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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Lion Conference power Rankings
Originally posted by throughyperspace
Nic, I appreciated the effort and looked forward to seeing how horribly wrong your rankings were each week..

I'm just kidding. With that being said: No love for Dar beating Bamako and Barbary? lol

Ill make ya a deal. you beat USAORG and i will make a point to come in and edit you at a +1.30 rating. Effectively giving you a .01 edge over Pirates lol.
Props to you Nic. This was a VERY nice feature to the forums. Hopefully you'll keep doing this for seasons to come.
Originally posted by Nicodareus
Originally posted by throughyperspace

Nic, I appreciated the effort and looked forward to seeing how horribly wrong your rankings were each week..

I'm just kidding. With that being said: No love for Dar beating Bamako and Barbary? lol

Ill make ya a deal. you beat USAORG and i will make a point to come in and edit you at a +1.30 rating. Effectively giving you a .01 edge over Pirates lol.

lol.. I'm a Mogadishu man. Just giving you shit.

Edit: So if we beat Conarky will you move us past Cape Town?
Last edited Jul 11, 2008 21:03:17
Eh im tired lol but umm hmmm why not
Just did some toying with the formula to slim it down and to try and add more weight to SoS while taking the scoring impact down more then a step. This new setup actually has only 1 team going negative in power rank though doesnt change the position of the top 4.

1.) Rwanda Royal Knights - 20.81 (1)

2.) Cape Town White Sharks - 19.62 (2)

3.) Wolfenstein Werewolves - 17.43 (3)

4.) Botswana Bugeaters - 16.72 (4)

5.) Mogadishu on Khat - 15.66 (5)

6.) Barbary Coast Pirates - 15.34 (6)

7.) Bamako Bite - 14.48 (7)

8.) Dar es Salaam Warrior Kings - 14.25 (8)

9.) Angola Spider Monkeez - 14.05 (9)

10.) Sun City Undertakers - 11.55 (10)

11.) Congo Gorillas - 8.21 (13)

12.) Cameroon Outlaws - 7.63 (11)

13.) Djibouti Black Mambas - 6.88 (14)

14.) Sudan Snipers - 6.05 (12)

15.) Burundi Scorpions - 4.43 (15)

16.) Gold Coast Raiders - (-3.76) (16)
Last edited Jul 11, 2008 21:24:04
Originally posted by Nicodareus
Just did some toying with the formula to slim it down and to try and add more weight to SoS while taking the scoring impact down more then a step. This new setup actually has only 1 team going negative in power rank though doesnt change the position of the top 4.

Curious to know what happens to that #5 spot.. Barbary?
Originally posted by throughyperspace
Originally posted by Nicodareus

Just did some toying with the formula to slim it down and to try and add more weight to SoS while taking the scoring impact down more then a step. This new setup actually has only 1 team going negative in power rank though doesnt change the position of the top 4.

Curious to know what happens to that #5 spot.. Barbary?

Closed the gap greatly, however still #6
Originally posted by majech
Props to you Nic. This was a VERY nice feature to the forums. Hopefully you'll keep doing this for seasons to come.

I will do what I can, however it looks like I will not be in APL next season. Although first thing is trying to fix the build on my HB as he sucked horrid this year.
Originally posted by Nicodareus
Thank you Lion Conference for the compliments as well as the constructive criticism. Hopefully for the most part they were enjoyed and something to look forward to. i understand somethings were just not quite right and i will spend some time during the off season trying to tweak the formula a little but getting my own team as well so not sure how much tweaking I will do.

Bugeaters. Sorry you are the #2 seed atm in GLB which is what truly matters. Sorry the numbers didnt fall your way for my rankings.

Pirates. Good job at the end of season climbing up to having a good shot in the playoffs.

Rwanda. I need more women or I am docking you 30 points.

Wolves and Sharks. I hate you both for tying early in the year!!! lol j/k good season.

Monkeez. I would say get a new QB yours talks too much and thats the Wr job to be the trash talker. However, even though some games were suspect he did put up good numbers overall.

Everyone else thank you as well, just mentioned the teams that were most active in me trying to get a good formula.

Hey Nic,

Im the Owner of the Congo Gorillas, I never saw your formula to be flawed so I never had any problems with it. IMO you did a good kindness for the league and I wish you the best of luck next season.

The Gorillas had a bit of misfortune this season but, I am happy to say being stacked up against for the majority of the season we were able to stay in most games and never loose by 200 points which could've easily happened. The Gorillas have come a long way in season 3 and we look forward to season 4 with much anticipation.

Kings to you my friend,

These threads were fantastic. I enjoyed each and every time you put up the new rankings.

Originally posted by seorang
Originally posted by tramiken

uh...the begeaters beat the werewolves and are still behind them in the ratings...i call BS...

uh.... the chart hasn't been updated for matches that just played a few hours ago. Did you bother checking when was the chart last updated? had been updated as you can see we are ranked behind the Werewolves! uh...did you check to make sure it had been updated prior to calling me out, because it had been updated. uh...maybe you should focus on the Elelphant Conference rankings, apparantly you are in over your head over here.

Originally posted by tramiken
Originally posted by seorang

Originally posted by tramiken

uh...the begeaters beat the werewolves and are still behind them in the ratings...i call BS...

uh.... the chart hasn't been updated for matches that just played a few hours ago. Did you bother checking when was the chart last updated? had been updated as you can see we are ranked behind the Werewolves! uh...did you check to make sure it had been updated prior to calling me out, because it had been updated. uh...maybe you should focus on the Elelphant Conference rankings, apparantly you are in over your head over here.

Actually you are wrong. Read my post following his. I was at work at the time of the games and did not update them till later. I even posted it had not at that point.

Dont get me wrong I liked what Bugeaters have done. The numbers just did not fall their way despite being a better record. This is a Power Ranking. Official Playoff Rankings I leave to GLB. Your team did very well but as for a team with as good a record you didnt have the other numbers to back you up is all. Wolves and Sharks both put up better numbers throughout the season is all. If you even check the modified chart I am going to either use with week 16 games if I find time or starting next season. You closed the gap but still maintained #4 overall. And the new rankings favor scoring a lot lot lot less. matter of fact i eliminated a whole part of the formula. SoS, point Differential, and win% are the only 3 factors atm. I am working on adding a 4th which will accomidate quality wins (ie h2h games if I can figure out a decent forumla).
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 22:54:20
Originally posted by tramiken had been updated as you can see we are ranked behind the Werewolves! uh...did you check to make sure it had been updated prior to calling me out, because it had been updated. uh...maybe you should focus on the Elelphant Conference rankings, apparantly you are in over your head over here.

Let's check post times on page 7, since I'm the one in over my head.

Posted Jul 11, 2008 18:16:31
Originally posted by tramiken
uh...the begeaters beat the werewolves and are still behind them in the ratings...i call BS...

Last edited Jul 11, 2008 18:40:50
Originally posted by seorang
uh.... the chart hasn't been updated for matches that just played a few hours ago. Did you bother checking when was the chart last updated?

Nicodareus himself then confirms that the charts haven't been updated more than an hour after your post.

Last edited Jul 11, 2008 19:32:29
Originally posted by Nicodareus
cant a man work?? sheesh lol I am getting to them here soon.

Lets see if you pull off teh almost 5 point swing on week 16 to overtake them for 3rd overall.

As the Lion Conference Turns will continue ..... after this....
Originally posted by seorang
Originally posted by tramiken had been updated as you can see we are ranked behind the Werewolves! uh...did you check to make sure it had been updated prior to calling me out, because it had been updated. uh...maybe you should focus on the Elelphant Conference rankings, apparantly you are in over your head over here.

Let's check post times on page 7, since I'm the one in over my head.

Posted Jul 11, 2008 18:16:31
Originally posted by tramiken

uh...the begeaters beat the werewolves and are still behind them in the ratings...i call BS...

Last edited Jul 11, 2008 18:40:50
Originally posted by seorang

uh.... the chart hasn't been updated for matches that just played a few hours ago. Did you bother checking when was the chart last updated?

Nicodareus himself then confirms that the charts haven't been updated more than an hour after your post.

Last edited Jul 11, 2008 19:32:29
Originally posted by Nicodareus

cant a man work?? sheesh lol I am getting to them here soon.

Lets see if you pull off teh almost 5 point swing on week 16 to overtake them for 3rd overall.

As the Lion Conference Turns will continue ..... after this....

hooray!!!! pwnage!!!!!
Originally posted by seorang
Originally posted by tramiken had been updated as you can see we are ranked behind the Werewolves! uh...did you check to make sure it had been updated prior to calling me out, because it had been updated. uh...maybe you should focus on the Elelphant Conference rankings, apparantly you are in over your head over here.

Let's check post times on page 7, since I'm the one in over my head.

Posted Jul 11, 2008 18:16:31
Originally posted by tramiken

uh...the begeaters beat the werewolves and are still behind them in the ratings...i call BS...

Last edited Jul 11, 2008 18:40:50
Originally posted by seorang

uh.... the chart hasn't been updated for matches that just played a few hours ago. Did you bother checking when was the chart last updated?

Nicodareus himself then confirms that the charts haven't been updated more than an hour after your post.

Last edited Jul 11, 2008 19:32:29
Originally posted by Nicodareus

cant a man work?? sheesh lol I am getting to them here soon.

Lets see if you pull off teh almost 5 point swing on week 16 to overtake them for 3rd overall.

As the Lion Conference Turns will continue ..... after this....

so the Bugeaters are ranked ahead of the Werewolves??? Because as I can see they are not, so I dont know what you are talking about, I called BS that a team with a better record and a head to head win is ranked behind that said team, i called it, some may say it is ESP, either way my post is accurate
Last edited Jul 13, 2008 19:20:01

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