SA would you choose?

Sticky Hands or Pass Deflection. A guy focused on laying big hits should suffer from poor skills at deflecting or catching a pass.
I think balanced OL should be an option tbh. Shouldn't have to build a tackle to only play one side of the line.
Originally posted by P@nda
Originally posted by reginator

Thank you... my team has a majority of centers on special teams and it would have been a huge eff you to all their agents to basically make them outdated. Plenty of the regular position archetypes can have success when used on special teams. Let current special teams only players choose among what archetype for their position might be most useful on ST. They definitely don't need their own distinct arhectype that puts already made players at a disadvantage.

This just means most future ST will likely be made as pass blocking OL. With the ALG Minor to Speed.

I'd say thats better than basically screwing over everyone who has made a SOT OL player in the past 2-3 seasons. All the new system does it make it essential for every agent to spend an additional 100 FP per season on each of their SOT players. Huge win for Bort though if that gets passed through.

I'd actually be down for being able to convert any special team only OL to a FB/TE/defensive player even with the added cost. It just really screws over anyone who has been building an OL to be a SOT player so far the way the current archetype reads.
Edited by reginator on Feb 9, 2010 14:32:22
Edited by reginator on Feb 9, 2010 14:30:22
Edited by reginator on Feb 9, 2010 14:29:41
Titus Pullo
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by reginator

Has anyone explained why Special Team only players are limited to FB, TE, and defensive players?

I assume its because those players all cost 200 flex and OL guys only cost 100 and if given that choice everyone would just stack their ST with only OL guys. I'd prefer another explanation though rather than to assume its just about $$$$.

Getting the speed or tackling autolevel gains on a center thats already been created to play STO would be really nice. If all the other players can suddenly get the attribute gains of a center why can't a center also be entitled to some of the autolevel gains of defensive player?

Yea, I'm leaning more and more towards just getting rid of that archetype because of the concern. We can't allow the 100 flex positions because then that's all people would use, but at the same time people complain when we do that. So I'm probably just going to get rid of it.

I kind of liked the idea of the special teams player archtype. In RL most OL are way to slow to be of much help covering or blocking for KRs. Not sure why anyone thinks that OL should be SP aces on GLB.

Originally posted by Titus Pullo
Sticky Hands or Pass Deflection. A guy focused on laying big hits should suffer from poor skills at deflecting or catching a pass.

No one picks sticky hands for Safeties anyway, so that's not really a penalty and there is no Pass Deflection SA. About the only other one that would be possible is Swat Ball and in our discussion we thought Swat Ball had more value for Change Direction for a hard hitter. Also the reason it's Change Direction is it's the first SA in the Coverage Abilities tree so it discourages taking those abilities.

We're going to keep it as is.
Originally posted by RMiller517
then rename the power back to "3rd down back" or "short yardage back." unless its got speed as a major, you can't design an offense around that back. its not explosive enough.

Think of it like LenDale White for an example. You might be able to use him as a primary back at lower levels (His college and earlier years). But when he got to the Pros he became a situational/change of pace guy because he doesn't have that break away speed.
Another Q:

If Hard Hitting LBs get Monster Hit, why are hard hitting DBs stuck with Big Hit? Wouldn't a boost to Monster Hit make sense, too? Perhaps drop Big Hit and go with Monster, or put both in there?
Just about every Archetype seems to have one or more needed ability that gets no ALG. For example QBs get no gain in Carrying (the primary anti-fumble attribute) and the scrambling QB is missing both Carrying and Stamina. Is this intentional? Wouldn't it help if each archetype had an extra minor to make them a little more rounded?
Titus Pullo
I know you are not looking for new archtype suggestions, but you might consider a LB/DE hybrid archtype that can be used as a 3-4 outside LB or a 4-3 pass rushing DE without penalty.
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by uncle_wilf
Just about every Archetype seems to have one or more needed ability that gets no ALG. For example QBs get no gain in Carrying (the primary anti-fumble attribute) and the scrambling QB is missing both Carrying and Stamina. Is this intentional? Wouldn't it help if each archetype had an extra minor to make them a little more rounded?

Would you really want those getting ALGs at the expense of other attributes?
Originally posted by kcfdx
Think of it like LenDale White for an example. You might be able to use him as a primary back at lower levels (His college and earlier years). But when he got to the Pros he became a situational/change of pace guy because he doesn't have that break away speed.

LenDale White just isn't that great of a RB, though. Jerome Bettis was a slow PB who was the main RB on an offense for a while. To say you can't build an offense around a slower, but powerful RB is confining yourself to a box. On top of that, he might not be a 140 speed guy, but is an 80 Speed, 120 strength running back bad?
Originally posted by uncle_wilf
Just about every Archetype seems to have one or more needed ability that gets no ALG. For example QBs get no gain in Carrying (the primary anti-fumble attribute) and the scrambling QB is missing both Carrying and Stamina. Is this intentional? Wouldn't it help if each archetype had an extra minor to make them a little more rounded?

It was a matter of choice - if we selected all the minor attributes that have some meaning to get ALG's we wouldn't have been much better off than the current system. You can train those skills or add skill points to them if you want - the archetypes will now force players to do that.

Originally posted by Staz
LenDale White just isn't that great of a RB, though. Jerome Bettis was a slow PB who was the main RB on an offense for a while. To say you can't build an offense around a slower, but powerful RB is confining yourself to a box. On top of that, he might not be a 140 speed guy, but is an 80 Speed, 120 strength running back bad?

And I'm sure there will be exceptionally built PBs with the new system that will be featured backs. But we basically are agreeing that speed should not be a major for PBs.
Originally posted by Staz
Another Q:

If Hard Hitting LBs get Monster Hit, why are hard hitting DBs stuck with Big Hit? Wouldn't a boost to Monster Hit make sense, too? Perhaps drop Big Hit and go with Monster, or put both in there?

Use it as you bonus SA.

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