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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #7 > Bastards Vs Dicatators
Yeah, we're badasses.
Dictators Bonus token temp boosted tbh.
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
Lick on deez nutz and suck the dick
Get's the fuck out after you're done
And I hops in my ride to make a quick run...

Yes, learn it, love it, cause you definitely live it! Bonus token's? We dont need no stinking tokens!! Now Bow down, when you're Dictator bound!
Originally posted by sxewesley
Originally posted by Whitesun

Originally posted by sxewesley

Originally posted by Whitesun

GG, interesting game for once. Cya in the playoffs.

Although I appreciate your attempt to act like a normal, rational human being and would in most cases say GG and discuss the tactics and all with you, I am going to have to refer you to Bastard code of etiquette:

Originally posted by taurran

Originally posted by

These threads are much more sincere than that ridiculously fake "GG thread" you guys have going. We're not blowing smoke up your ass with a "GG" and actually telling you like it is.

It just so happens that in this case you talked a lot of sh*t and ended up sucking just like we said...

Actually, it was a good game for you guys, and a bad game for us. Taurran's point above applies to several of the GGs going around after blow out games. I tend to only extend a GG after fairly close games, and the game was pretty tight up until a few key plays changed the complexion of the game.

Anyway, take it how you will, your team had a good game plan and executed; I would like to think we had a good game plan as well but missed a few key plays here and there, so whether that's a GG or not, it's up to you.

Edit for paragraphing and format.

I am going to answer you as if the fact that you are trying to engage us in a friendly manner makes any sense at all. I feel that we had a terrible game on our part and missed a number of opportunities, particularly on offense so really, you guys did about as well as you possibly could and should feel very happy that you are one of a few teams who managed to score on us, then again, many other teams scored more on us, so were I you I would quit wasting time in here and get busy finding a new OC.

To you personally though; I don't really get what you are trying to do here. You play on a team that has spit in the face of everyone who tried to be cordial with them, under the guise of "smack talking". We on the other hand have actually talked smack, meaning we did it in jest and maintained friendly relations with the rest of the league and participated in a dialogue designed to enhance everyone's enjoyment of the game.

Your team on the other hand has systematically gone about pretending that beating up on way under leveled teams somehow gives you the right to lessen the enjoyment of the game for everyone else and then pretend that you don't have to eat sh!t when we do to you what you have done to everyone else.

You can't pretend you are not part of that team when it suits you and that somehow people are going to treat you as if you are rational and your opinion matters, either you are a Bastard or you are not, oops spelt Bastard wrong...Bitch.

I sense a lot of latent anger here... anyway, you guys won this game, good for you, and I'm glad you feel vindicated and triumphant after a victory - honestly, it's amazing that MB can evoke such strong feelings after a game...
Originally posted by Whitesun
honestly, it's amazing that MB can evoke such strong feelings after a game...

I agree. I also found it funny that most everyone in the league thought we would win the game, goes to show how much faith they have in us. Canada A7 loves us after all.
I never thought you would win the game. i did my best to try and get you ladies to Man up. You wouldn't because even you knew you were destined to lose. To bad so sad sucka's!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Originally posted by tdot
Originally posted by StoutOne

My prediction-

No team in this league scores more than 10 on the Aces.

Every Aces opponent allows the us to score over 100 points.

In case one or either of those are wrong, I want to have 1 correct prediction, so I'm going to predict the Aces to go 20-0.

I'm gonna say you lose at least 1 game and your team isn't as good as I thought it was gonna be with all the braging about the new players... but hey maybe its just me. I think your team looks a lot like PGK last season.

Originally posted by tdot
I still don't think they are that good. Honestly they wouldn't have won this league last season and I don't think they will win it this season, either. but hey I could be wrong and they could be the baddest team to ever set foot into Canadian A #7. They'll have to prove it though.... And my bet is they are counting some unhatched chickens.

This tdot fella knew something early... Wonder if he can predict when the Armageddon will be?
2012 last I heard, better use your flex now while you can!
Originally posted by StoutOne
Dictators Bonus token temp boosted tbh.


That is all I got on that statement.

Damn !! Cudnt check that forum earlier but wow ..
All that talk for what ??? Loosing ???!!! I'd be pissed ...

Last edited Jan 25, 2009 05:19:51
Originally posted by StoutOne
Dictators Bonus token temp boosted tbh.

And if you where going to do it for any reg season game it would of been this one,

As much chance from those outside that you did it as they did.

Originally posted by Quas
I never thought you would win the game. i did my best to try and get you ladies to Man up. You wouldn't because even you knew you were destined to lose. To bad so sad sucka's!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Considering you lost to us by 52 points, I wouldn't be talking much.
Originally posted by valakar
Originally posted by StoutOne

Dictators Bonus token temp boosted tbh.


That is all I got on that statement.

I think the same thing when I look at this:
this is all setting up for a pretty interesting playoff conference championship game
Originally posted by kjulius888
this is all setting up for a pretty interesting playoff conference championship game

Knowing what I do now, I agree.

Let's just say we won't be running plays like this on 3rd down:

I hope the Dicktakers are enjoying their time in the sun because they won't be so lucky come playoff time.

Last edited Jan 25, 2009 12:02:33

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