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Forum > Champion League > Discussion: Who is the greatest World League franchise of all-time and why?
Originally posted by ufshowboat
Fucking stop arguing about stupid shit and start talking about how great we are again.

bhall is trying, but bolick won't let him
Originally posted by Pwned
No room for arguments. I don't care what some assholes did in Season 15 when the sim was super fucked and constantly changing to benefit the loudest whiners.

Originally posted by ghuffman
what season did the sim become stable?

The one right after Bort quit.
Originally posted by jdbolick
You're counting sacks as rushes, for the record. The question isn't whether or not you ran more than you passed in some games, it's what you did over the course of the season. Lincoln in s14 had 188 more pass plays than run plays during the regular season. Then you passed 61.8% of the time in the playoffs that season. You were not a balanced offense. Lincoln's WRs were scary, but your running game wasn't. Valhalla required a completely different gameplan because they were a completely different offense.

I am counting 400+ rushing yards over 200 passing yards.

The question was actually whether or not we rushed more than passed. Which I showed that through the first half the season we completely rushed over every single team. Pull your fucking head out of your fucking ass and look at any of those box scores.

And as for your Lincoln's WRs were scary bullshit. Just shut the fuck up because you didn't play us at all that season.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Which is why you called different plays than Valhalla. Yes, the absolute best pass plays of that sim were used by both teams just as Big I sweeps are used now by everyone. But that obviously doesn't mean that Miami and OPT have the same offense because they both use Big I sweeps. The Valhalla offense and the Lincoln offense were not at all similar. Again, they ran a hell of a lot more than you did. You also admitted that I was correct about them primarily running to the outside while you primarily ran inside. And while the TE difference was the most dramatic, a greater percentage of Valhalla's passing game went through their backs then Lincoln's did (23.4% of yards & 22.8% of touchdowns compared with 19.6% 11.9%).

You said some wildly incorrect things but instead of rightly pointing out that it's fine not to perfectly remember an internet football simulation from five years ago, you've stubbornly continued to insist that you weren't wrong even though all of this evidence proves that you were undeniably wrong about so many different things.

You continually trying to throw Big I sweeps out like that means anything is fucking retarded. When you get a clue about how offense works get at me.
Originally posted by bhall43
The question was actually whether or not we rushed more than passed. Which I showed that through the first half the season we completely rushed over every single team. Pull your fucking head out of your fucking ass and look at any of those box scores.

Even you have to grasp the blatant hypocrisy of insisting that I look at certain box scores while you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the totality of the season. Once again, during the entirety of s14's regular season Lincoln ran 42.6% of the time compared to Valhalla's 51.1%, then you ran just 38.2% of the time during the s14 playoffs. Plus you already admitted that Lincoln used different types of runs than Valhalla, yet you continue to insist that you weren't wrong about those two offenses being the same.

Originally posted by bhall43
You continually trying to throw Big I sweeps out like that means anything is fucking retarded. When you get a clue about how offense works get at me.

You argued that Lincoln and Valhalla both using certain pass plays in s14 somehow meant that those two offenses were the same. I agree with your assessment that the argument you used was fucking retarded.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Even you have to grasp the blatant hypocrisy of insisting that I look at certain box scores while you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the totality of the season. Once again, during the entirety of s14's regular season Lincoln ran 42.6% of the time compared to Valhalla's 51.1%, then you ran just 38.2% of the time during the s14 playoffs. Plus you already admitted that Lincoln used different types of runs than Valhalla, yet you continue to insist that you weren't wrong about those two offenses being the same.

Game fucking 1: Run 53/Pass 29
Game fucking 2: Run 53/pass 22
Game fucking 3: Run 51/pass 35
Game fucking 4: Run 40/pass 35
Game fucking 5: run 54/pass 37
Game fucking 6: Run 40/pass 39
Game fucking 7: Run 41/pass 30
Game fucking 8: Run 40/pass 35

stop digging man, its embarrassing of you.

Originally posted by jdbolick

You argued that Lincoln and Valhalla both using certain pass plays in s14 somehow meant that those two offenses were the same. I agree with your assessment that the argument you used was fucking retarded.

They were. Again when you figure out how offense works speak up. Until then just shut up.
Originally posted by bhall43
They were. Again when you figure out how offense works speak up. Until then just shut up.

You have no one but yourself to blame for your humiliation. Learn to admit when you're proven wrong, and don't pick fights against people out of your league.
When you prove me wrong I will admit it.
60% of the roster =/= 100% of the roster.
42.6% run plays =/= 51.1% run plays
219.5 TE yards =/= 1,238 TE yards

Oh and don't forget pretending that you "helped DC" Lincoln.
do you have a forum where you copy and pasted every stat? Holy hell you are pulling numbers out of your ass from 5 fucking years ago, and still arguing about the glory days of GLB. 30+ seasons ago.

I thought bhall quit GLB classic too, and bolick comes back from the dead to argue with him. WTF is going on here.

Odessa>HHWC>nobody else has been around long enough, so its not even a question.
Originally posted by jdbolick

42.6% run plays =/= 51.1% run plays

Oh and don't forget pretending that you "helped DC" Lincoln.

You continuing to press this logic across like it is anything meaningful when I already posted the results of our first 8 games is comical.

You didn't even face Lincoln that season so you have been pretty much talking out of your ass the entire time. Terribly I might add.
Originally posted by bhall43
You continuing to press this logic across like it is anything meaningful when I already posted the results of our first 8 games is comical.

Originally posted by jdbolick
Even you have to grasp the blatant hypocrisy of insisting that I look at certain box scores while you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the totality of the season. Once again, during the entirety of s14's regular season Lincoln ran 42.6% of the time compared to Valhalla's 51.1%, then you ran just 38.2% of the time during the s14 playoffs. Plus you already admitted that Lincoln used different types of runs than Valhalla, yet you continue to insist that you weren't wrong about those two offenses being the same.

You would fall back on that argument after looking like a complete idiot with this

Originally posted by jdbolick
You were not a balanced offense. Lincoln's WRs were scary, but your running game wasn't.

If I look like an idiot in this thread, it's only for continuing to humiliate you long past the point that anyone else cared about this argument.

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