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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Yawn, So Naptime comes into this league expecting to get shut down like many have said before Africa Pro, in USA BBB
Naps are a waste of valuable time... I wish I never had to sleep... Its such a waste
Originally posted by BMoreAbsurd



School on Saturday, dude. School on Saturday.

Wassa matta? Get your feewings hurt last time? The next time my players run their mouths and look the fool calling out a team that just beat them like your boy (as in: child, infant, pre-pubescent, tot, moppet, babe, kid, squirt, waif, juvenile, etc.) did on the first page, you let me know.
He was having a good time with a decent forum post. It is fun to read GG TSAVO, GG CAIRO, and GG CAPE TOWN, but sometimes this forum needs a different kind of post.

And it looks like someone is a little more upset than me when they look at the scoreboard.
Nah, not at upset at all. I just think it shows a lack of class to talk shit without even acknowledging the good wishes of the team you just beat, and a complete lack of balls to wait until AFTER the game to BEGIN to talk trash.
I am sure Naptime does not care about class. If he wants to talk trash he is going to. It is one of the things that makes this game fun, and this is football.. not a bunch of girls playing patty cake.
Who's talking about Naptime? I'm talking about you.
I said the exact same thing you said 5 days after your regular season victory.

I am sorry I did not acknowledge the good wishes of your team... friends now?
Originally posted by F4vRe
I am sure Naptime does not care about class. If he wants to talk trash he is going to. It is one of the things that makes this game fun, and this is football.. not a bunch of girls playing patty cake.

This is not Football, if it was your boy might not be talking shit because he'd have to do it while looking someone in the eye. This is Patty Cake for bored football fans nothing more... How you could compare an online game you play sitting on your ass to a game where you put your body, not just your ego, on the line is beyond me.

Go back to the back of the bus and shut your cake-hole.

Good little pinhead.
??? I'm confused.
Originally posted by HawksFanNorth
Originally posted by F4vRe

I am sure Naptime does not care about class. If he wants to talk trash he is going to. It is one of the things that makes this game fun, and this is football.. not a bunch of girls playing patty cake.

This is not Football, if it was your boy might not be talking shit because he'd have to do it while looking someone in the eye. This is Patty Cake for bored football fans nothing more... How you could compare an online game you play sitting on your ass to a game where you put your body, not just your ego, on the line is beyond me.

Go back to the back of the bus and shut your cake-hole.

Good little pinhead.

Uhh dumbshit.. Your owner brought the whole class thing up quote him next time.

Since it is a patty cake sim lets all be friends. We could all sit around and post threads about GG. We could rig it up where we all go 8-8 and take turns winning the championship each season. We could even share our builds to make sure everyone is equal!.. And if anyone wants to talk about personal things my inbox is always open to them. I will try to help them out in this harsh and unfair life.

Oh wait.. Fuck off I hope your whole organization gets chlamydia.
LOL nice rivalry developing here. We need more of those in Africa Pro.
Originally posted by F4vRe
I said the exact same thing you said 5 days after your regular season victory.

I am sorry I did not acknowledge the good wishes of your team... friends now?

And I posted that nine hours after your boy started running his mouth about a team that had just beat him, genius. Not much on critical thinking, are you?
Originally posted by BMoreAbsurd
Originally posted by F4vRe

I said the exact same thing you said 5 days after your regular season victory.

I am sorry I did not acknowledge the good wishes of your team... friends now?

And I posted that nine hours after your boy started running his mouth about a team that had just beat him, genius. Not much on critical thinking, are you?

Honestly dude.. Do you have any idea what the hell your talking about?

You bitch about me saying the same thing you did. Then you bitch about me for trash talking AFTER the game. When you did the same thing.

Next time we win I will just do this.
Originally posted by F4vRe
Originally posted by BMoreAbsurd

Originally posted by F4vRe

I said the exact same thing you said 5 days after your regular season victory.

I am sorry I did not acknowledge the good wishes of your team... friends now?

And I posted that nine hours after your boy started running his mouth about a team that had just beat him, genius. Not much on critical thinking, are you?

Honestly dude.. Do you have any idea what the hell your talking about?

You bitch about me saying the same thing you did. Then you bitch about me for trash talking AFTER the game. When you did the same thing.

Next time we win I will just do this.

Man, you really are dumber than a bag of wet hair, aren't you?

YOUR boy started a thread calling out my team AFTER they had beat him. That makes him a dumbass. None of my guys had said word one to him about that game until he brought it up. Now, compare that to my guys and I coming in here right after we lost and acknowledging that you played a better game and wishing you luck the rest of the season. THEN you decided to talk shit for the first time. That makes you a low rent coward. If you're going to talk smack, at least have the stones to do it BEFORE the game actually happens.

The fact that you're struggling to grasp that concept speaks volumes about your intellect. It really does. I'm pretty sure my cat has better analytical skills.

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