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Originally posted by just1idiot
I would definitely endorse Kensham for this job. Why not take the advantage of the fact we have a dude who's super active in our league forum despite having no team affiliation?

Originally posted by Kensham

I dont have a player here and I just started coaching a team here this season.

I wouldn't call it no affiliation. He was an Assassin GM and is now a Preacher GM.
Originally posted by Kensham
Give me one good reason why I cant.

Here's one good reason. You were an Assassin.
Look Kensham wants to do it, so I vote yes. It doesnt matter if he has affiliation or not. Its all for fun, and there it is hard to be biased when counting votes. Thats just my opinoin. I think it would all be good fun.
I don't think it matters if we vote for Kensham or not. It's all up to the man with the ballots and what he wants to do, and we haven't heard from him in a while...
4th Quarter
Originally posted by jgifford
I don't think it matters if we vote for Kensham or not. It's all up to the man with the ballots and what he wants to do, and we haven't heard from him in a while...

He made 2 or 3 "promises" on when it would be released and now he's off to his new league and hasn't responded to PMs. Fuck him.

If we really want this to happen we'll all have to resubmit our ballots. I'm happy to collect and tally them. I'll post the results along with everyone's ballot so you can error check if you're concerned that I'll bias the results.

I will send you ours 4th
Originally posted by 4th Quarter

He made 2 or 3 "promises" on when it would be released and now he's off to his new league and hasn't responded to PMs.

If we really want this to happen we'll all have to resubmit our ballots. I'm happy to collect and tally them. I'll post the results along with everyone's ballot so you can error check if you're concerned that I'll bias the results.


I even PM'd the guy with no response. Wasn't that guy an Assassin? If so, then I'm not at all surprised.

I asked the Badgers owner to resend ours to you, hopefully he still has it.

Originally posted by jgifford
Originally posted by 4th Quarter

He made 2 or 3 "promises" on when it would be released and now he's off to his new league and hasn't responded to PMs.

If we really want this to happen we'll all have to resubmit our ballots. I'm happy to collect and tally them. I'll post the results along with everyone's ballot so you can error check if you're concerned that I'll bias the results.


I even PM'd the guy with no response. Wasn't that guy an Assassin? If so, then I'm not at all surprised.

I asked the Badgers owner to resend ours to you, hopefully he still has it.

He was a Viking, class act guy but a very busy guy who now has a team to handle.He should have atleast finished what he started but what can you do?
Just resent my votes to 4th quarter.
Originally posted by Exar0s

He was a Viking, class act guy but a very busy guy who now has a team to handle.He should have at least finished what he started but what can you do?

Guess I should have reread the previous messages in this thread...then I would have known he was a Viking. I just really wanted another reason to rip on the Assassins.

I feel bad that we're ripping on the guy who got this whole thing started, but it would be nice if he could at least hand things off to someone...oh well.

Thanks to 4th quarter for stepping in.
I've sent PM's to all owners. If you know your owner doesn't have the ballot or needs some prodding, please help him out. (I didn't send to the Maulers or Marauders as they have already resent there ballots)

Here is the message I sent:

Seems as if the guy in charge of the Pro Bowl ballots for season 3 has moved on. If you have a Pro Bowl ballot please resend to "4th quarter".

View details here -

list sent from montreal hawaiian punch
James Murphy
At least its going to get done. Thats how I am looking at it. I just offered so someone would be able to do it. Ill have the owner of the Preachers send theirs in if he hasntalready.
Last edited Jul 27, 2008 22:49:26
4th Quarter
Okay. Sounds like a plan.

I'll collect ballots for 48 hours so people can get organized and resend. Expect the results around tuesday evening.


(ps, now that we're organized, I've got 5 bucks that says the original guy will get his act together and beat me to the punch)
Last edited Jul 27, 2008 23:01:42
James Murphy
Originally posted by 4th Quarter
Okay. Sounds like a plan.

I'll collect ballots for 48 hours so people can get organized and resend. Expect the results around tuesday evening.


(ps, now that we're organized, I've got 5 bucks that says the original guy will get his act together and beat me to the punch)

Yeah but at least we are pretty much guarenteed results by tuesday. Thats why I tried convincing you all to let me do it so Rock would come out of hiding and get it done. Lets get this done ASAP because I want to see who made it.

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