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Forum > Announcements > Team Waiting List
Sounds pretty good. Only option I'd add is the ability to specify a new team from one of the D-leagues versus an already existing one that was sold back.

If I'm going to get a team in the future, I don't want to deal with a gutted team that has no real chance of competing.
Originally posted by FBGProfessor
Our team made a point of signing players this off season to have at least 40 because of this thread:

I am surprised that a team like Jed's has managed to coast along without having 40 players.
The March 31 posting in that thread Jed is celebrating that he has 41 players and presumably has met the new rule, so it doesn't seem like you didn't know about the rule.

April 17 DD says that the roster minimum season two will be 40.

At the time, I probably had more players, but even in that thread, it says that the min is 15 players and they're thinking about having a 40-person roster.

There was no rule in place, so there was nothing to break, other than going under 15 players. Now there's a rule, and you'll see that my team will have exactly 40 players after tonight.
I'm really afraid you guys are going to do something I think would be a really bad idea like implement a salary cap. But as for this issue, I think you guys are right on the money with this solution. Great ideas!
Originally posted by mgse
Sounds pretty good. Only option I'd add is the ability to specify a new team from one of the D-leagues versus an already existing one that was sold back.

If I'm going to get a team in the future, I don't want to deal with a gutted team that has no real chance of competing.

I agree. Bort, will we have the option to choose to buy a new team rather than an existing team that was sold?

Why can't you sell players/teams on the black market? I don't see anything wrong with it really. It's all the same. It might encourage the rich to get richer and that would maybe be a problem.

Other than that, it's nice to know how much your team/player is valued.
Originally posted by Bort

- When we add new teams for this off-season, they will be added as CPU-only leagues. We will then release them to new owners over time, throughout the season, following the same rules as above. This will allow the teams to have a full 16-game schedule, but also allow us to control the team market a little better.

- The only exception to the resale is for inactive owners. We will still give an active GM the option of taking over the team, to encourage continuity on the team. If they don't want it, though, it goes to the top person on the wait list.

just a couple of questions to the two points above....

1)nevermind, already been answered, teams will be released all at once.

2)You should put something for if a owner has to go on a trip and can't sign in for whatever reason, but assigned coordinators to take care of the game plans while he is away. It would suck to come back from vacation and see that you no longer own a

Otherwise I like the idea Bort, keep up the good work. While creation date is probably the most fair/simplest way, if there is a way to also add in activity level to the equation, that would be good too. (Someone who joined early but only signs in once/twice a week shouldn't get priority over someone who joined later but signs in everyday and is active in the forums/with his team IMO)
Last edited May 17, 2008 17:47:07
Originally posted by Bort
- You will no longer be able to sell teams to other players via admin intervention for 1000 FP. The only way to sell a team will be to sell it back to the game. This helps us to avoid the "black market" aspect that we don't really like, and keeps it fair for all prospective owners. It will also encourage some responsibility with your team, since you can't get 100% of your purchase price back.

- The only exception to the resale is for inactive owners. We will still give an active GM the option of taking over the team, to encourage continuity on the team. If they don't want it, though, it goes to the top person on the wait list.

What if the owner just decides they're done with GLB/doesn't want to pay for the team any more? It goes to a random person on top of the waiting list instead of giving the GMs/players on the team a chance to take control first?
Last edited May 17, 2008 17:46:45
Glad to hear about the list, I can't wait to get on it and eventually buy a team. I've got 5000+ flex in reserve and its been frustrating hiting the "refresh" button dozens of times each day vainly hoping that there might be a team available.

My only concern is the 3 day inactive window. I think it should be increased. As a player who travels back and forth from USA to Asia several times a year, 3 days is really pushing it for me. 5 days would be a lot more reasonable.
Wondering when will the waiting list be put up. And looking at the creation dates of the first players on many users who posted in this thread, man.... I'm not optimistic about my chances of getting a team.

Oh well. Gotta start somewhere.
Originally posted by seorang
Wondering when will the waiting list be put up. And looking at the creation dates of the first players on many users who posted in this thread, man.... I'm not optimistic about my chances of getting a team.

Oh well. Gotta start somewhere.

Well, 129 people have replied and they added 1024 teams last season.

You might be okay!
Love it!! Can't wait to get started.
me too, i would want in.
Originally posted by CoachF
Originally posted by seorang

Wondering when will the waiting list be put up. And looking at the creation dates of the first players on many users who posted in this thread, man.... I'm not optimistic about my chances of getting a team.

Oh well. Gotta start somewhere.

Well, 129 people have replied and they added 1024 teams last season.

You might be okay!

Can't remember where it was said, but I think one of the admins posted that the number of teams added is probably not going to be as much as last season, cause it'll create a player shortage all over again.

Sounds great, I dont want a team now, but i think i will in the future.

great job bort
I really like the increase in team ownership cost. It will help deter guys from having multiple accounts and teams if they have to pay more.

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