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Forum > Champion League > Official Discussion: How can we make this forum not so god damn terrible?
Originally posted by DrunkenOne
Originally posted by Ubasstards

Originally posted by blankspace

If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.

agreed. We are balancing out the shit CPL posting with quality KAI threads.

And we also have PP typing tl: dr posts to cancel out

plz continue making quality threads like "kobra kai is awesome," "kobra kai will sweep your leg," "_____ about to be leg swep by kait," or whatever awful repetitive variations of the same dumb fucking shit you have posted for a year. Im personally a huge fan

mad bro?
Originally posted by Gart888
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Guess I should just turn my PF into a tolerable WL forum.

The Drygeria forum already exists.

Originally posted by DrunkenOne
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

To sum up to this point:

Canada wants to "improve the forum" by removing the forumcentric inbred humor of SA and include more forumcentric inbred humor from Canada.

Welcome to the melting pot, boys.

lol @ trying to make it a cpl vs SA thing. Im sure there are plenty of ppl from slap who hate the kai, because from what I have seen from my limited exposure to your posting, its boring, repetitive, and terrible. Im sure that imthescientist or whoever think its amazingly hilarious to endlessly post painfully bad memes like sweep the leg or whatever other awful crap you do. Im sure you think that it is trolling everyone, and you guys are great posters. But, ya, actually its just p sad, its like watching a train crashing.

The thing that you have to realize about the Kai...they hold to the same storyline whether they are contending for the title or being leg-swept as a 6-10 doormat.

Familiarity breeds...benempt?
Originally posted by blankspace
Originally posted by DrunkenOne

Originally posted by Ubasstards

Originally posted by blankspace

If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.

agreed. We are balancing out the shit CPL posting with quality KAI threads.

And we also have PP typing tl: dr posts to cancel out

plz continue making quality threads like "kobra kai is awesome," "kobra kai will sweep your leg," "_____ about to be leg swep by kait," or whatever awful repetitive variations of the same dumb fucking shit you have posted for a year. Im personally a huge fan

mad bro?
Originally posted by Ubasstards
Originally posted by DrunkenOne

Originally posted by Ubasstards

Originally posted by blankspace

If it wasn't for SLAP (Kai), this would be CPL Forum 2.

agreed. We are balancing out the shit CPL posting with quality KAI threads.

And we also have PP typing tl: dr posts to cancel out

plz continue making quality threads like "kobra kai is awesome," "kobra kai will sweep your leg," "_____ about to be leg swep by kait," or whatever awful repetitive variations of the same dumb fucking shit you have posted for a year. Im personally a huge fan


Originally posted by datongw
Originally posted by kalkmanc

Only let people in that own,gm, or have a player in the WPL. I'm sure Bort can work up a code for that

damn it, just beat me to it.

Damn, my idea..

So many people with nothing to do here posting random shit
Originally posted by ksychic
Originally posted by datongw

Originally posted by kalkmanc

Only let people in that own,gm, or have a player in the WPL. I'm sure Bort can work up a code for that

damn it, just beat me to it.

Damn, my idea..

So many people with nothing to do here posting random shit

like who?
Answer to the thread title is easy......

More Kai!
Originally posted by Tyrone Kosak
Originally posted by ksychic

Originally posted by datongw

Originally posted by kalkmanc

Only let people in that own,gm, or have a player in the WPL. I'm sure Bort can work up a code for that

damn it, just beat me to it.

Damn, my idea..

So many people with nothing to do here posting random shit

like who?

Originally posted by ksychic
Originally posted by Tyrone Kosak

Originally posted by ksychic

Originally posted by datongw

Originally posted by kalkmanc

Only let people in that own,gm, or have a player in the WPL. I'm sure Bort can work up a code for that

damn it, just beat me to it.

Damn, my idea..

So many people with nothing to do here posting random shit

like who?


who the hell is that, he hasn't posted in like forever
Originally posted by DrunkenOne
see, firenze is a good example of a poster who dislikes cpl, yet is not just a horrible poster like most/all of the kai. i cant speak for cpl, but i personally dont give a fuck if you suck me off in the forums or want to flame and troll me as long as you arent a complete failure when you do it

To the first point, she had the pics taken and without much resistance allowed them to be passed around. It wasn't some malicious computer nerd hacking her account and distributing them to everyone as you seem to be inferring with this statement. You also can gfy with this whole internet nerd virgin played out bs, you don't know who the **** any of us are or how much we get laid or don't get laid. If a girl with a nice rack gives tert pics to someone on a forum and then makes no effort in denying the fact I think it would make us gos to not want to see them. To the second point your post comes off as ridiculously pathetic and overcompensating. I get the feeling that you are one of those guys who is constantly life tilted that the girls you fall in love with always go for *******s and never want anything more from you than to be "just friends." I can imagine its really aggravating to put so much effort into bending over backwards for these girls only to time and time again have them go off and hook up with another guy who you deem to be an *******. Let me let you in on a little clue, girls like to be ****ed by *****, when you act like a little nurturing bitch its not gonna turn them on because they most likely see you as a pathetic figure who would likely cry after sex and profess your love to her the next day. So next time before projecting your insecurities out over internet how bout you unclench your ******* so your balls can finally drop into your sac and then maybe, just maaayyybbbee, you'll finally get the girl.
Originally posted by ksychic
Originally posted by Tyrone Kosak

Originally posted by ksychic

Originally posted by datongw

Originally posted by kalkmanc

Only let people in that own,gm, or have a player in the WPL. I'm sure Bort can work up a code for that

damn it, just beat me to it.

Damn, my idea..

So many people with nothing to do here posting random shit

like who?


Id say everyone can view.. but only agents who have players/gm can post. Adding players to gm so they can post and abuse it will be banned from WPL all together
Originally posted by Firenze
Originally posted by DrunkenOne

see, firenze is a good example of a poster who dislikes cpl, yet is not just a horrible poster like most/all of the kai. i cant speak for cpl, but i personally dont give a fuck if you suck me off in the forums or want to flame and troll me as long as you arent a complete failure when you do it

To the first point, she had the pics taken and without much resistance allowed them to be passed around. It wasn't some malicious computer nerd hacking her account and distributing them to everyone as you seem to be inferring with this statement. You also can gfy with this whole internet nerd virgin played out bs, you don't know who the **** any of us are or how much we get laid or don't get laid. If a girl with a nice rack gives tert pics to someone on a forum and then makes no effort in denying the fact I think it would make us gos to not want to see them. To the second point your post comes off as ridiculously pathetic and overcompensating. I get the feeling that you are one of those guys who is constantly life tilted that the girls you fall in love with always go for *******s and never want anything more from you than to be "just friends." I can imagine its really aggravating to put so much effort into bending over backwards for these girls only to time and time again have them go off and hook up with another guy who you deem to be an *******. Let me let you in on a little clue, girls like to be ****ed by *****, when you act like a little nurturing bitch its not gonna turn them on because they most likely see you as a pathetic figure who would likely cry after sex and profess your love to her the next day. So next time before projecting your insecurities out over internet how bout you unclench your ******* so your balls can finally drop into your sac and then maybe, just maaayyybbbee, you'll finally get the girl.

lol this again
Originally posted by Firenze
Originally posted by DrunkenOne

see, firenze is a good example of a poster who dislikes cpl, yet is not just a horrible poster like most/all of the kai. i cant speak for cpl, but i personally dont give a fuck if you suck me off in the forums or want to flame and troll me as long as you arent a complete failure when you do it

To the first point, she had the pics taken and without much resistance allowed them to be passed around. It wasn't some malicious computer nerd hacking her account and distributing them to everyone as you seem to be inferring with this statement. You also can gfy with this whole internet nerd virgin played out bs, you don't know who the **** any of us are or how much we get laid or don't get laid. If a girl with a nice rack gives tert pics to someone on a forum and then makes no effort in denying the fact I think it would make us gos to not want to see them. To the second point your post comes off as ridiculously pathetic and overcompensating. I get the feeling that you are one of those guys who is constantly life tilted that the girls you fall in love with always go for *******s and never want anything more from you than to be "just friends." I can imagine its really aggravating to put so much effort into bending over backwards for these girls only to time and time again have them go off and hook up with another guy who you deem to be an *******. Let me let you in on a little clue, girls like to be ****ed by *****, when you act like a little nurturing bitch its not gonna turn them on because they most likely see you as a pathetic figure who would likely cry after sex and profess your love to her the next day. So next time before projecting your insecurities out over internet how bout you unclench your ******* so your balls can finally drop into your sac and then maybe, just maaayyybbbee, you'll finally get the girl.
Originally posted by joemiken

I just won't read the World League forums quite as much as I did USA. Although, I remember USA being kind of a madhouse for part of season 6 when all the new teams arrived.

Yeah, if I had to bet, I'd place my $ on spending less and less time here too. Honestly, I really don't mind any of those styles of posting, so long as they are creative and I find them either insightful or somewhat amusing (some of the CPL stuff can be funny as hell. The Rebel Yell style of "look at me" was actually damn good/creative, even when they got on my nerves). So much of this is just the same lame, tired act played over and over though. That's what will bore me out of here.....................And, yes, I understand that many of you will either be happy or won't care. I'm fine with that.


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