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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Hatchman's pre-season rankings for the west
Originally posted by MF3K

That you can have fun? Throw your base AI out there.

See...I agree with you there....but when it comes to 'challenges' I won't accept one unless my team is prepared to game plan....which they never are.
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by MF3K

That you can have fun? Throw your base AI out there.

See...I agree with you there....but when it comes to 'challenges' I won't accept one unless my team is prepared to game plan....which they never are.

I guess you take things more seriously than I do.

Originally posted by MF3K
Originally posted by durakbane

Originally posted by MF3K

That's where we're different. LXA likes to talk about how good they are and Lake Erie likes to prove it on the field. So what if you lose? It's a game.

Again....what are you proving if you don't game plan to win? It isn't proving ANYTHING on the field. Its flawed logic.

That you can have fun? Throw your base AI out there.

you see our base AI is some BS we plugged in from our various pro teams. OUr DAI is litterally from an africa pro team from about 3 seasons ago
Originally posted by MF3K

I guess you take things more seriously than I do.

Have you read any of my other posts? Its all about fun......and playing the part. After 8 seasons of playing this game, the x's and o's of this thing has gotten kind of stale for's all about the role-playing at this point. I'll leave game planning and etc to the my GM's. I just won't commit to a challenge to LXA unless we are going to take it seriously...or stay in character.

I guess my point is that scrimmages (w/o the forum challenge associated with it) are no big deal. Challenges, on the other hand, involve the reputation (and character) of the team. At least that is how I see it.
Outlaw Dogs
I'd much rather take a challenge from Lake Erie then Hatchetman's team. MF3K needs his lolodot ass kicked again. I don't even know who this Hatchetman is.
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs
I'd much rather take a challenge from Lake Erie then Hatchetman's team. MF3K needs his lolodot ass kicked again. I don't even know who this Hatchetman is.

That one made me cry from laughing. You've always been the virtual tough guy...btw, where's Grundy?
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs
I'd much rather take a challenge from Lake Erie then Hatchetman's team. MF3K needs his lolodot ass kicked again. I don't even know who this Hatchetman is.

Again? Are you referring to your 100% run game plan to avoid Blackson completely? It's cool. I took that as a sign of respect for His Royal Blackness.
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by MF3K

I guess you take things more seriously than I do.

Have you read any of my other posts? Its all about fun......and playing the part. After 8 seasons of playing this game, the x's and o's of this thing has gotten kind of stale for's all about the role-playing at this point. I'll leave game planning and etc to the my GM's. I just won't commit to a challenge to LXA unless we are going to take it seriously...or stay in character.

I guess my point is that scrimmages (w/o the forum challenge associated with it) are no big deal. Challenges, on the other hand, involve the reputation (and character) of the team. At least that is how I see it.

I only do the role playing thing with Blackson. My OLB will be developing a personality soon too. I kinda wish you could post as your players.

Fact is, I'm just trying to bait you into a scrimmage. I think Lake Erie wins with or without game plans.
Originally posted by MF3K
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs

I'd much rather take a challenge from Lake Erie then Hatchetman's team. MF3K needs his lolodot ass kicked again. I don't even know who this Hatchetman is.

Again? Are you referring to your 100% run game plan to avoid Blackson completely? It's cool. I took that as a sign of respect for His Royal Blackness.

Or maybe the 95% run that we ran for most of the playoffs that no one could figure out how to gameplan against. It's not like we didn't give you enough games to study to see what we were doing. Again, not our fault the DC didn't set accordingly.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by MF3K

Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs

I'd much rather take a challenge from Lake Erie then Hatchetman's team. MF3K needs his lolodot ass kicked again. I don't even know who this Hatchetman is.

Again? Are you referring to your 100% run game plan to avoid Blackson completely? It's cool. I took that as a sign of respect for His Royal Blackness.

Or maybe the 95% run that we ran for most of the playoffs that no one could figure out how to gameplan against. It's not like we didn't give you enough games to study to see what we were doing. Again, not our fault the DC didn't set accordingly.

TB barely had an owner, let alone GMs. You guys can take all the credit you want but TB was doomed for a long time.
Originally posted by MF3K

TB barely had an owner, let alone GMs. You guys can take all the credit you want but TB was doomed for a long time.

Even with good ownership and active GMs, we would have buried TB anyway. The glitch just fit our character better.
Last edited Apr 14, 2009 20:42:27
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by MF3K

TB barely had an owner, let alone GMs. You guys can take all the credit you want but TB was doomed for a long time.

Even with good ownership and active GMs, we would have buried TB anyway. The glitch just fit our character better.

It was tough to stop. I never faulted you for using it. I used it to take down the undefeated championship favorite with the team I OC for. They went apeshit in the forums. lol
What Durak is saying, had you have had GM's to gameplan and had we of ran anything other than the Slam, we still would of demolished TB.
We only ran the Slam because it was an Asshole thing to do, which fits us to the T.
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
What Durak is saying, had you have had GM's to gameplan and had we of ran anything other than the Slam, we still would of demolished TB.
We only ran the Slam because it was an Asshole thing to do, which fits us to the T.

Not only are you funny...for once, you are being articulate. You must be 'sober.'
Yea, lack of pixie sticks to snort is really starting to sharpen my senses of the world around me.

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