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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Elusive pathing and vision discussion (with a foreword about spin)
Originally posted by CinTex
Originally posted by Bort

LOL, funny you mention it. We have a jrry32's idea thread going right now, actually.

This is why we are untrusting....

Secret forums where you post and we can't see...

Sarcasm? I can't tell. I sure hope so, because Blorf needs private forums where his minions can tell him where he tried to divide by zero, without the peanut gallery (that's us) spamming the thread.
hey bort when are you going to bring in some real testers to break stuff BEFORE you implement them? just saying...
Or what about when they started the entire "tester" thing?

We weren't exactly told about that up front either, were we?

I'm just saying, I don't see why you're pretending that everything is transparent, because it is far from it. Call a spade a spade.
Edited by Bukowski on Dec 30, 2009 19:20:51
NFL Replacement Refs SUCK
Originally posted by jrry32
No one ever lets me in on anything around here.

I think there also might be some problems with zone coverage unless you have fixed it where guys in underneath shallow zones will go into man coverage mode with the first player to go through their zone which doesn't seem right at all to me. Not sure if you fixed that.

PP's slacking in his Bort test server posting. I'll have to get on him about that.
Edited by thehazyone on Dec 30, 2009 19:20:38
jumpin da snark
Originally posted by CinTex
Originally posted by Bort

LOL, funny you mention it. We have a jrry32's idea thread going right now, actually.

This is why we are untrusting....

Secret forums where you post and we can't see...

I wonder if there is a term to describe a group of people who get together in secret to discuss things...
I will say this, even though there are still problems, and Bort no longer comes to the forums much, things are much improved from where they were a few seasons ago.
Originally posted by CinTex
This is why we are untrusting....

Secret forums where you post and we can't see...

Originally posted by blln4lyf
I will say this, even though there are still problems, and Bort no longer comes to the forums much, things are much improved from where they were a few seasons ago.

I think the SIM is much better than it was a couple of seasons ago, but like you said, there are still a few issues.
Originally posted by Bort
Bug mods aren't good enough to relay info? Nobody will ever trust them, will they?

No offense intended, but there's a long history behind that distrust. A lot of people have been told that things aren't bugs or are working as intended, and it eventually takes months before it's acknowledged to be a problem, much less fixed. Then there are another host of issues which are acknowledged as problematic, but seem to take a hell of a long time to correct. Everyone gets that one man can only do so much, which is why you don't see much anti-Bort sentiment on the forums. For the most part, it's not personal against you or most of the admins, it's just extreme frustration over the lack of adequate communication and the sense that progress is being made.

Basically, the GLB rank & file have gotten used to looking after ourselves. We've been told that there's no X-factor over and over, only for the player base to finally prove it. We've been told that Jump the Snap would have minimal effects on DEs with already high vision only for a player to disprove it. Those examples could go on for quite some time. Because we either don't get answers or can't necessarily trust the answers we do receive, we end up figuring things out for ourselves. The benefit of that for you is that we do end up uncovering a lot of issues and potential solutions. The downside is that you end up having people see problems that aren't even there, since we've become accustomed to identifying potential issues through circumstantial data.
Edited by jdbolick on Dec 30, 2009 19:24:08
wombat killer
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by Bukowski

So you can not want people to be paranoid all you want, but you need to accept some of the blame as to why it's happening.

Yeah, I do. But we've generally changed the method of operation since then, haven't we? Why can't you?

You can't honestly think people are just going to accept that everything is all of a sudden fine.
I feel a little better after reading this thread.
NFL Replacement Refs SUCK
Originally posted by Bukowski
I think the SIM is much better than it was a couple of seasons ago, but like you said, there are still a few issues.

and I think those issues are being looked at and are trying to be resolved. Some are easier to fix than others. The blocking logic, as I am sure Bort will attest, is easily his biggest headache.
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by Bort

Bug mods aren't good enough to relay info? Nobody will ever trust them, will they?

No offense intended, but there's a long history behind that distrust. A lot of people have been told that things aren't bugs or are working as intended, and it eventually takes months before it's acknowledged to be a problem, much less fixed. Then there are another host of issues which are acknowledged as problematic, but seem to take a hell of a long time to correct. Everyone gets that one man can only do so much, which is why you don't see much anti-Bort sentiment on the forums. For the most part, it's not personal against you or most of the admins, it's just extreme frustration over the lack of adequate communication and the sense that progress is being made.

Basically, the GLB rank & file have gotten used to looking after ourselves. We've been told that there's no X-factor over and over, only for the player base to finally prove it. We've been told that Jump the Snap would have minimal effects on DEs with already high vision only for a player to disprove it. Those examples could go on for quite some time. Because we either don't get answers or can't necessarily trust the answers we do receiver, we end up figuring things out for ourselves. The benefit of that for you is that we do end up uncovering a lot of issues and potential solutions. The downside is that you end up having people see problems that aren't even there, since we've become accustomed to identifying potential issues through circumstantial data.

Great post.
Originally posted by Bukowski
I already explained why.

What about the weight bug last season?

That wasn't so long ago, was it? You got some condensed info from a tester and fix the problem.


Anyway, sometimes you just have to let that stuff go, and work toward the greater will help both our stress levels and move us to a higher ground of actually getting done what you want to get done. I try my best, but nobody can be perfect.

Seriously, it has worked out so much better to get certain people to condense info down for me and present the facts without the bitching in the middle. I don't want to read 80 page threads filled with arguing and e-peen comparisons, and "hey bort look at this" to try and figure out what's going on. If that stuff didn't happen, I could sort through it myself, but they do happen, and having guys like hazy and PP to act as go-betweens has been fantastic. I can't thank them enough for the effort they have put in.
Originally posted by Bukowski
Or what about when they started the entire "tester" thing?

We weren't exactly told about that up front either, were we?

OK, beating the dead horse now.

I don't like the tester issue either. testers shouldn't be normal players at the same time. not when they can just go test a build or a theory at will.

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