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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #1 > OFFICIAL Season 9 GG Thread--Post 'Em Here Guys! ( and Gals)
then they started benching their best dbs weird
Edited by soccerkid091 on May 19, 2009 18:56:33
If an average of 60 points per game is solid then yea its pretty damn good.
The boys obviously can't grasp the fact that a team in a weak BBB conference getting promoted a season too soon, without revenue from stadium to play quick catch-up, and ending up in a tough division, with skilled higher-level players is gonna suffer some growing pains and receive some asswhoopins. Most GOOD agents take it in stride and remain positive in forums, roll up their sleeves and train correctly. They take time to study VAs, superior equipment, any and everything to make their player better.
Then SOME just whine, create disharmony, and recruit mental-midget friends to come into forums
and stir things up.Originally posted by Miggs
Weird. I posted in our forum yesterday that Rumblefish has probably the best DBs we've faced and I thought the D schemes were solid.

I always stayed positive but when my guy was not playing i am obviously have some concern. Smart owners would grasp that concept. Bad owners would be too stubborn to listen to that point.
I ain't one to post your PMs in this forum. You addressed your concern with me. When I approached my staff concerning this, they showed me some of your "positive" statements.
I tried to smooth things over, but they don't want any part of ya. We discussed ways you could leave on a positive note, and land in the best situation. Everything a GOOD owner would do.
You and your friend make it hard to remain civil.
Tell ya what. As soon as trades are allowed again, get your adhominous buddy to send a trade offer (MAX CASH!) since he say's you're my best DB. You could both ride off into the sunset.
That is if soccerpunk has any real GM powers.
Both of ya - MAN UP! It's a chance to actually utilize aspects of this game. A business transaction, plain and simple. Maybe your owner can talk ya thru it "091". You both can then take your pre-teen chatroom mentalities to your own league/Div/Conf forums.

Originally posted by Darren Mcfadden 5
I always stayed positive but when my guy was not playing i am obviously have some concern. Smart owners would grasp that concept. Bad owners would be too stubborn to listen to that point.

i would trade for him but my owner says league cap is 34 but enjoy paying him top dollar to be a bench warmer another great job from the genious manager hassle

and what is your obsesion with ad hominem and why do you keep spelling it wrong and using it in the wrong context are one of those kids who rides the short bus to school because your managerial style as well as the way you conduct yourself would coincide with that so was it repeated blows to the head as a child or was it a birth defect or did you develope it along with depresion or are one one of those autistic kids
Hassle come on i mean i thought you were alot smarter than this. "we discussed ways you can leave on a positive note" i mean your really disappointing me here. About an hour u just threatened me saying if i don't leave this forum and get soccerkid091 to leave to then i am gonig to be stuck wringing the ball-sweat out of Dixie Rumblefish superior equipment. Come on hassle listen to yourself!!! I dont think that is positive at all i think that is a threat. Now to just get this nightmare over with please just trade me to another team already and i won't waste my time in this stupid forum.
See, there ya go again. It went down EXCATLY like I said it did, and you KNOW IT! PROOF!

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Don't know what's happened...
Darren Mcfadden 5 Date Sent:
May 19, 2009 02:31:22 Subject:
Don't know what's happened...
but I'll trade ya if that's what you want. Best way would be for ya to open your build, and post in "players looking for
teams" forum.
Be positive. Nobody wants a disgruntled player. Just say playing time issue. Owner will trade for minimum cash if you get
treated right. Somethin' like that. I'll do my best to see ya land on your feet, in a good situation. Post in trading block
as well.
If no response, I'll release ya just in time for teams making a playoff push. That would insure ya land on a team with a
good record at least.

Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved. Goal Line Blitz is not affiliated with the NFL or any other professional football league. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
There is proof of my statement that I tried to smooth things over, and get you somewhere in a better situation. After that PM is when others started showing your "crap" posts. That and your little friend who you seem to fail to realize led you straight into the "nightmare" you blame on others, is the reason you are in your situation. I can't help the fact no one wants to trade for your sorry ass. But I'm not gonna reward ya by releasing ya. Like I said before: Man Up!
Do something for yourself, promote yourself in the marketplace. You want me to do all your legwork, and your fag friend to do all your talking for ya.
I was prepared to do exactly what I stated in my PM. But you and that little no-power twit cohort of yours make folks not want ta help ya in any way, shape or form.
So here's the bottom line:
Do something for yourself. Find someone stupid enuff to trade for ya. I want compensation for all the money wasted on ya. Every time ya make stupid statements like the one above, I'll produce the truth. Every time your punk companion makes his juvenile statements, he buries his buddy a little deeper.
You're both in over your heads here. You don't have the stroke, or the players, or the intellect
to do anything other than make fools of yourselves here. "Socko" will never get it. He seems to think he's dealing with people on his level because he's not in a reality-based grown up world.
Can't even conceive how ridiculous his statements are. You, on the other hand should realize that shutting your cake-hole, hitting the marketplace and finding a better of class people to associate with gives you the best chance getting your monetary investment somewhere you can utilize it.
Trade deadline is up until playoffs start. Rather than be Bitch-Boy for Canada A1, maybe your time would be best suited promoting yourself in the marketplace. Continued BS games here would only show all that your just an antagonistic prick, who only uses this game so you and your childish friends can talk smack without getting your schoolboy asses whipped.
"Socko" is now officially dead to me. No further use, he bores me.
The next dealings with you will be either accepting trade offer, or watching you disappear season 10, day 41. Your task, your choice. I'm tired of proving you wrong. It's too easy and now bores me as well. Don't go away mad, just GO AWAY!
Edited by Hassle on May 19, 2009 22:07:11
Originally posted by Hassle
See, there ya go again. It went down EXCATLY like I said it did, and you KNOW IT! PROOF!

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Don't know what's happened...
Darren Mcfadden 5 Date Sent:
May 19, 2009 02:31:22 Subject:
Don't know what's happened...
but I'll trade ya if that's what you want. Best way would be for ya to open your build, and post in "players looking for
teams" forum.
Be positive. Nobody wants a disgruntled player. Just say playing time issue. Owner will trade for minimum cash if you get
treated right. Somethin' like that. I'll do my best to see ya land on your feet, in a good situation. Post in trading block
as well.
If no response, I'll release ya just in time for teams making a playoff push. That would insure ya land on a team with a
good record at least.

Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved. Goal Line Blitz is not affiliated with the NFL or any other professional football league. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy
There is proof of my statement that I tried to smooth things over, and get you somewhere in a better situation. After that PM is when others started showing your "crap" posts. That and your little friend who you seem to fail to realize led you straight into the "nightmare" you blame on others, is the reason you are in your situation. I can't help the fact no one wants to trade for your sorry ass. But I'm not gonna reward ya by releasing ya. Like I said before: Man Up!
Do something for yourself, promote yourself in the marketplace. You want me to do all your legwork, and your fag friend to do all your talking for ya.
I was prepared to do exactly what I stated in my PM. But you and that little no-power twit cohort of yours make folks not want ta help ya in any way, shape or form.
So here's the bottom line:
Do something for yourself. Find someone stupid enuff to trade for ya. I want compensation for all the money wasted on ya. Every time ya make stupid statements like the one above, I'll produce the truth. Every time your punk companion makes his juvenile statements, he buries his buddy a little deeper.
You're both in over your heads here. You don't have the stroke, or the players, or the intellect
to do anything other than make fools of yourselves here. "Socko" will never get it. He seems to think he's dealing with people on his level because he's not in a reality-based grown up world.
Can't even conceive how ridiculous his statements are. You, on the other hand should realize that shutting your cake-hole, hitting the marketplace and finding a better of class people to associate with gives you the best chance getting your monetary investment somewhere you can utilize it.
Trade deadline is up until playoffs start. Rather than be Bitch-Boy for Canada A1, maybe your time would be best suited promoting yourself in the marketplace. Continued BS games here would only show all that your just an antagonistic prick, who only uses this game so you and your childish friends can talk smack without getting your schoolboy asses whipped.
"Socko" is now officially dead to me. No further use, he bores me.
The next dealings with you will be either accepting trade offer, or watching you disappear season 10, day 41. Your task, your choice. I'm tired of proving you wrong. It's too easy and now bores me as well. Don't go away mad, just GO AWAY!

Now that, that my friend is OWNED.
H0wie Dewum
Originally posted by soccerkid091
hassle your an idiot but i will leave this forum and never speak in a canada A 1 forum again unless i am somehow mentioned in the forum (even if it is through your little friend or something like that) if you release mcfadden 5 within the week i will not participate in the forum or i could continue to speak in these forums and make comments on the level of inteligence that the rest of make(and if someone says that will be dificult for a retard to do or something like that you are idiot)

Damn Timmy, just end it already... you have nothing to offer anyone here but your bitch-ass dribble... you, your wack-ass loser team, & your players are through... The dumbest thing you could do is to pump more of your mommies cash into this sim... fuck off already... Truth be known - she (your mom) & this league, feel sorry for your queer ass... rofl
Oh wow. Angry Lush^
H0wie Dewum
GG Quebec, didnt see that one coming, figured for sure that would be closer.
GG BC, think our solid record to lead off was a product of a soft schedule
the funny thing is that Howie dewum/Luckeroll (same person) thinks it is funny when they make retarded comments austin Electro one is to stupid to do anything productive or make a smart comment so he just says stuff after people have already done the intelectual stuff (jumping on at the end of hassles statement

Hassle you do display inteligence at times but last season i thought that you were a decent person and one who spoke in a well mannered way but no i have come to realize that your an idiot even if you do get a trade for mcfadden 5 you will say i am not being compensated enough which would be true because you would be giving up one of your better players but for some reason you stick him on the bench i had actualy offered mcfadden 5 a spot o my team last season but the only reason he said no to me is because he said i have one of the smartest managers and he knows alot about this game and i think we can win a championship next year but because of poor managerial choices you have ruined this team not allowing your better players more time in the games but why don't you try to salvage your team by starting your better players and attempting to finish with a respectable record

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