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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Bringing up league structure again
OC/DC Guru
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Question: I've been away from GLB for about 10 years and just recently came back. I purchased a rookie league team, mid-season, and have been doing my best to sign players, but it's been tough sledding. I don't think we are in danger of making the playoffs, heh.

My question is: What happens to my roster at the end of the season? Do we get moved up to a development league? We most likely won't be promoted based on winning a title, but my roster will be too old for a rookie league. Do all my contracts expire and will I have to start again with rookie dots? Or will we get moved up to a development league?
Nevermind - I think I figured it out. Only the pro league teams get promoted/relegated, right? All other leagues are fixed with dots restricted based on age?

As I said, it's been a while. Clearly, I've got some catching up to do!
welcome back! I'm back as of about 60 days ago after 10 years, too
Edited by dusk883 on Aug 16, 2024 20:56:39
TJ Spikes
OK so, just use this time to get familiar with ownership. Do the finances and whatever. There's not a whole lot of stray dots in the game anymore, let alone enough for a team of 1 specific age.

IMO you should just find the request demotion setting and start over at rookie. That's where you might be able to find the most dots.

Also coordinating is the key to this game. It takes a long time to figure that out. Even if you happened to recruit the greatest dots in the universe, you need to know how to use them. You should probably start looking for coordinators, or just start the learning process yourself, and understand it going to take many seasons.

Getting a Casual team, can ease that burden quite a bit, but you also don't learn as much.

Thanks. I'm just wondering if all the effort I'm putting in to recruiting players from CPU teams is a waste of time, if the contracts are all going to expire at the end of the season due to player age. If the team moves up to a development league, it wouldn't be an issue. But if rookie teams never promote, it's gonna seem like groundhog day.
i did the same thing you did, then realized I should have relaxed and waited until the next season was about to begin. Retired all of my dots and just started fresh. Your dots are fine for the end game but I think it's still better to "grow up" with the teams that either reset next season or with your own - much easier to recruit in the off season. Or easier to convince people to make another dot for your team anyway
Edited by dusk883 on Aug 16, 2024 21:13:08
TJ Spikes
There is one giant pisser about this game,

If a team is human owned, and it has fewer than 40 human dots on it, then the team gets all of it's dots penalized, by having the attributes reduced.

so an otherwise identical CPU owned team full of CPU dots will always completely crush a human owned team full of CPU dots. It's not even close.

So since you've already jumped in, just play with things like custom plays and Ai presets and just get familiar. Get to the point where you actually have questions to ask. It's impossible to explain everything, so just get to the point where you know what you don't know, if that makes any sense.

I've managed to assemble 39 human dots on my rookie league team. (Was surprisingly difficult, mid-season!) I'm pretty comfortable with OC and DC play calling, using the AI, etc. The question I had was pretty specific - will those 39 human dots get blown up as they 'age out' of the rookie league, or will the team itself move up to a prep league? Sorry - I didn't phrase the question clearly.
Edited by Ravenwood on Aug 16, 2024 22:08:01
Originally posted by Ravenwood
I've managed to assemble 39 human dots on my rookie league team. (Was surprisingly difficult, mid-season!) I'm pretty comfortable with OC and DC play calling, using the AI, etc. The question I had was pretty specific - will those 39 human dots get blown up as they 'age out' of the rookie league, or will the team itself move up to a prep league? Sorry - I didn't phrase the question clearly.

The team will move up and you will need to send multi season contracts to the players
Also, if you're building it out for the long term, I'd shoot for close to minimum contracts as you extend those S108 ones. Your stadium is basically a season behind, so as much cash as you can scrape together for this coming offseason to build the extra sections, would help in not falling further behind there.

(Same situation my farm team fell into, since there were no rookie squads available until AFTER rollover, cutting our tickets, concessions, etc. roughly in half for this season)
Edited by Gambler75 on Aug 17, 2024 08:36:49
King of Bling
@Ravenwood, lol GM sent from ATKM. Feel free to post questionsin ATKM Forum. We have the finest knowledge base of any single team that GLB has to offer. Basically all associated are interested in improving the GLB experience
Edited by King of Bling on Aug 18, 2024 01:16:16
A recent conversation with Bort revealed this is very much still in consideration... if interested we need to act now to apply pressure to get it done this offseason
OC/DC Guru
Originally posted by RyanCane26
A recent conversation with Bort revealed this is very much still in consideration... if interested we need to act now to apply pressure to get it done this offseason

Yes, sent him the results.
Will upload the file shortly and make it accessible for everyone.

King of Bling
2 Champion Leagues, along the lines of AFC vs NFC would be ideal

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