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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > ASRW Website updated - Gunners chicken out
Originally posted by AAflyboys2
Originally posted by Go_Blue

I'd post the pictures, spit on them, and piss on them. Just like I spit on the flag, the military, and your face.

You unemployed,unpatriotic,hippie,liberal POS. If they ever enacted the draft again you'd be the victim of many blanket parties. Then again your probably the draft dodging type so that wouldn't happen.

You have the right to do the first 2 things because of the military. Go ahead spit on my face, I can control my temper open yourself up to a lawsuit or an ass kicking. My biggest fear of you spitting on me would probably be the STD's I'd have to be worry about contracting.

Typical meathead military thinking. Proud of beating people up, blanket parties, code reds whatever.

Did you order the code red?.... YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT I DID!!!....

Jesus Christ. The military doesn't do shit but enforce personal policies of powerful individuals. The only people who enlist are the fucktards who can't get a real job or have a real life. I'll spit on your dead buddies' graves too.

Izz ad-Din al-Qassam!
Originally posted by AAflyboys2
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam

Originally posted by Ming Sao

So who brought you into this again Carl? Scoreboard.

GG and ASRW have a great relationship despite any W/L record btw...something you don't need to worry your little hot carled head about bro.

Run along now...

Who brought me in? Try asking the stalker, I mean your team's owner. Or maybe you could look at the first page of this thread?

Are you that clueless that I need to give you every single detail?

Originally posted by AAflyboys2

I'm really not obessed with you or your team. But I don't want good things for you guys either. I wouldn't wish you luck if we played, I wouldn't want to be disingenuous. I would simply not say anything.

Actually, I didn't mean you when I was talking about obsessed Whine-a-bies. Although, you do quite well to promote the fact that the team is filled with simpletons.

I'm not really a simpleton but I do appreciate simple things. When you have stuff taken from you during your life you appreciate it more when your able to get it back. Also I apolgize, if that wasn't directed at me that's my mistake.

Let me guess, you lost your house in Katrina too.

I spit on all the stupid people in New Orleans who lost their houses. Gee, I'm in a flood zone, now I'm going to cry about losing all my shit.... waaaaa...
Thankfully, non of my buddies have died. I've never been part of beating people up, blanket parties or code reds. That's more in the movies then anything. You just seem like the type that would be a primary candidate for it.

I have a real job lined up for when I seperate and was working before I joined. I joined to get money for school. I could have taken a hand out, because my Parents made under a certain amount of money. But I wanted to do it for myself. I'm in a skill community that has a lot of civilian oppurtunities. The Military supports and defends the Constituion of the US.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by AAflyboys2

Originally posted by TheSeanTeam

Originally posted by Ming Sao

So who brought you into this again Carl? Scoreboard.

GG and ASRW have a great relationship despite any W/L record btw...something you don't need to worry your little hot carled head about bro.

Run along now...

Who brought me in? Try asking the stalker, I mean your team's owner. Or maybe you could look at the first page of this thread?

Are you that clueless that I need to give you every single detail?

Originally posted by AAflyboys2

I'm really not obessed with you or your team. But I don't want good things for you guys either. I wouldn't wish you luck if we played, I wouldn't want to be disingenuous. I would simply not say anything.

Actually, I didn't mean you when I was talking about obsessed Whine-a-bies. Although, you do quite well to promote the fact that the team is filled with simpletons.

I'm not really a simpleton but I do appreciate simple things. When you have stuff taken from you during your life you appreciate it more when your able to get it back. Also I apolgize, if that wasn't directed at me that's my mistake.

Let me guess, you lost your house in Katrina too.

I spit on all the stupid people in New Orleans who lost their houses. Gee, I'm in a flood zone, now I'm going to cry about losing all my shit.... waaaaa...

No, I'm not from the south. I never undestood why anybody want to build a home below sea level. And I honestly wish our Gov/Military would have responded faster to that ordeal.
Originally posted by AAflyboys2
Thankfully, non of my buddies have died. I've never been part of beating people up, blanket parties or code reds. That's more in the movies then anything. You just seem like the type that would be a primary candidate for it.

I have a real job lined up for when I seperate and was working before I joined. I joined to get money for school. I could have taken a hand out, because my Parents made under a certain amount of money. But I wanted to do it for myself. I'm in a skill community that has a lot of civilian oppurtunities. The Military supports and defends the Constituion of the US.

ROFL. Your good ole boy George W. spits on the Constitution every day. Fourth Amendment? Who needs it, fuck it. Right to privacy? Not if you're a terrorist. Separation of Powers? No way, I want to win the election.

You are the prime example of the age old oxymoron: military intelligence.

Just when you thought trash was just trash, he posts again and proves sub-trash indeed exists. Wow.

You know why us Military types don't make comments about the President...
We are not allowed to. You can't make negative statements about a superior officer. You can go to jail for it. Look I don't agree with everything that he's done or what's happened.

I think the Government should stay out of peoples homes. And very rarely should ever violate a citizens privacy. As far as the Seperation of Powers issue, there's multi failures there within multiple agencies.

I know alot of smart people in the service who feel this way. But we are not allowed to make blanket statments for the whole Military. And I know I haven't done anything you just named.
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 18:07:18
Originally posted by Ming Sao

Just when you thought trash was just trash, he posts again and proves sub-trash indeed exists. Wow.

Go back to playing Risk in the corner by yourself and muttering strange chinese phrases you freak.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by Ming Sao

Just when you thought trash was just trash, he posts again and proves sub-trash indeed exists. Wow.

Go back to playing Risk in the corner by yourself and muttering strange chinese phrases you freak.


You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again. Telling a serviceman to fly to his death and stating the poor in N.O got what they deserved is all I needed to see. I know who you are and I don't want to be remotely associated with "men" like you.

Originally posted by Ming Sao
Originally posted by Go_Blue

Originally posted by Ming Sao

Just when you thought trash was just trash, he posts again and proves sub-trash indeed exists. Wow.

Go back to playing Risk in the corner by yourself and muttering strange chinese phrases you freak.


You won't see me post in any thread you are involved in again. Telling a serviceman to fly to his death and stating the poor in N.O got what they deserved is all I needed to see. I know who you are and I don't want to be remotely associated with "men" like you.


Yeah, right. You'll be interjecting your stupid bullshit in threads within the hour.

Edit: and I'll make it a point to be involved in every single thread that ever comes up on this forum, just so I don't ever have to see your stupid avatar or read your dubmass posts again.
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 18:47:59
Why don't you go to Iraq where the same people who would spit on our military and our flag would be more than happy to turn you and your entire family into human PEZ dispensers. You make me sick.

This thread was about a FRIENDLY rivalry between the Gunners and the Wallabies. We have a good relationship built on mutual respect and making fun of each other. It's people like them that make this game fun. I agree with Sao though. I'm done in this thread and will no longer respond to anything the SuvaFriends.
Originally posted by TomasPistola
Why don't you go to Iraq where the same people who would spit on our military and our flag would be more than happy to turn you and your entire family into human PEZ dispensers. You make me sick.

This thread was about a FRIENDLY rivalry between the Gunners and the Wallabies. We have a good relationship built on mutual respect and making fun of each other. It's people like them that make this game fun. I agree with Sao though. I'm done in this thread and will no longer respond to anything the SuvaFriends.

I am growing tired of this as well. Asking to see my wifes dead relatives charred remains probably is the most disturbing thing he said. Check out the post ASRW guys in our team forum.

GoBlue what's your profession?
Originally posted by TomasPistola
Why don't you go to Iraq where the same people who would spit on our military and our flag would be more than happy to turn you and your entire family into human PEZ dispensers. You make me sick.

This thread was about a FRIENDLY rivalry between the Gunners and the Wallabies. We have a good relationship built on mutual respect and making fun of each other. It's people like them that make this game fun. I agree with Sao though. I'm done in this thread and will no longer respond to anything the SuvaFriends.

They are all nice people who have been wronged by our tyranical government. Your perception is ignorant and racist. This was a vendetta of big daddy bush against Saddam and a way to make dirty Dick billions of dollars in construction.
I would never say Haliburton didn't make money on this war. They are not all nice people though. Nice people don't strap bombs to little kids.
Originally posted by AAflyboys2
I would never say Haliburton didn't make money on this war. They are not all nice people though. Nice people don't strap bombs to little kids.

Nice people don't drop nuclear bombs on two cities full of completely innocent people either.

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