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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Q&A Archives > Player Archetypes Discussion #2
Originally posted by reginator
Has anyone explained why Special Team only players are limited to FB, TE, and defensive players?

I assume its because those players all cost 200 flex and OL guys only cost 100 and if given that choice everyone would just stack their ST with only OL guys. I'd prefer another explanation though rather than to assume its just about $$$$.

Getting the speed or tackling autolevel gains on a center thats already been created to play STO would be really nice. If all the other players can suddenly get the attribute gains of a center why can't a center also be entitled to some of the autolevel gains of defensive player?

Yea, I'm leaning more and more towards just getting rid of that archetype because of the concern. We can't allow the 100 flex positions because then that's all people would use, but at the same time people complain when we do that. So I'm probably just going to get rid of it.
Originally posted by StinkCheese

Originally posted by RMiller517
then rename the power back to "3rd down back" or "short yardage back." unless its got speed as a major, you can't design an offense around that back. its not explosive enough.

Seriously? I could. It's all about using the builds and getting the most out of them. I could easily build an offense around the new PB archetype.
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by sborats

Catch 22 ... my example again ... seems like very little reason to keep a S14 player?

Here is the problem as I see it ... flame me if I am not 100% correct ... whatever.

Here is a QB I created for one season (pee wee) ... assume for argument sake he played this year (even though he played in season 8).

When I rolled him, these skills were at minimum: jumping, carrying, catching ... all at 10.

end of season, he went up 2 in each category ... from leveling.

... the Archtype S15 QB ... wouldn't have meaningless points dumped into jumping, carrying, catching for a Pocket Passer.

So, his core attributes would be more efficient.

The S12 and S13 QB would be even more inefficient (older, yes ... but still a "bad" build relative to the new ArchType ... even better jumpers ... lol).

... so, it just seems to encourage everyone to retire all their S12-S14 created players? Why not total reset while we are at it?

Only reason to keep say a S14 QB is for bragging rights to say my QB can jump higher than your S15 QB?

...... another example would be HB (getting points in throwing, etc.)

Seems like at some point the core attributes of the S15 player will catch up to the S14 player? Thus making the S14 player a dud at that point (because they are a year older)

I haven't done the exact math but of all the cases I would think that s14 players are the ones that would most likely be the ones that should weight retiring. s12 and s13 players I think will be more than fine but I can definitely see where s14 players would be at a potential disadvantage at the later portion of their career.

thanks for your answer. a little frustrating because I only purchased pee wee team because I created 4 new players that I was going to keep long term (and make sure I would get enough xp along with boosting to be lvl 14 for next season). And some of other agents on my team are in the same boat (of trying to make long term, boosting players)
Originally posted by StinkCheese

SS's don't have SDC.
Lead Mod
I sent this in a PM but I'll post it here as well:

Is there a possibility of just opening up training with separate drop down boxes? I think people would like this more and it would lead to more balanced building since people wouldn't feel so much that they needed to go through a very specific course to build their player as dictated by existing intense training combos.
jumpin da snark
Is the goal to have each set of positional archetypes balanced in the sim, so each of them can be equally effective, or are we going to just have the sim play it straight-up and let nature take its course?

In other words, are we gonna see the different archetypes buffed/nerfed to achieve balance each season, or will there be winners and losers among equally competent builds in different archetypes?
Originally posted by Catch22

Yea, I'm leaning more and more towards just getting rid of that archetype because of the concern. We can't allow the 100 flex positions because then that's all people would use, but at the same time people complain when we do that. So I'm probably just going to get rid of it.

Not convinced that is the best idea. Rather then take away one archetype that is needed, why not include one weakened one for OL?

And why the hell did you name the different styles of players archetype anyways? That word is a bitch to type and is already starting to annoy the piss out of me.

Couldn't you just call them:


Edit: Multiple Quote failures
Edited by P@nda on Feb 9, 2010 14:16:30
Edited by P@nda on Feb 9, 2010 14:15:54
wombat killer
Are there are any other big changes in the works related to player building? If so, I would hope they happen at the same time. People are going to be pissed if they retire a bunch of players for this system only to find out they want to do that again the next season.
Originally posted by foofighter24
Is the goal to have each set of positional archetypes balanced in the sim, so each of them can be equally effective, or are we going to just have the sim play it straight-up and let nature take its course?

In other words, are we gonna see the different archetypes buffed/nerfed to achieve balance each season, or will there be winners and losers among equally competent builds in different archetypes?

I'm hoping that there will be balance but you and I both know that the nature of GLB and how it operates that people will find flaws and exploit them. I'm going to spend quite a bit of time doing balance testing with potential end builds to try and keep that to a minimum though.
Originally posted by wombat killer
Are there are any other big changes in the works related to player building? If so, I would hope they happen at the same time. People are going to be pissed if they retire a bunch of players for this system only to find out they want to do that again the next season.

I agree and I'll make sure that if we're going to be doing any major changes to player building that they all be done with this roll out.
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by reginator

Has anyone explained why Special Team only players are limited to FB, TE, and defensive players?

I assume its because those players all cost 200 flex and OL guys only cost 100 and if given that choice everyone would just stack their ST with only OL guys. I'd prefer another explanation though rather than to assume its just about $$$$.

Getting the speed or tackling autolevel gains on a center thats already been created to play STO would be really nice. If all the other players can suddenly get the attribute gains of a center why can't a center also be entitled to some of the autolevel gains of defensive player?

Yea, I'm leaning more and more towards just getting rid of that archetype because of the concern. We can't allow the 100 flex positions because then that's all people would use, but at the same time people complain when we do that. So I'm probably just going to get rid of it.


Thank you... my team has a majority of centers on special teams and it would have been a huge eff you to all their agents to basically make them outdated. Plenty of the regular position archetypes can have success when used on special teams. Let current special teams only players choose among what archetype for their position might be most useful on ST. They definitely don't need their own distinct arhectype that puts already made players at a disadvantage.
Dr. E
What I wonder most of all is how this will effect the numbers of players still available at higher levels. For example: In AA there aren't enough teams to fill out 3 full Leagues. If half the players retire that cuts things down to maybe just enough for one league. Then as seasons pass and teams fail there will be fewer and fewer.

Unless there is some sort of system to make an older player equitable it is possible many leagues will be thinned too much and a huge demand for the lower level leagues.
Originally posted by Catch22
I'm hoping that there will be balance but you and I both know that the nature of GLB and how it operates that people will find flaws and exploit them. I'm going to spend quite a bit of time doing balance testing with potential end builds to try and keep that to a minimum though.

I think adding "jostling" on routes, bump & run, gap blitz assignments (to help blitzing LBs), and a few things to the sim would help tremendously on making multiple build styles effective.
Along with the new archetypes, is there going to be any adjustments made to the way player's weight & height affect their performance in the SIM? I think most would agree that it's not realistic to have the most dominant powerbacks to be 180 lbs. Or is that all accounted for in the bonuses and height/weight won't affect the players as a sim calculation?

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