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Originally posted by cometsline_74
lol once again boredumb graces us with his presence, his statement could have been taken one of two ways asking if im sure who he was talking to you like you interpreted, or asking if i was gay how i interpreted, it all depends on interpretation, go to school again and youll learn that

When someone says "I'm not sure who he was talking to. Are you?" then there's only one way to logically interpret that. I'm sorry bud but if someone should go back to school and learn something, it's you.
no there are multiple ways to interpret anything reguardless of how its posted, it would be easier if he said it in words, but seeing how this is the www that isnt possible (well it is, but i dont feel like doing shit about it) and anywho found this quote thought it fit the LUES well
As I said, there's only one way to logically interpret what he was saying. You chose the illogical route. Your thinking has no logic behind it. That is why you are a fucking idiot.
Originally posted by cometsline_74
no primate im not gay, i mean shit you remember me right, the lues thought that DC gave me flex points to bad mouth them or something and i was an honorary lesbian til season started

I was not asking if you were gay. I was asking if you were sure who datzhim was talking about.

Either you just watched roadhouse, or the Lues have you halfway pissed off and ready to jump to all kinds of conclusions. I am betting it is the former, but if it's the latter, don't let them bother you.
Last edited Jan 13, 2009 22:11:24
Originally posted by RagingBoredom
Originally posted by cometsline_74

no primate im not gay, i mean shit you remember me right, the lues thought that DC gave me flex points to bad mouth them or something and i was an honorary lesbian til season started

Holy shit you are fucking stupid. He's saying that he's not sure whether or not DatzHim is talking about you or if he's talking about me and he asked you if you were sure that his post was directed towards you. This is not hard to understand. God damn you are dumb.

The wheels are spinning but the hamster's dead I suppose.

RagingBoredom, your shit is weak and tired, and you are TRULY in denial if you can't admit your friend is a total faggot for welching out of this bet.

I've even proposed giving this guy 100 flex to create his own linemen and reserve his player..but he refuses because he's not a man of his word
Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy
The wheels are spinning but the hamster's dead I suppose.

RagingBoredom, your shit is weak and tired, and you are TRULY in denial if you can't admit your friend is a total faggot for welching out of this bet.

I've even proposed giving this guy 100 flex to create his own linemen and reserve his player..but he refuses because he's not a man of his word

My shit is awesome. Quit hating.

And I don't consider DN to be a total faggot at all. Do I agree that he should go through with it? Yes. I've said that before on here. But my opinion of him isn't going to change if he doesn't do it. He's a pretty chill dude. If this was real life and he made a huge bet with someone and then refused to pay up then yeah, my opinion of him might change. But this is the internet and this isn't a huge bet. It doesn't matter.
Last edited Jan 14, 2009 01:18:53
we have ways of forcing him to make good...
Originally posted by cometsline_74
wow datzhim are you really that dumb, im on your guys side, aske DC or cuda or kc i mean wow, and actually i recall a post from you about nuts in a guys mouth boredumb idk but to me that sounds kinda gay...

LOL....for the record, my comment wasn't directed at you. But that serious defensive you went on did make me go hmmmmm...
This thread went from suck to blow in a hurry. Is cometsline a schtick, or is he really retarded?

130th post!

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