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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #1 > OFFICIAL Season 9 GG Thread--Post 'Em Here Guys! ( and Gals)
Not quite. Here is a better definition of "owned".
Ya see, you happen to be under contract to the Dixie Rumblefish thru season 10. That means I OWN YOU! The soccer-twit/McFuckhead butt-buddy connection has been made and now verified in this forum. You have now been demoted to wringing the ball-sweat out of Dixie Rumblefish superior equipment until season 10, day 40!
If you can talk your counting, Pokemon fixated little friend into leaving this forum, and you do the same, I might be lenient. I might even be adhominably benevolent.

Leave the Canada A1 forums, and I'll release your player in the offseason. If not, I will trade you to the GM of my team you sent your little "I ALWAYS GET THE LAST WORD" PM to. He'll put you where he sees fit, and will definitely have the "Last Word" concerning the future of your player.
Ain't Karma a bitch, boys.
Originally posted by Darren Mcfadden 5

Gentlemen, my apologies. Cancer can be sneaky. Hopefully this effort will teach the children to sit at the little table, and leave the grownups be.
If not, we could always have good sport trading this player back and forth amongst ourselves.
We could have a contest. Make him look like a crash test dummy out there. See who could get him
decimated the worst. Post highlight entries in this forum for all to enjoy.
Winner gets a "Special Brand of Hell" award!
No worries H.

Not your problem, but a highly amusing thought though!

hassle your an idiot but i will leave this forum and never speak in a canada A 1 forum again unless i am somehow mentioned in the forum (even if it is through your little friend or something like that) if you release mcfadden 5 within the week i will not participate in the forum or i could continue to speak in these forums and make comments on the level of inteligence that the rest of make(and if someone says that will be dificult for a retard to do or something like that you are idiot)
Originally posted by soccerkid091
those could be some of the stupid statements i have ever heard but then again when you deal with children who have down syndrome i should not expect much

also who cares about spelling in a formal online forum

and why would you say luckeroll up unless you are luckeroll(but i don't really care about that if you want to have your stumpy guys in free agency that is for you to do)

that statement means absolutely nothing saying i have a rubber ducky and a bubble bath that is like me saying you know what Howie Dewum you sound like the number 8 and your probably a pokemon not even a cool one you are one of four pokemon

A) caterpie the stubbiest pokemon of all

B) psyduck the retarded pokemon

C) ratatata a little rat

D) a goldeen the fish that flops around and does nothing productive

You know what pokemon are? Your a fucking loser.
Originally posted by soccerkid091
hassle your an idiot but i will leave this forum and never speak in a canada A 1 forum again unless i am somehow mentioned in the forum (even if it is through your little friend or something like that) if you release mcfadden 5 within the week i will not participate in the forum or i could continue to speak in these forums and make comments on the level of inteligence that the rest of make(and if someone says that will be dificult for a retard to do or something like that you are idiot)

You ARE Mcfadden.

Ok, soccermom, leave right now or I'll report ya as a multi, got it?
go for it because i am not you idiot friend us and you can see when we are online at the same time also you would take my pokemon comment seriously after i said it was a joke and bro you definetly are the number 7 or maybe a stumpier number like 43 either way you are an idiot
Originally posted by soccerkid091
hassle your an idiot but i will leave this forum and never speak in a canada A 1 forum again unless i am somehow mentioned in the forum (even if it is through your little friend or something like that) if you release mcfadden 5 within the week i will not participate in the forum or i could continue to speak in these forums and make comments on the level of inteligence that the rest of make(and if someone says that will be dificult for a retard to do or something like that you are idiot)

Hey Slappy! You don't set terms to Hassle! You are already violating my conditions.
Before ya go, there's just two things:
1) Your "stumpy numbers" fixation is obviously penis envy. Maybe your mommy can write you a note
so ya don't hafta shower with the "bigger boys" in your Middle School gym class.
2) In the future, go metric! Your numbers wont be so stumpy. It would sound bigger when ya describe your puny, flacid "number" on your NAMBLA application!
(North American Man-Boy Love Association)
i do like the south park reference but still your not as cool hugh jackmen
Edited by soccerkid091 on May 19, 2009 17:51:11
Don't know South Park for shit, kid. So refence is lost on me.
Here is the first official entry in the "Find Slapnut an Avatar" contest.
A present for ya, hopefully on yur way OUT!
<---- A picture of you leaving!
Edited by Hassle on May 19, 2009 18:12:48
you would have a picture of a penis as your image and you call me gay
Originally posted by Hassle
Not quite. Here is a better definition of "owned".
Ya see, you happen to be under contract to the Dixie Rumblefish thru season 10. That means I OWN YOU! The soccer-twit/McFuckhead butt-buddy connection has been made and now verified in this forum. You have now been demoted to wringing the ball-sweat out of Dixie Rumblefish superior equipment until season 10, day 40!
If you can talk your counting, Pokemon fixated little friend into leaving this forum, and you do the same, I might be lenient. I might even be adhominably benevolent.

Leave the Canada A1 forums, and I'll release your player in the offseason. If not, I will trade you to the GM of my team you sent your little "I ALWAYS GET THE LAST WORD" PM to. He'll put you where he sees fit, and will definitely have the "Last Word" concerning the future of your player.
Ain't Karma a bitch, boys.
Originally posted by Darren Mcfadden 5


Awww Hassle how smart trying to blackmail me on goallineblitz like you have some power over me. HAHAHA my guy is wringing the ball-sweat out of Dixie Rumblefish superior equipment until season 10, day 40. You make me laugh. more like he is making fun of the pathetic dixie rumblefish team that is just terrible. This year is my third year here and i have noticed all the bullshit that you talk hassle. You always have an excuse to why we lost last year in the exibition games " Ohh we tried different things out and used the default defense." When during real games it is even more pathetic when you thought it would be smart to have 3 cornerbacks on one side and a linebacker gaurding a wide reciver with 95 speed It would probably be better to use the default defense. The dixie organization is just crumbling before my eyes and i can't wait for season 10 day 40 to come up so i can get out of this nightmare.

the funny thing is hassle you think you are somewhat of a good manager but in reality you bench your players because of your own bias that sounds like the dumbest thing ever

if you say something about how that happens in real life that would be quite funny because no ones play is affected by getting along with other players

i bet if a random guy looked at your team he would probably say why are trying to make your team lose the plays you run are actually awful and the fact that you bench your better players is stupid at best meanwhile n the offensive side of the ball you just give the ball to possibly the must fumble prone player in the history of the game then the person would say why would try to ruin a good team i just don't understand unless you are trying to get moved down a division which in that case you would be ding a great a job
Hassle before bashing me on what i said you did not hear what Austin said to me that got me so pissed off in the first place. He surely did not mention that.

I calmly asked Sickie why the backup safety got twice as many plays as me because he is the defensive Coordinator and the next day i hear Austin say to me " Hey stop complaining about shit you have no right to say anything."

He has also told me last year to shut my mouth and not participate in any of the forums when i have said nothing but positive comments defending Dixie.

Hassle if you can not see through Austins bullshit then you are not as smart as i thought you were. I am even going to tell you what he is going to do before he does it. He is gonig to say i am blowing it out of proportion and say i have been trouble the whole time and if you believe that then go ahead and bench be for a couple more seasons theres nothing i can do.
Weird. I posted in our forum yesterday that Rumblefish has probably the best DBs we've faced and I thought the D schemes were solid.

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