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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Hatchman's pre-season rankings for the west
*goes to get a new bag of popcorn*
Originally posted by GuruMan88
*goes to get a new bag of popcorn*

I just realized how far off-topic this went from the OP.

Oh and your avatar is definitely a distraction.
Last edited Apr 14, 2009 21:02:14
Psh who cares about what the thread was originally about, threads are living breathing mutating creatures, this one just mutated into my entertainment
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by GuruMan88

*goes to get a new bag of popcorn*

I just realized how far off-topic this went from the OP.

Oh and your avatar is definitely a distraction.

It's ok, it was only Hatchmans. He'll just come on be glad that we got his thread so many replies.
Being the nice guy he is, he will probably even award you with something in honor of helping to make him popular.
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by MF3K
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs

I'd much rather take a challenge from Lake Erie then Hatchetman's team. MF3K needs his lolodot ass kicked again. I don't even know who this Hatchetman is.

Again? Are you referring to your 100% run game plan to avoid Blackson completely? It's cool. I took that as a sign of respect for His Royal Blackness.

As I have said before If you guys weren't so far down as fast as you were, you would have seen more then 100% run. but then again if hadn't do it someone else would ha..... Oh whose kidding, we did it because we are assholes. And really do you want me to go around saying nothing but "Grundy smash! Grundy wants pants too!" We don't need to be in character all the time.
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by MF3K

Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs

I'd much rather take a challenge from Lake Erie then Hatchetman's team. MF3K needs his lolodot ass kicked again. I don't even know who this Hatchetman is.

Again? Are you referring to your 100% run game plan to avoid Blackson completely? It's cool. I took that as a sign of respect for His Royal Blackness.

As I have said before If you guys weren't so far down as fast as you were, you would have seen more then 100% run. but then again if hadn't do it someone else would ha..... Oh whose kidding, we did it because we are assholes. And really do you want me to go around saying nothing but "Grundy smash! Grundy wants pants too!" We don't need to be in character all the time.

Well, you did what you had to. Samuel L. "Pick Six" Blackson was good for 2 INT TDs if you had tried to pass. The blackitude would have spread across the entire TB team and LXA wouldn't have stood a chance.

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