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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Elusive pathing and vision discussion (with a foreword about spin)
Originally posted by cosmoxl
Originally posted by Bukowski

Or what about when they started the entire "tester" thing?

We weren't exactly told about that up front either, were we?

OK, beating the dead horse now.

I don't like the tester issue either. testers shouldn't be normal players at the same time. not when they can just go test a build or a theory at will.

I know, I'm just making point.
Originally posted by Forbin
Sarcasm? I can't tell. I sure hope so, because Blorf needs private forums where his minions can tell him where he tried to divide by zero, without the peanut gallery (that's us) spamming the thread.

I assure you its not....

If Bort set up a private forum where the only rule was to not be an idiot when you post I promise you that 80% of the customers of GLB would apply for membeship and never get kicked out because they would just pay attention and not bitch, moan or complain one bit....

But those are not the rules on the main forums and we all pay money to play this game.... yet some of us get more info than others....

I would like an invite to said Private Forum.... I promise to never post anything even remotely controversial.....
Originally posted by CinTex
Originally posted by Forbin

Sarcasm? I can't tell. I sure hope so, because Blorf needs private forums where his minions can tell him where he tried to divide by zero, without the peanut gallery (that's us) spamming the thread.

I assure you its not....

If Bort set up a private forum where the only rule was to not be an idiot when you post I promise you that 80% of the customers of GLB would apply for membeship and never get kicked out because they would just pay attention and not bitch, moan or complain one bit....

But those are not the rules on the main forums and we all pay money to play this game.... yet some of us get more info than others....

I would like an invite to said Private Forum.... I promise to never post anything even remotely controversial.....

That's not a PF...

These PF's are just that, Private Forums for trusted agents to speak directly with Bort on issues.
Originally posted by CinTex
This is why we are untrusting....

Secret forums where you post and we can't see...

Bort probably talks to DD off screen about the game...probably talks to some of his neighbors about the game too.....would you like a Bort cam on him at all times so you know you are in the middle of the action at all times?
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Bukowski

I already explained why.

What about the weight bug last season?

That wasn't so long ago, was it? You got some condensed info from a tester and fix the problem.


Anyway, sometimes you just have to let that stuff go, and work toward the greater will help both our stress levels and move us to a higher ground of actually getting done what you want to get done. I try my best, but nobody can be perfect.

Seriously, it has worked out so much better to get certain people to condense info down for me and present the facts without the bitching in the middle. I don't want to read 80 page threads filled with arguing and e-peen comparisons, and "hey bort look at this" to try and figure out what's going on. If that stuff didn't happen, I could sort through it myself, but they do happen, and having guys like hazy and PP to act as go-betweens has been fantastic. I can't thank them enough for the effort they have put in.

I think there are more people willing to do that...which would probably help you, Hazy and PP. Just sayin.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Bukowski

I already explained why.

What about the weight bug last season?

That wasn't so long ago, was it? You got some condensed info from a tester and fix the problem.


Anyway, sometimes you just have to let that stuff go, and work toward the greater will help both our stress levels and move us to a higher ground of actually getting done what you want to get done. I try my best, but nobody can be perfect.

Seriously, it has worked out so much better to get certain people to condense info down for me and present the facts without the bitching in the middle. I don't want to read 80 page threads filled with arguing and e-peen comparisons, and "hey bort look at this" to try and figure out what's going on. If that stuff didn't happen, I could sort through it myself, but they do happen, and having guys like hazy and PP to act as go-betweens has been fantastic. I can't thank them enough for the effort they have put in.

I think hazy and PP have done great jobs, but I also think there needs to be more than 2 guys putting in that much work. And I know others like Deathblade do a lot as well, but some of the testers do not do enough, and should be replaced/just add others imo.
Originally posted by DL24
That's not a PF...

These PF's are just that, Private Forums for trusted agents to speak directly with Bort on issues.

I think I deserve a Bort-o-phone.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Bukowski

I already explained why.

What about the weight bug last season?

That wasn't so long ago, was it? You got some condensed info from a tester and fix the problem.


Anyway, sometimes you just have to let that stuff go, and work toward the greater will help both our stress levels and move us to a higher ground of actually getting done what you want to get done. I try my best, but nobody can be perfect.

Seriously, it has worked out so much better to get certain people to condense info down for me and present the facts without the bitching in the middle. I don't want to read 80 page threads filled with arguing and e-peen comparisons, and "hey bort look at this" to try and figure out what's going on. If that stuff didn't happen, I could sort through it myself, but they do happen, and having guys like hazy and PP to act as go-betweens has been fantastic. I can't thank them enough for the effort they have put in.

Not sure what this even means?

You got bad info from a tester, that's why you took so long to address it?
Originally posted by CinTex
I assure you its not....

If Bort set up a private forum where the only rule was to not be an idiot when you post I promise you that 80% of the customers of GLB would apply for membeship and never get kicked out because they would just pay attention and not bitch, moan or complain one bit....

But those are not the rules on the main forums and we all pay money to play this game.... yet some of us get more info than others....

I would like an invite to said Private Forum.... I promise to never post anything even remotely controversial.....

Managing 10-20 users: easy. Managing 10-20,000: not so easy. Everyone can talk about whatever they want here, and ask questions of those who are appointed delegates. That's how an organizational structure works. The file clerk doesn't ask the CEO directly about things. He talks to his boss, who sends it up the chain. It keeps things more organized and less likely to be overrun by too much at once.
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by bhall43
Originally posted by CinTex

This is why we are untrusting....

Secret forums where you post and we can't see...

Bort probably talks to DD off screen about the game...probably talks to some of his neighbors about the game too.....would you like a Bort cam on him at all times so you know you are in the middle of the action at all times?

Originally posted by Bukowski
Originally posted by Bort

Originally posted by Bukowski

I already explained why.

What about the weight bug last season?

That wasn't so long ago, was it? You got some condensed info from a tester and fix the problem.


Anyway, sometimes you just have to let that stuff go, and work toward the greater will help both our stress levels and move us to a higher ground of actually getting done what you want to get done. I try my best, but nobody can be perfect.

Seriously, it has worked out so much better to get certain people to condense info down for me and present the facts without the bitching in the middle. I don't want to read 80 page threads filled with arguing and e-peen comparisons, and "hey bort look at this" to try and figure out what's going on. If that stuff didn't happen, I could sort through it myself, but they do happen, and having guys like hazy and PP to act as go-betweens has been fantastic. I can't thank them enough for the effort they have put in.

Not sure what this even means?

You got bad info from a tester, that's why you took so long to address it?

I think he's saying that the problem eluded him, the tester was able to find it and they fixed it after Pierre showed it again. He's saying he made a mistake and is trying to move on. He's also saying he isn't frequenting the forums as much because he's having testers find the important posts and post them instead of going through the 90% of the trolling posts.
Originally posted by DL24
That's not a PF...

These PF's are just that, Private Forums for trusted agents to speak directly with Bort on issues.

Well... shit.... I've been here since season 1 as well... how much do I have to spend before I earn the trusted status???....

I have a group of agents that trust and depend on me to make their experience here as fun as possible.... and to know that there is a group of customers that is considered more important that me... just rubs me the wrong way.... and I know I am not the only one....

Why don't you just do what I requested... make a private forum and accept everyone who wants in and the first time they post anything that doesn't pass the "Grammar Check" remove them....

I assure you... only Bort and his trusted customers will even post.... everyone else will be to scared to.... however on the plus side that will never be any accusations or inappropriateness....

Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by Bukowski

Originally posted by Bort

Originally posted by Bukowski

I already explained why.

What about the weight bug last season?

That wasn't so long ago, was it? You got some condensed info from a tester and fix the problem.


Anyway, sometimes you just have to let that stuff go, and work toward the greater will help both our stress levels and move us to a higher ground of actually getting done what you want to get done. I try my best, but nobody can be perfect.

Seriously, it has worked out so much better to get certain people to condense info down for me and present the facts without the bitching in the middle. I don't want to read 80 page threads filled with arguing and e-peen comparisons, and "hey bort look at this" to try and figure out what's going on. If that stuff didn't happen, I could sort through it myself, but they do happen, and having guys like hazy and PP to act as go-betweens has been fantastic. I can't thank them enough for the effort they have put in.

Not sure what this even means?

You got bad info from a tester, that's why you took so long to address it?

I think he's saying that the problem eluded him, the tester was able to find it and they fixed it after Pierre showed it again. He's saying he made a mistake and is trying to move on. He's also saying he isn't frequenting the forums as much because he's having testers find the important posts and post them instead of going through the 90% of the trolling posts.

Well the tester was likely able to confirm that there was indeed an issue b.c of Pierre' s work , but yeah that sums it up.
Originally posted by jrry32
I think there are more people willing to do that...which would probably help you, Hazy and PP. Just sayin.

There's others too. Hazy and PP (and Deathblade) have been the most vocal on the main forum recently (which is why I bring them up - you've been chatting with them recently), but I get reports from Cryptotich, Mat McBriar, ZickZack, Jacob McCandles, the moderator team, and others I am probably forgetting at the moment, all the time. We even use bug tracking software for the bugs mods to help things move more smoothly. I also get ideas from the Project Bort crew via epic suggestions frequently. The info gets to me (and back to you) in a more streamlined way these days than it has in the past, and I feel it's helped quite a bit. There's room for improvement as always, and we're working on that as well.


Speaking for myself (and judging from your own comments) it seems as though things work best when you have folks that can give you succinct and accurate information about the needs of the sim.

It also seems to work well for the community when we have accessibale, mature and reliable folks like Hazy who act as a liaison between the larger community and yourself.

I think that is a good system and I encourage us all to foster seems to be very good for the game, and the community.

I will note that this system works best for all concerned when you have a *great* representative with the right communication skills and a true depth of understanding for the game.

It can actually be a very destructive thing with the wrong representatives.

I think that is a really important point and I hope you keep it in mind in the future..I think you have a great team right now.

Happy New Year, btw
Edited by tautology on Dec 30, 2009 19:34:39

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