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Time Trial
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

you have been far more snarky, tbh.

The difference is that I don't obsess about people and follow them around. If you say something insightful, I'll praise it. If you say something dumb, I'll bash it. What I absolutely won't do is look for your posts just to make a bitter comment because I'm holding some grudge.

jdbolick is an expert on everything GLB related from financials to builds. In fact just last night he tried telling us that he was THE foremost expert on building a receiving TE when in fact the highest level TE he has ever built was level 21.

He doesn't actually need to have experienced anything, because that would involve thinking with your brain. He just FEELS things, those things come from the gut.

So yes DD, while you are an Admin and have in depth knowledge of things that exist, things that are to come, and things that have been, you only KNOW those things, and as there are more nerve endings in the gut than in the brain, his gut feeling is more valuable than your knowledge.

As for derailing the thread, congratulations to both of you.

Originally posted by coachtabales
Not for nothing but it seems like you guys are more concerned about keeping the season 1 guys happy. If that's your base than you are making your decision on a very small group of people.

That said, I agree that a full on reset is not the solution, but dismissing other peoples decisions is also not the solution.

That's like saying that their ideas are not good ideas because you didn't think of them first. That's absurd.


you really think we have to implement every users "decisions" (i think you meant opinions?)

also, most season 1 players have retired already. how are we catering to them?
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
responding = he wins

Sure, let's avoid the fact that Snickerling is the one who bashed me. I had no idea the guy existed until then, and only responded because he came after me. I get so tired of people like you conveniently pretending that everyone else is a troll when they say something you either can't or don't want to address.

Originally posted by Time Trial
jdbolick is an expert on everything GLB related from financials to builds. In fact just last night he tried telling us that he was THE foremost expert on building a receiving TE when in fact the highest level TE he has ever built was level 21.

Actually I didn't say anything of the sort, but thanks for adding yet another voice to the crowd of those obsessed with me.
Edited by jdbolick on Feb 24, 2010 12:18:21
Originally posted by coachtabales
Not for nothing but it seems like you guys are more concerned about keeping the season 1 guys happy. If that's your base than you are making your decision on a very small group of people.

That said, I agree that a full on reset is not the solution, but dismissing other peoples decisions is also not the solution.

That's like saying that their ideas are not good ideas because you didn't think of them first. That's absurd.

I know that people who aren't S1 guys think that this is all for S1 guys advantage, but as an S1 guy (and knowing quite a few more) these changes aren't making my life as an S1 guy better (or any different, I don't think) than an S3 guy or an S10 guy.

He's allowed to dismiss other people's decisions because it's his game. It is pretty forward thinking to actually read and respond to our comments. When was the last time that happened to you in WalMart?

Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Whats your deal? Does a "tag" really matter? Wouldn't you prefer things progress? How shitty would this game be if nothing changed from season 1. We would all be bored and not want to play.

I think changes will always be there... A tag is just a tag but wouldn't be cool to know that you're already playing on a finished product? And of course there will be upgrades to it just like what Microsoft does on their Windows.... We used to have 3.1 then Workgroups then 95 then 98 then XP then Vista and now Windows 7.

Originally posted by tsherr
I know that people who aren't S1 guys think that this is all for S1 guys advantage, but as an S1 guy (and knowing quite a few more) these changes aren't making my life as an S1 guy better (or any different, I don't think) than an S3 guy or an S10 guy.

He's allowed to dismiss other people's decisions because it's his game. It is pretty forward thinking to actually read and respond to our comments. When was the last time that happened to you in WalMart?


once again, your response is better than mine.
Originally posted by Snickerling

You're so certain that a majority of people paying to play this game want a total reset. Yet you have no way of knowing that other than counting what is a very vocal few who are also screaming till mommy caves in as the only ones who matter.

why do you think GLB would never consider putting up a poll on what the userbase thinks on this issue? maybe because more people would be for it than against?
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
once again, your response is better than mine.

Just PM me what you want to say, and I'll polish it up and make you look like a genius.

Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
why do you think GLB would never consider putting up a poll on what the userbase thinks on this issue? maybe because more people would be for it than against?

it's a conspiracy!
Originally posted by jdpbernal

Why not have a "Charlie" version of GLB

I think that would technically be a Gamma fyi. Alpha and Beta are greek letters, gamma would be next (or delta, I can't remember), but not Charlie. ur funny
going to take a shower now.

please try to stay on topic.

and thank you all for all your opinions.
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
why do you think GLB would never consider putting up a poll on what the userbase thinks on this issue? maybe because more people would be for it than against?

Or maybe because they have a plan, and they don't want it derailed by a meaningless vote? This is a business, not a democracy.

(I'm starting to sound like an apologist, but what the heck, one has to be honest.)

Skoll Wolfrun
sadly, I never noticed the original discussion on this. I came up with this while perusing the information.

I think Bort could have gone back to the 'Lock Down' sections of stadiums.
The option they could have used to expand upon this would have been 'If a team is at AA level but the players on said team is at 14 level, the stadium will be locked down to level 14 settings for Ticket Sales prices, Concessions, etc. Implementation of Upkeep would be based upon the AA level sections costs for all built sections, not just the Unlocked sections . If a team is in lvl 14 League, players are within the lvl 14 Parameters, the Stadium would be locked to the level 14 Guidelines & be responsible for the Upkeep would be for the Unlocked level 14 Upkeep sections only. '

I think going to over a certain % of CPU used players should also kick this type of idea keep teams from just going with a bare minimum CPU team.
This would force teams that gut to pay the price of doing so. Reward the teams playing in their correct grouping/level/etc.
If you make the scripting to run on a daily or per game basis, this would also catch those teams that gut during the season to try & avoid the implications.
Originally posted by tsherr
He's allowed to dismiss other people's decisions because it's his game. It is pretty forward thinking to actually read and respond to our comments. When was the last time that happened to you in WalMart?

And I'm a dummy for enabling him. I allowed my ideas to be used for the new archetypes, and I helped him with advertising. Yet whenever I say something inconvenient, suddenly I'm a troll who should be ignored.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
going to take a shower now.

Thank God. I wasn't going to saying anything, but you are getting pretty ripe.


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