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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Fearless Predictions?
ddriver, you guys are in the same boat we were last season, bumped up into a conference where you are slightly underleveled. I think you guys will do good.

@skol... Weak Team? no that is a weak response. I am going to love bringing back this comment on day 35 of season 8. Do your fuckin research before you go and start calling teams weak.

ddriver, how do you work with this guy? dumbass couldnt tell the difference between a lineman and a safety. No wonder his judging is a bit off. If Hawaii is weak skol, then you guys are PATHETIC!

Your like that little kid on the playground that sags his pants, tips his hat and walks all 'gangsta' until one big boy gets pissed and jacks you up, exposing what you are. You better watch your britches son, because you might be getting to big for it.
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by hindugator
ddriver, you guys are in the same boat we were last season, bumped up into a conference where you are slightly underleveled. I think you guys will do good.

@skol... Weak Team? no that is a weak response. I am going to love bringing back this comment on day 35 of season 8. Do your fuckin research before you go and start calling teams weak.

ddriver, how do you work with this guy? dumbass couldnt tell the difference between a lineman and a safety. No wonder his judging is a bit off. If Hawaii is weak skol, then you guys are PATHETIC!

Your like that little kid on the playground that sags his pants, tips his hat and walks all 'gangsta' until one big boy gets pissed and jacks you up, exposing what you are. You better watch your britches son, because you might be getting to big for it.

I work with him just fine... he`s just talking smack cuz he`s getting bored with the offseason, he`s a good guy and one of the nicer guys in the forums unless he gets ticked
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by foofighters1
Originally posted by skol4life

Originally posted by hindugator

Originally posted by ddriver80

having high amounts of tackles for a corner is bad.... Should be low tackles, high PD`s and INT`s... right...

A1 is better than A2... hey... even our zeta teams are better than their sorry ass top tems

funny... you came from Alpha and we could kick your ass. that is, if you are talking about Hawaii being a sorry ass top "tems" from A2. Shit, even cowpokers team could beat you.


Who the hell is skol and why are you talking like you have a team to beat? Wasn't AA#1 half CPU teams last season?

Sawfish won the A1 championship last year... some great teams in that league.. Sawfish, Tigers, Coquis, Rebels
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by l0ki
Originally posted by hindugator

Originally posted by l0ki

What makes me lauigh is how I am called "average" when I'm better than most CBs in this league. Stats don't show the true impact of a CB. If that were the case, you'd say Asnte Samuel > Champ Bailey, which in fact is FALSE!

I'm stirring the pot. It's boring without a little trash talk. Form my days in SAPro. Cobra Kai made things fun with shit talking. I intend to do the same

Keep your panties on pussies.

uhh... Asante Samuel is greater then Champ Bailey. On that note, l0ki's CB is better then all of the Taylor Bulldogs CBs


Originally posted by patsfan4lyf

I have respect for all of you for right now. He obv didnt post about his CB for no reason, he wanted to get some attention and he got it. I dont know how good or bad your CB is we will have to wait for the season to find out.

I just wanted to have some fun and am doing it. We will def see this season. I talk shti and plan to back it up! Good luck to all!

And Driver I never said you edited anything..tbd did. Read please!

good luck to all too.... I0ki... look forward to game planning against you this season hopefully
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by hindugator
ddriver, you guys are in the same boat we were last season, bumped up into a conference where you are slightly underleveled. I think you guys will do good.

@skol... Weak Team? no that is a weak response. I am going to love bringing back this comment on day 35 of season 8. Do your fuckin research before you go and start calling teams weak.

ddriver, how do you work with this guy? dumbass couldnt tell the difference between a lineman and a safety. No wonder his judging is a bit off. If Hawaii is weak skol, then you guys are PATHETIC!

Your like that little kid on the playground that sags his pants, tips his hat and walks all 'gangsta' until one big boy gets pissed and jacks you up, exposing what you are. You better watch your britches son, because you might be getting to big for it.

Hawaii isn`t weak, never would say that... levels really don`t matter as much as gameplannning.... maybe a little underleveled depth.. but what team doesn`t have that.. should be a great season.. good luck to everyone, see you in the playoffs at our house
gosh dd, why do you have to play the nice guy?

plus, true, if we didnt have solid builds and gameplanning, we wouldn't have been 9-6. more like 6-9. gameplanning and good builds outdo level any day
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by hindugator
gosh dd, why do you have to play the nice guy?

plus, true, if we didnt have solid builds and gameplanning, we wouldn't have been 9-6. more like 6-9. gameplanning and good builds outdo level any day

yep.. hey.. i tend to be nice in the forums.. lol... nothing like some pre-season smack talk that means shit all... all of our guys have solid builds and are always working with me and skol to make them better... our owner has put together a great group of agents that i`m proud to go to battle with (only about 9 players have left from the first Oceana A season). So we should be in good shape, we know what every one brings, and i`m sure its the same with the Phoenix`s..... chemistry is so huge in this game
Originally posted by hindugator
gosh dd, why do you have to play the nice guy?

plus, true, we didnt have Jeff Boogleby at CB, so we went 9-6. would've been 30-0 with him. Jeff outdoes anything any day

Edited for correct-ness.
I didn't realize a little chatter would pull on the heartstrings so much.

Any else ready for season 8 to start?

If you get mad and offended on an Internet message board.... Then enjoy the season
haha... i could have sworn the name was Jeff Boobies though
Originally posted by skol4life
I didn't realize a little chatter would pull on the heartstrings so much.

Any else ready for season 8 to start?

If you get mad and offended on an Internet message board.... Then enjoy the season

oh we will be enjoying this season. you see, we win at Hawaii and winning is enjoyable...

I didn't know you were a big fan of losing though skol. you have a wierd sense of enjoyment. But hey, every race has its own set of wierdos.
and yeah. I cant wait for 8 to get started. It is taking long enough. We have to wait til freakin thursday
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by hindugator
haha... i could have sworn the name was Jeff Boobies though

YUMMMM.. BOOOBIES.. anyone else here love tig old bitties
I guess I could retire Jeff and make a corner named Boobies Breaston... Though I'd probably have to stick him on a Peewee team. Then you guys wouldn't be able to enjoy my posts in this forum anymore
Ted Buckland
Originally posted by hindugator
and yeah. I cant wait for 8 to get started. It is taking long enough. We have to wait til freakin thursday

ughhhh... too long.. gah.. i`m getting bored to death

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