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Originally posted by Dustin Diamond
GG Somalia. Not sure what happened there tbh.

GG. Yeah it was a bad day for our offense.
GG kswetnam and all of ICB
Originally posted by StiffarmSteve
GG kswetnam, LL and all of ICB

My bad LL, GG man!
Originally posted by StiffarmSteve
My bad LL, GG man!

You pick
GG Black Army
Iron Lungz
GG Thunder
gg game as well! a couple of big ones always make the difference
GG Black Steel.
ninja turtles
Originally posted by Dustin Diamond
GG Black Steel.

GG Rwanda

Well, Well, Well.....................time for a new update............

The followup......................(in honor of POOPERDOG7 who I promised to do a writeup for way back..................)
This is the update to the writeup.....also known as the followup. What a season!!!!!!

Cult of Wu Blood
Last season they lost in the 1st round to the African Predators. In the rematch this season, payment was collected with interest that was almost illegal. I told you that it would not be given away lightly. Seems the owner "Peace Sells" lost his cool in the game. I said this may be the team to beat this season and I still believe they mayl take it. No matter what they say, they will be game planning from here. Good Luck going into the playoffs.

Mayan Warriors
No rematch here against the South side Freebies. You guys started off strong but have fizzled somewhat in the season. Solid consistency does not seem to be the strong point for this team. But what matters is a strong beginning and a strong finish. Finish what you have started. Get that last game in and start the war drums for the playoffs. You want WL status? Earn it!!!! Good luck going forward.

Somolia Pirates
This team needs no introduction. I told you all in the beginning and what happened......this team has left another trail of dead bodies and broken eye patches. Playoff hopes are crystal clear and this teams plans to prove themselves in the playoffs and as a WL team. They could not rematch DRD this season so I think they took it out on Cult. Do not expect the SIM to crash in the playoffs again and hand you a loss. For the regular season, it was let them eat CAKE. In the playoffs, it is make them eat CAKE!!!! Good Luck going into the playoffs. Expect to see you in WL.

Rocky Mountain Thunder
This is another great and up-and-coming team in the advanced player development program. Started off great and stumbled in the middle of the season, but got it back together as the season wound down. The winner of your last game of the season gets to play the Rhino's in the playoffs. My team of statisticians say that even if, and that is a big if, you beat Republic of Benin, the odds are stacked against you in a rematch with the Rhino's. While I do believe you pushed your team, the stats don't show a win here. You want it? Prove it!!!! There can only be 4. Good Luck. You will need it!!!!!

Republic of Benin
This team is made up of older players holding on. Good game planning enabled this team to hold their own. Last season you lost to Ivory Coast in the 2nd round of the playoffs. The rematch was a decisive statement by RoB. That might have been that game that broke ICB. Still one game to go though. You talked alot of trash early on in the season.....all 1st place and stuff. Takes alot to lead the pack!!!! The speculators actually expect you guys to make it tot he playoffs, but the Rhino's have alot of heart. They want it. Thunder stands in your way as well. Better call in all those favors and offers for help. No resting on your laurels at this point. Talk is cheap. I want action!!!!! Bring it to the field!!!!!. Good Luck going forward.

White Rhinos
This is a great team of slightly older players than 300 days. A lot of heart here. You lost in the second round last season to the Sand Whales. That rematch has been corrected but I think you were focusing on a higher your chemistry and the recovery from the loss to the Pirates. I said you had alot of praying to do, and it looks like you have been heard. The Rhino's are now on the radar. Don't use those excuses and keep up the morale. You had a tough schedule and have come through. Didn't expect you to beat Cult. You did. Didn't expect you to beat Thunder. You did. Didn't expect you to beat Mayan. You did. Didn't expect you to beat Volograd. You did. Seems you guys are beating all the expectations!!!! Well done sir!!! Only a little more to go. Like I said before...... It can be done. DO IT!!!!!!!!!! You have had one of the toughest schedules towards the end of the season.....but where's the fun without the challenge!!!! Good Luck going forward and into the playoffs.

Ivory Coast Breakers
This team is old school. The fueled retribution from the 3rd round loss in the playoffs against Black Steel last season was shown in the win against Black Steel Surge. I thought that with the high chemistry and the "Birdman" offensive line you, were set for the playoffs but those losing streaks really hurt. The loss to the Sand Whales was not expected. Remember the prediction for the last 4 games......"Word on the street is that you will have to win all of your last 4 games to make it to the playoffs." Also, you beat the Rhinos and then lost to Benin and the Sand Whales.....WTF???? Lots of people lost money betting on the games. Not happy. As a parting gift, you could knock Mayan down in the last game of the season. If you cannot go on further into the playoffs, make them remember you were here!!!!! Good Luck.

African Predators
On behalf of myself, all my staff here at the international date line center, my statisticians, and friends who support me; I apologize for the 4th place prediction. It should have been number 1 or 2. Please don't hurt the Aquabats. Good luck in the playoffs. See you guys in WL. The check is in the mail.

Black Steel Surge
Ninja Turtles, it seems that you are in a very strange spot. Win the next game against the Pirates and you may have a chance at the Number 8 spot in the playoffs. In the playoffs, you would face the pirates again, but I don;t think it will be the same. I do commend you on the team changes you made this season and your flexibility. It got you this far. Lots of contention for that 7th and 8th spot. Good Luck!!! It will be interesting for you going forward!!!!

Sand Whales
I TOLD YOU!!!! I TOLD YOU!!!! They predict that you will stage a come back later on in the season and have to face the Black Army in a showdown of epic proportions. Sort of like a wildcard for the playoff spot. I am not sure how they come upwith that.....but they do. Your chemistry will get better and you (The orbical) and your co-pwner (Rizyx) will have to game plan like your team's life depends on it. Because it does!!! Forget the past and look forward. Losses make the wins sweeter!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!! IT COMES DOWN TO THIS!!!! ONE GAME!!!! CRUSH the puny army!!!!! MAKE IT SWEET!!!! Sooooooo SWEEeeeeeEEETTT!!!! Then, keep the momentum going!!!!! It will be EPIC!!!!!!!

Legion's Volgograd Black Army (LVBA)
I knew it!!! I knew it!!!!! The speculators have you in an epic game at the end of the season against the Sand Whales for a back breaking (blubber breaking in the Whales case) show down. Remember in season 27 when this team proved the predictions wrong and broke the backs of many teams vying for a playoff spot? Well....WE REMEMBER!!!! It may not have been a great season. It may not have gone the way you hoped. But it can be worth remembering. They used the word "demotion"!!! Cannot even say the word without slamming my fists down on the table!!!! But, this game will be remembered. Go out with a back breaker!!!! THEY WILL NEVER DOUBT YOU AGAIN!!!!! Get up!!!! Fire up!!! Pillage!!! Plunder!!!!! Remember the lamenting of their women!!!! TAKE YOUR ARMY AND BEACH THE WHALES!!!!!!. It will be EPIC!!!!!!

San Diego Aquabats
I know what an Aquabat is? I really do like this team. First class. They won that showcase game against ICB. Not really sure ICB recovered fully from that. However; this team's consistency was not there enough to make the speculators truly believe in you guys. But I must say that you woke everyone up in that win against the Cult. It made every team game plan and take you seriously. The African Predators are standing between you and a possible demotion. So you guys still have something to prove here....survival in the Pro Leagues. Straight up!!..... The speculators do not expect you to beat the Predators. But fight you must anyway!!! Bring out the HAMMERS!! Start pounding on them in the first second of the first quarter to the last second of the last quarter!!! Never let up!!!!! Never give up!!! Pound them into the ground. Make them fight for every yard! Make it known that you belong in the pro leagues!!!!!! Good Luck!!!! This is an important game.

Spring Hill Pirates
This is a good team of older players. Lots of changes from last season to this one. You beat the Rhino's and then you beat uganda. We thought you were back. The Franklins rematch went as planned and then....then the STEAM ROLLcame. Flattened you guys out. I expect to see you guys again sometime. Good luck in the future. And to owner jlevesque25, plenty of folks still rooting for you out there.

Rawanda Royal Knights
This is a good team with middle aged players just above the ADP age. You won that rematch with ICB.....but just barely.....but still sweet. Then that losing streak starting with the Predators was quite painful. (The Predators are known to do that to teams.) You have to win the last game against the Cult to secure a playoff spot. They will not give it up easily and watch out; they may try to assimilate you. There is still no "Word on the Street" about you guys, but I will say you are a team to watch. You were the only team to beat the unbeatable Somilia Pirates, so it seems the speculators know something everyone else did not. Beat the Predators and you will be the true wildcard team that no one saw coming. It is to note that the speculators have the Predators by 17. So a lot of people will be mad if you do win. Good Luck in the game and good luck in the playoffs if you make it there.

Philly Franklins
This is a good team of young players at the prime Advanced Player development age. Did you know that you guys have the highest effective level in this conference? WOW!!!! It was impressive. But it comes down to this game. Top ranked team vs the bottom ranked team. It seems that you got the builds but you cannot handle the builds. Beat Mr. Somolia and we will cut you some slack. Good Luck in the future.

Uganda Silverbacks
This is a good team of middle/older players above the age of the ADP players. You won the first 2 preseaon games and then what.....what happened???? Lots of losses and only one win. You almost won the race to the bottom. The speculators said it would not be easy or pretty. Owner Landry's Legacy, remember this season and get better. You made it to the Pro leagues and that is quite an accomplishment. Your return is expected. Good Luck.

I think that is it for the words.....................My guess for the end is as follows.
If you disagree....suggestions are still being accepted by Mr. Peacesells ....owner of "Cult of Wu Blood"
At this point, he will probably not consider your request. (Acceptance and consideration are not the same thing)
These are the words of the new boss....same as the old boss.
After that, it really won't matter.

The predicted rankings from early in the season.....
1. Somalia Pirates
2. Cult of Wu Blood
3. Mayan Warriors
4. The African Predators
5. Rawanda Royal Knights
6. Rocky Mountain Thunder
7. Ivory Coast Breakers
8. Republic of Benin
9. Windhoek White Rhinos
10. Volgograd Black Army
11. Spring Hill Pirates
12. Black Steel Surge
13. Philly Franklins
14. Sahara Sand Whales
15. San Diego Aquabats
16. Uganda Silverbacks

The current rankings
1. Somalia Pirates
2. The African Predators
3. Cult of Wu Blood
4. Windhoek White Rhinos
5. Republic of Benin
6. Rocky Mountain Thunder
7. Mayan Warriors
8. Rawanda Royal Knights
9. Sahara Sand Whales
10. Black Steel Surge
11. Ivory Coast Breakers
12. San Diego Aquabats
13. Volgograd Black Army
14. Spring Hill Pirates
15. Uganda Silverbacks
16. Philly Franklins

Overall predictions: (top 4 teams by stats only)
1. Somolia Pirates
2. The African Predators
3. Republic of Benin.
4. Cult of Wu Blood

Teams to watch for upsets....................
1. Rawanda Royal Knights if they make it to the playoffs and play Somilia
2. Windhoek White Rhinos if they make it to the playoffs and play Cult of Wu Blood

GLB is fun and competitive and I love it when my team wins.
All I can say is don't give in because on any given day , or any given other day, anything can happen.

Good luck the rest of the season and in the playoffs everyone.

Game Face!!!!! .
Edited by irresistible_force on Nov 13, 2012 11:41:17
Edited by irresistible_force on Nov 13, 2012 11:35:52
Edited by irresistible_force on Nov 13, 2012 11:34:38
Edited by irresistible_force on Nov 13, 2012 11:33:55
You pick
Nice write up sir.

Thanks and good luck to all.
Iron Lungz
Originally posted by Ezra~cult~
Nice write up sir.

Thanks and good luck to all.

Originally posted by MumblesSteel
GG Thunder

Thanks. GG AP
Originally posted by Ezra~cult~
Nice write up sir.

Thanks and good luck to all.


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