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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Sooooo, how can you fix this mess America?
Originally posted by Venkman

So stupid, they had the power to keep your man Hillary, out of the white house.
Another funny thing about this: Trump is asked to disavow the KKK because Duke endorsed him.
But Duke doesn't represent the KKK (hasn't been a member for 40 years)
and he didn't endorse Trump.

Honest reporting.
Originally posted by Djinnt
You settle, you're guilty. That's all the proof needed.

The point more likely is that he never settled in the past in a similar fashion. He had the money to fight this til the end, so to speak, but to avoid any investigation and to avoid further damage to his corrupt reputation, he settled.

Kind of like how he and his son Eric both decided simultaneously to close their foundations, you know, to avoid distractions and conflicts of interests....after it came out that they were stealing from veterans and cancer patients via their foundations. In contrast note how they didn't close or divest of any of their businesses to focus on the actual running of the most powerful nation or to avoid conflicts of interest.
Mere speculation.
Originally posted by Djinnt
Mere speculation.

except for the facts, yeah, "mere speculation".

This part was entirely speculative:

Originally posted by Lurchy
to avoid any investigation and to avoid further damage to his corrupt reputation

Your second claim was simply false:
Edited by Djinnt on Feb 10, 2017 23:57:37
Originally posted by Djinnt
Your second claim was simply false:

ffs. Plz pay attention.

Read any of the thousands of sources that reported on his lying ass.

He did not give the $1M he promised until long after the Fake-News media 'attacked' the poor victim Trump for not giving the promised money to veterans. On the other hand, Trump did take money from his foundation and his son's foundations:


For example: Trump once approached a New Jersey charity called the Charles Evans Foundation and asked them to donate to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, citing efforts to raise funds for the Palm Beach Police Foundation. “The Evans Foundation said yes,” Fahrenthold reported. “In 2009 and 2010, it gave a total of $150,000 to the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a small charity that the Republican presidential nominee founded in 1987. Then, Trump’s foundation turned around and made donations to the police group in South Florida. In those years, the Trump Foundation’s gifts totaled $150,000. Trump had effectively turned the Evans Foundation’s gifts into his own gifts, without adding any money of his own.”

How could Trump have made money on the deal? The Florida police group gave Trump an award for his giving (which was actually Trump giving them money he got from someone else). Trump dressed up in a tuxedo to accept the honor that he didn’t deserve. And “on the night that he won the Palm Tree Award for his philanthropy, Trump may have actually made money,” Fahrenthold reports. “The gala was held at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, and the police foundation paid to rent the room. It’s unclear how much was paid in 2010, but the police foundation reported in its tax filings that it rented Mar-a-Lago in 2014 for $276,463.”

For Trump, that wasn’t a one-time transgression. There were other occasions when he courted public esteem for charitable giving, but actually used foundation money:


The Trump Foundation … even gives in situations in which Trump publicly put himself on the hook for a donation—as when he promised a gift ‘out of my wallet’ on NBC’s ‘The Celebrity Apprentice,’” The Post investigation concluded. “The Trump Foundation paid off most of those on-air promises. A TV production company paid others. The Post could find no instance in which a celebrity’s charity got a gift from Trump’s own wallet. Another time, Trump went on TV’s “Extra” for a contest called ‘Trump pays your bills!’ A professional spray-tanner won.

The Trump Foundation paid her bills.


Sorry, but the guy is a fucking scumbag. There are no ifs or buts. There is no bullshit claim of speculation. Only the facts. The guy is a lying, stealing sack of shit.
If it walks like a pile of shit and talks like a pile of shit....

nstead, The Post found that his personal giving has almost disappeared entirely in recent years. After calling 420-plus charities with some connection to Trump, The Post found only one personal gift from Trump between 2008 and the spring of this year. That was a gift to the Police Athletic League of New York City, in 2009. It was worth less than $10,000.


The charity that Trump has given the most money to over his lifetime appears to be his own: the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

But that charity, too, was not what it seemed.

The Trump Foundation appeared outwardly to be a typical, if small, philanthropic foundation — set up by a rich man to give his riches away.

In reality, it has been funded largely by other people. Tax records show the Trump Foundation has received $5.5 million from Trump over its life, and nothing since 2008. It received $9.3 million from other people.

Another unusual feature: one of the foundation’s most consistent causes was Trump himself.

If your worldview is only you — if all you’re seeing is a mirror — then there’s nobody to give money to. Except yourself

New findings, for instance, show that the Trump Foundation’s largest-ever gift — $264,631 — was used to renovate a fountain outside the windows of Trump’s Plaza Hotel.

Its smallest-ever gift, for $7, was paid to the Boy Scouts in 1989, at a time when it cost $7 to register a new Scout. Trump’s oldest son was 11 at the time. Trump did not respond to a question about whether the money paid to register him.

At other times, Trump used his foundation’s funds to settle legal disputes involving Trump’s for-profit companies and to buy two large portraits of himself, including one that wound up hanging on the wall of the sports bar at a Trump-owned golf resort. Those purchases raised questions about whether Trump had violated laws against “self-dealing” by charity leaders.
Djinnt, it's time to just admit that the KOTUS has serious mental issues.
Trump is such a POS, he used charitable giving meant for charities to fund his presidential ambitions.


It was a quiet donation that came with a simple cover letter,” Smith said. It read: “Great meeting with you and your wife in my office,” dated May 6, 2011. Enclosed was a check for $10,000 from the Donald J. Trump Foundation.

That check is one of at least several donations to suggest Trump used his private foundation, funded by outside donors, to launch and fuel his political ambitions. Such contributions, if they were made solely for Trump’s benefit, could violate federal self-dealing laws for private foundations.

From 2011 through 2014, Trump harnessed his eponymous foundation to send at least $286,000 to influential conservative or policy groups, a RealClearPolitics review of the foundation’s tax filings found. In many cases, this flow of money corresponded to prime speaking slots or endorsements that aided Trump as he sought to recast himself as a plausible Republican candidate for president.

Although sources familiar with the thinking behind the donations cautioned that Trump did not explicitly ask for favors in return for the money, they said the contributions were part of a deliberate effort by Trump to ingratiate himself with influential conservatives and brighten his political prospects.

“He was politically active starting in 2011,” said one source with ties to Trump, and at that point he “started to make strategic donations.”

The lion’s share of those donations came from Trump’s personal funds and went straight to political campaigns or parties. But others, in particular those directed to the nonprofit arms of conservative policy groups, originated with Trump’s foundation.

“If he could do 501(c)(3) to 501(c)(3), he did it that way,” said the source, using the tax code designation for nonprofit organizations.

But Trump has not donated to the foundation that bears his name since 2008, CNN reported last month, which means other donors bore the cost of his giving.
Originally posted by Lurchy
ffs. Plz pay attention.

He did not give the $1M he promised until

Oh, so he did it.
I think I might have paid too much attention.
Mr. Trump stated, “Our Veterans have been treated like third-class citizens and it is my great honor to support them with this $1 million dollar contribution – they are truly incredible people. We are going to strengthen our military, take care of our Vets and Make America Great Again.”

From those words, you might conclude that Trump had, you know, donated a million dollars to veterans’ charities that night. You would be wrong.

We now know Trump didn’t write a check that night. Or the next night. Or the night after that. No money went from him, personally, to veterans groups for the next five months, until after reporters started asking Trump about the donation in interviews.

More than a dozen big checks flowed out of New York last week, bound for veterans’ charities from Donald Trump. On Tuesday, he announced he had made good on his promise of last January to give the groups millions of dollars from a highly publicized fundraiser.

The announcement by the presumptive Republican presidential candidate came in the midst of a 40-minute rant against “dishonest” and “sleazy” reporters who have been pressing the issue.

The largest donation, a $1 million check dated May 24 and drawn from Donald J. Trump’s personal account, was addressed to a small Tuckahoe, N.Y., group that provides scholarships to the children of fallen Marines.

And no, the checks weren’t written in January and accidentally left sitting on a desk in the Trump organization somewhere. The Associated Press spoke or left messages with each of the organizations Trump named. Of the 30 groups that responded by Tuesday, about half said they had received checks from Trump just last week.

Read more at:
Originally posted by Djinnt
Oh, so he did it.

Yes, the POS lied and stole the money, UNTIL he was caught by the media.
Originally posted by Djinnt
I think I might have paid too much attention.

This is not a Breitbart alt-news feed, so no, NOBODY would ever accuse you of such a thing.

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