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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Oceania Pro vs. South America Pro, For the GLB Ryder Cup.
I did something similar with USA A1 vs. A2 and used to get each league to rank their own teams. The matched up the #1 vs. #1 team, #2 vs. #2, etc. Started it on Thursday and sent out the matchups today....
Aw dude, I use to play with a team, and against teams in the SA Pro.
Originally posted by jearly
I did something similar with USA A1 vs. A2 and used to get each league to rank their own teams. The matched up the #1 vs. #1 team, #2 vs. #2, etc. Started it on Thursday and sent out the matchups today....

The OPL already has their teams ranked...
Originally posted by nautilus
To get this think rolling, I pm'd Havoc on either Oceania/S.A. to send over 3 teams. The receiving region would matchup each with a team from its region. Then next round the other regions would send and they would be matched. This would go on until all matches are set. We can then start scheduling.


The Nites want the Kai. That is all we care about.
Originally posted by Drachir
Originally posted by yoohoodrinker

Originally posted by sxewesley

Look at this little gem, from the SA Pro boards:

Originally posted by Drachir

I'm not one of the top 5 teams in Alpha but if you want to throw my team in the hat because trust me Oceania Pro is one of the weakest Pro Leagues there is. I know because I own a team in Oceania Pro as well and I gutted it and rebuilt it for the heck of it and we are looking very strong now although our Team Chemistry is going to kill us this season.

My team here: Brazilian Cardinals!

I wish to god the cardinals were in Zeta, because I would love the oppurtunity to destroy your team every season from here on out. Your team in SA isn't even good enough to be in this tournament and you are going to run your mouth about your new league like that?

Classy, very classy.

I didn't really give a shit about this tournament, but I am ready to go now.

If looking strong is only having one win on the season, then they are a beast!

Another one with very little reading comprehension. Looking strong but Team Chemistry is shot meaning we have upgraded our team quite a bit and will be a team to beat next season. Obviously this season is going to be tough. Look at Brisbane Bandits though as we almost defeated with our Chemistry at 10 which is the lowest you can go. catspaw27 is a joke in this league and anywhere for that matter as an owner. So I have no respect for Brisbane Bandits.

Hmm, looking strong means you are competitive, as in not losing every game. How is that bad reading comprehension? You flat out said you were looking strong, when you look weaker than a kitten who just had a heart attack. Does thinking come hard for you?
Anyone have 100fp make a private forum to sort out team lineup etc?
Originally posted by tsimp93
Anyone have 100fp make a private forum to sort out team lineup etc?

I have one set up that I can invite you and nautilus to, its my own forum to help keep me organized, not that its helping

We are working out the details of the match ups tonight with havoc from S.A. Thoughts are that one region will send 3 that will be matched. Next other region will send to be matched, this will go on until all games are set.

Obviously, using this system will allow us to control some of the match ups while it will be in S.A. hands in others.

Last edited Oct 4, 2008 13:05:45
Originally posted by nautilus

We are working out the details of the match ups today with havoc from S.A. Thoughts are that one region will send 3 that will be matched. Next other region will send to be matched, this will go on until all games are set.

Obviously, using this system will allow us to control some of the match ups while it will be in S.A. hands in others.

Something like that is fair and adds strategy.
Skanker irl
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
Originally posted by Fondolotz

Originally posted by ImTheScientist

<---------- I don't think any of you owners want to step to this.

The Ki and Knights are for real you dont want any of this. Question is can you stop Bailey and Tea baggings? Nope you can only hope to slow them down

Tea Baggins is amazing. If I recall correctly, doesn't he lead all RBs in tackles?

Don't your DT and DE lead their respective leagues in sacks?

Oh wait...
Originally posted by nautilus
Likely teams participating from both regions. (current)


1. West Scranton
2. Tonga
3. Mean Machine
4. East Coast
5. Wagga
6. N.E.

1. IC
2. Gods
3. Kava Sharks
4. Heat
5. Melbourne
6. Nites


South America

Second () = IMO Rank of team in S.A.

1. Santiago (6-0) (1)
2. Cabs (6-0) (3)
3. Brazilian Cardinals (4-2) (10)
4. Wop-Wops (5-1) (7)
5. Guardians (2-4) (8)

1. Wall Knights (6-0)(4)
2. Donkies (5-1) (5)
3. Monkies (6-0) (2)
4. Porto Allegre (5-1) (6)
5. Kai(5-1) (9)
6. Carnales (3-3) (11)

How the hell are you going to give us a 9 when we have beat 6,5, and team 4?

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by nautilus

Likely teams participating from both regions. (current)


1. West Scranton
2. Tonga
3. Mean Machine
4. East Coast
5. Wagga
6. N.E.

1. IC
2. Gods
3. Kava Sharks
4. Heat
5. Melbourne
6. Nites


South America

Second () = IMO Rank of team in S.A.

1. Santiago (6-0) (1)
2. Cabs (6-0) (3)
3. Brazilian Cardinals (4-2) (10)
4. Wop-Wops (5-1) (7)
5. Guardians (2-4) (8)

1. Wall Knights (6-0)(4)
2. Donkies (5-1) (5)
3. Monkies (6-0) (2)
4. Porto Allegre (5-1) (6)
5. Kai(5-1) (9)
6. Carnales (3-3) (11)

How the hell are you going to give us a 9 when we have beat 6,5, and team 4?

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

It's alright he is ranking us #10 strictly off of emotion.
Just finished first Selections....

Nites Vs. Cobra Kai

Porto Vs. Sharks

Wop Wops Vs. N.E.
Last edited Oct 4, 2008 20:33:19
Originally posted by nautilus
Just finished first Selections....

Nites Vs. Cobra Kai

Porto Vs. Sharks

Wop Wops Vs. N.E.

lol....prepare to get your ass kicked.
S.A. selections

Gm 4 Heat- Benitos

Gm 5 gods- Wall Knights

Gm 6 east coast- Carnales
Last edited Oct 4, 2008 21:08:12

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