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GG XL... we had some opportunities to keep it close but couldn't connect.
Originally posted by ManOgwaR
I am not discounting the East ...upsets happen in playoffs! ...Revolver is not gonna take anything for granted this season!

That is a great attitude to have because look at the crabs last season :/ they had the best offense in the league and were looking like a lock buut it didn't work out for them in the end. Granted they were part of the cream of the crop in gold this season.

Goodl luck again and I guess it's not something to be proud of but hopefully two seasons in a row we fall to the champ
Edited by bobweave on Jan 15, 2010 13:24:52
Originally posted by Poof
GG XL... we had some opportunities to keep it close but couldn't connect.

GG. definately closer than the score shows. Alot of ST luck on my part.
mad mak
Originally posted by TerryDK
Don't take the Redshirts for granted! They may not look like much, but they do have their O & D tuned up. And who cares if the opposition can score 35 if their O can score 36. That's still a win!

Here is my prediction for the semis: I think the Revolver will muscle past the Renegades in a very close game and that the Redshirts will outscore Junior XL in another tight game!

I've played the Redshirts twice and split w/them (I have to admit that the 1st game against them was pre-season) and the Revolver twice (both loses by about the same amount). That said, I think that the Revolver will squeak out the win for the league championship!

Thanks for the encouraging words, I hope I can tighten up the defense for the next game vs. Junior XL. (I didn't think JXL looked like much of a threat early in the season, but they have really got things smokin' now)

I had a good/bad schedule this time around... I had all of my tough games early and the last 5 were not vs. contenders.. This made the final stretch a breeze but was horrible for tweaking my D. As I said above, the Mini Bears are an excellent team and their speed surprised me.

Regardless... this has been a fun season against some excellent teams. Good luck to all! *'cept my opponents of course! XD
JXL? Who? Our team beat them like 35-14 to start off the season. Did they improve or is the East bad?
Originally posted by enasty19
JXL? Who? Our team beat them like 35-14 to start off the season. Did they improve or is the East bad?

Originally posted by brewcrewxl
Originally posted by enasty19

JXL? Who? Our team beat them like 35-14 to start off the season. Did they improve or is the East bad?


Yes to which which question???

Originally posted by TerryDK
Yes to which which question???


it is for the eye of the beholder
mad mak
GG JXL, bought yourself into the championship game. Good luck and make it count!
mad mak
Great season everyone, I liked the fact that there were many more competitive games than in previous years. Hopefully next time 'round we can get rid of a few more of the "cpu" teams and have a schedule that actually makes us game plan for each match-up.

See y'all come season 14!
not necessarily... didnt fix the glaring hole in my defense in time for today that you are more than capable of exploiting. guess iphones werent built to handle this many AI outputs... lol. we'll know in a few minutes.

*nevermind, guess they posted scores early. GG Redshirts
Edited by brewcrewxl on Jan 17, 2010 09:52:46
Originally posted by mad mak
Great season everyone, I liked the fact that there were many more competitive games than in previous years. Hopefully next time 'round we can get rid of a few more of the "cpu" teams and have a schedule that actually makes us game plan for each match-up.

See y'all come season 14!

agreed this season was one of my favorite even though I got merked :/

Thanks for the game Renegades! guys have helped to make this a more enjoyable season, coz I need those rivalries ...I haven't watched the game yet, but I have appreciated all you guys in S8 for making this a great season to be involved with

Originally posted by mad mak
Great season everyone, I liked the fact that there were many more competitive games than in previous years. Hopefully next time 'round we can get rid of a few more of the "cpu" teams and have a schedule that actually makes us game plan for each match-up.

See y'all come season 14!

agreed ...the league was more competitive than previous seasons has been an enjoyable season

Originally posted by bobweave
agreed this season was one of my favorite even though I got merked :/

nice of you to see it like that ...this being my third season in S8 has shown me that it isn't all about winning ...I appreciate the community aspect also ...but I must say that the rivalries that carry over from season to season are a great thing about returning to S8 for another attempt at the championship ...of course I would like to win the league championship, as I have been trying to get the mix right for 3 seasons here, but if Revolver does win the championship, there will be mixed feelings for me ...I think that I will miss S8 if Revolver moves up to Gold! ...but pride will prevent me from throwing this next game! ...even if Revolver loses the league final, I think that our unblemished record in the regular season games will make us an automatic inclusion
Edited by ManOgwaR on Jan 17, 2010 13:47:20
Edited by ManOgwaR on Jan 17, 2010 13:45:37
Great season to all involved in S8! Hopefully the Bombers will be lucky enough to stay in this league and build some great rivalreis (butch, I'm gonna DOG your DOGZ from here on out!!!) over the coming seasons!

Congrats to JXL on winning all the S8 mables this year!

Congrats also to the Revolver for making it to the finals! Hopefully I'll give you, and the rest of the West, more competition next season!
Edited by TerryDK on Jan 19, 2010 12:42:30
Edited by TerryDK on Jan 19, 2010 12:39:26
Yea GG XL!

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