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XFD did you seriously run out of shit to say, that you had to make a point that i was a kicker? this is why you can't argue with 12 year-olds, all they spew out are ad hominems

Originally posted by KChopeful
What is this where did the Lue go is it past there bedtime curfew already.

no, we actually have lives, getting out of the house and going to parties usually means we get home late, which means you fags are at home posting stupid bullshit b/c of your curfews
Originally posted by BlackDeaf
XFD did you seriously run out of shit to say, that you had to make a point that i was a kicker? this is why you can't argue with 12 year-olds, all they spew out are ad hominems

Originally posted by KChopeful

What is this where did the Lue go is it past there bedtime curfew already.

no, we actually have lives, getting out of the house and going to parties usually means we get home late, which means you fags are at home posting stupid bullshit b/c of your curfews

Judging by the type of jokes you make, numerous use of internet language(XFD, BAWW, etc.), etc.--I tend to find that to be a blatant lie.

Yall just didn't show up because you failed at making an argument for your kicker vs the's that simple.

You start things and then can't back it up--even over the internet!--you are a sad group of nerds..
Originally posted by xnahog
GG Oakland.

Ummm, sorry for thread jacking, but GG to you guys as well. Been out of town on a hunting trip that was as successful as our game against you.
Originally posted by RagingBoredom
Originally posted by cometsline_74

oh hush your other teammates dont think it gets old or else they wouldnt continuously post after we do now would they smartass

Actually we do think it's getting old. And to be quite honest, this little A #4 forum isn't where we spend our time posting. Our replies here dealing with you little bitches are mostly out of boredom. Where we do post at, the lesbians...and now you comet...are fucking jokes to us. We laugh at the sheer idiocy that fills your posts. We think you guys are completely pathetic and honestly, I guess you could say that we are entertained by it. It's hard to find someone, let alone a group of people, who are so extremely stupid that it amazes us to no end. It's kind of like the people who slow down when driving by a car accident to try to see the horrible aftermath. We can't believe what we're seeing but at the same time, we can't look away.

if your bored of it DONT POST its that simple if you DONT post then the thread will eventually die down...oh wait that would make sense which is why you guys havent thought of that.

Originally posted by cometsline_74
Originally posted by RagingBoredom

Originally posted by cometsline_74

oh hush your other teammates dont think it gets old or else they wouldnt continuously post after we do now would they smartass

Actually we do think it's getting old. And to be quite honest, this little A #4 forum isn't where we spend our time posting. Our replies here dealing with you little bitches are mostly out of boredom. Where we do post at, the lesbians...and now you comet...are fucking jokes to us. We laugh at the sheer idiocy that fills your posts. We think you guys are completely pathetic and honestly, I guess you could say that we are entertained by it. It's hard to find someone, let alone a group of people, who are so extremely stupid that it amazes us to no end. It's kind of like the people who slow down when driving by a car accident to try to see the horrible aftermath. We can't believe what we're seeing but at the same time, we can't look away.

if your bored of it DONT POST its that simple if you DONT post then the thread will eventually die down...oh wait that would make sense which is why you guys havent thought of that.

It'd probably just be easier to say "DURRR OK GUYS I ADMIT IM A DUMBASS LETS JUST LEAVE IT BE" than try to keep talking your way in hopes that it dies down
Originally posted by Duo
Originally posted by cometsline_74

Originally posted by RagingBoredom

Originally posted by cometsline_74

oh hush your other teammates dont think it gets old or else they wouldnt continuously post after we do now would they smartass

Actually we do think it's getting old. And to be quite honest, this little A #4 forum isn't where we spend our time posting. Our replies here dealing with you little bitches are mostly out of boredom. Where we do post at, the lesbians...and now you comet...are fucking jokes to us. We laugh at the sheer idiocy that fills your posts. We think you guys are completely pathetic and honestly, I guess you could say that we are entertained by it. It's hard to find someone, let alone a group of people, who are so extremely stupid that it amazes us to no end. It's kind of like the people who slow down when driving by a car accident to try to see the horrible aftermath. We can't believe what we're seeing but at the same time, we can't look away.

if your bored of it DONT POST its that simple if you DONT post then the thread will eventually die down...oh wait that would make sense which is why you guys havent thought of that.

It'd probably just be easier to say "DURRR OK GUYS I ADMIT IM A DUMBASS LETS JUST LEAVE IT BE" than try to keep talking your way in hopes that it dies down

HAHA i rest my case once again a dumbass LUE brings the topic back up. you should take your own advice and admit your a DUMBASS and that yall should JUST LEAVE IT BE
I mean, most smart people, after realizing that they fucked up and made mistakes (like you did) would just admit it and leave.

You however, you admit that you were talking about something you knew nothing about, got it WRONG, ADMITTED IT and yet you still keep going.

cuz im persistant and love pissing off (and on) LUEs
Last edited Oct 26, 2008 13:57:40
Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy
Originally posted by BlackDeaf

XFD did you seriously run out of shit to say, that you had to make a point that i was a kicker? this is why you can't argue with 12 year-olds, all they spew out are ad hominems

Originally posted by KChopeful

What is this where did the Lue go is it past there bedtime curfew already.

no, we actually have lives, getting out of the house and going to parties usually means we get home late, which means you fags are at home posting stupid bullshit b/c of your curfews

Judging by the type of jokes you make, numerous use of internet language(XFD, BAWW, etc.), etc.--I tend to find that to be a blatant lie.

Yall just didn't show up because you failed at making an argument for your kicker vs the's that simple.

You start things and then can't back it up--even over the internet!--you are a sad group of nerds..

I am seriously surprised by the sheer amount of stupidity that fills your, and your players', posts. It's astounding. Do you honestly think that a pitiful attempt at an insult like your post here would have any effect on us whatsoever? You do know that last night was Saturday night, right? I know that you probably spend your Saturday nights sitting at home wearing your size XXXL wolf shirt this is still two sizes too small for you and jerking off to cartoon porn on the internet but that doesn't mean that everyone else is that pathetic.

As for the K vs CB argument, you guys are fucking insane if you think that something that insignificant is going to scare us away. I would think that you would know better than to think that but then again I should remember the kind of person that I'm speaking to.

Drunken, I would seriously like to know how old you are. The reason I would like to know is so that I can more accurately determine how much of a loser you are. I mean if you're in the 14-16 age range then I can pass most of this off as being a stupid kid. If you're 17-19, I can pass some of it off as you being a stupid kid that hasn't quite grown up yet but man if you're over 20 then holy shit you are one pathetic son of a bitch.

Originally posted by cometsline_74
cuz im persistant and love pissing off (and on) LUEs

So you have a watersports fetish then? You like pissing on people? That's kind of gross dude. But hey, to each their own.

Originally posted by cometsline_74

cuz im persistant and love pissing off (and on) LUEs

So you have a watersports fetish then? You like pissing on people? That's kind of gross dude. But hey, to each their own.

i also enjoy scissoring , and Raging right back at you i question your age?
Originally posted by cometsline_74

Originally posted by cometsline_74

cuz im persistant and love pissing off (and on) LUEs

Originally posted by RagingBoredom
So you have a watersports fetish then? You like pissing on people? That's kind of gross dude. But hey, to each their own.

i also enjoy scissoring , and Raging right back at you i question your age?

I would be 23. Now how about you?
18, and as you said yourself: man if you're over 20 then holy shit you are one pathetic son of a bitch so you LUES once again should take your own advice and shove it
Originally posted by cometsline_74
18, and as you said yourself: man if you're over 20 then holy shit you are one pathetic son of a bitch so you LUES once again should take your own advice and shove it

18...that makes sense. And the "if you're over 20 then holy shit you are one pathetic son of a bitch" is directed at DrunkenCowboy. If you honestly think that was a blanket statement for every single person on this site then you really are a fucking idiot. The reason why I say if he is over 20 then he's one pathetic son of a bitch is because of the type of "arguments" that he spews out. They are on par with the kind of things I would expect a spoiled 12 year old to say during a temper tantrum.
and the things these LUEs say i would expect from my 5 year old someone said something i didnt like boohoo grow up faggot LUES
Originally posted by cometsline_74
and the things these LUEs say i would expect from my 5 year old someone said something i didnt like boohoo grow up faggot LUES

So your cousin's IQ at 5 is twice that of yours at 18? Smart kid.

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