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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > West pre season rankings
Originally posted by jestix
Originally posted by patd9876

Originally posted by Mattarchy

Originally posted by RyanReese

i think these rankings should be re-done

they will be redone prior to the season start or week 1 i would imagine

rankings should be redone after every game, sort of like power rankings
ranking like the top 10 teams or something.

He does do them after every game. but preseason doesnt really count.

kinda does, its shows everyone a preview of what is to come for the regular season
Brett Snyder
Originally posted by RyanReese
Originally posted by jestix

Originally posted by patd9876

Originally posted by Mattarchy

Originally posted by RyanReese

i think these rankings should be re-done

they will be redone prior to the season start or week 1 i would imagine

rankings should be redone after every game, sort of like power rankings
ranking like the top 10 teams or something.

He does do them after every game. but preseason doesnt really count.

kinda does, its shows everyone a preview of what is to come for the regular season

yeah.... but that's what the first one did, so really one for the regular season would be fine since it would accomplish the same thing but also not take as much work every 2 days for 3 teams to sign 1 new player and he has to write a report on it? Doesn't sound like it'd be worth it imo
Originally posted by RyanReese
Originally posted by jestix

Originally posted by patd9876

Originally posted by Mattarchy

Originally posted by RyanReese

i think these rankings should be re-done

they will be redone prior to the season start or week 1 i would imagine

rankings should be redone after every game, sort of like power rankings
ranking like the top 10 teams or something.

He does do them after every game. but preseason doesnt really count.

kinda does, its shows everyone a preview of what is to come for the regular season

No, my games currently would show you little of whats to come out of my team because i still have several holes to fill.
I gotta hand it to you crow; I did Power Rankings twice, and as is happening here...people bitch bitch bitch, so the 'stick-to-it-ivness' is classy, much appreciation on what you do.
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
I gotta hand it to you crow; I did Power Rankings twice, and as is happening here...people bitch bitch bitch, so the 'stick-to-it-ivness' is classy, much appreciation on what you do.

Thanks Bobby. You are a good guy and I am sorry I put you on the spot like that to start the season, but I am glad we have put our stuff behind us.

2 seasons ago I got into a huge fight with someone over the rankings and almost quit doing to them. The feed back was so great that I realized I wasn't going to let one idiot ruin something I enjoy (and I do this for part of my scouting of teams I just don't priveledge you guys to all I do for myself) and people enjoy reading them.

I also understand that by doing these I put a huge target on my teams back, but it is a risk I am willing to take. I sometimes get teams best because they want to prove they are better than I think. I can see where sometimes it hurts when you think you might be a title team and I label you 11th and it could piss some people off.

After that fight 2 seasons ago, people who were here remember it and those who were not the guy's name is not worth mentioning, I developed an attitude of if you don't like my rankings than either A) don't read them or B) make up your own. I have become so numb to the bitching that I had to go back and look at who you thought was bitching because it didn't even phase me.

I do it for entertainment for the league and the way I see it is if you think your team is better than that then go prove it. My word and feelings on a team doesn't mean how that is going to finish. Every season, as Jestix pointed out, we have one team that either moves up high or drops down low. You (in the general since of the word to the entire conference) might be that team this season.

Last edited Apr 19, 2009 15:27:03
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk

I gotta hand it to you crow; I did Power Rankings twice, and as is happening here...people bitch bitch bitch, so the 'stick-to-it-ivness' is classy, much appreciation on what you do.

Thanks Bobby. You are a good guy and I am sorry I put you on the spot like that to start the season, but I am glad we have put our stuff behind us.

2 seasons ago I got into a huge fight with someone over the rankings and almost quit doing to them. The feed back was so great that I realized I wasn't going to let one idiot ruin something I enjoy (and I do this for part of my scouting of teams I just don't priveledge you guys to all I do for myself) and people enjoy reading them.

I also understand that by doing these I put a huge target on my teams back, but it is a risk I am willing to take. I sometimes get teams best because they want to prove they are better than I think. I can see where sometimes it hurts when you think you might be a title team and I label you 11th and it could piss some people off.

After that fight 2 seasons ago, people who were here remember it and those who were not the guy's name is not worth mentioning, I developed an attitude of if you don't like my rankings than either A) don't read them or B) make up your own. I have become so numb to the bitching that I had to go back and look at who you thought was bitching because it didn't even phase me.

I do it for entertainment for the league and the way I see it is if you think your team is better than that then go prove it. My word and feelings on a team doesn't mean how that is going to finish. Every season, as Jestix pointed out, we have one team that either moves up high or drops down low. You (in the general since of the word to the entire conference) might be that team this season.

I'm just sittin here eatin my chicken crowbar.
Yeah, I hear you crow; In my case...I walked away...Sometimes ppl need to realize their teams are...let's say garbage just to be nice. I have a long string of patients...but pull it the right way and it's all gone. It takes ALOT of patients to take in the world of criticism that comes w/ putting together Power Rankings.
lol. It wasn't you I was talking about, Adamsfore, it was before you. Even when I wanted to be angry at you you made me laugh. I consider you one of my better friends on GLB and could never talk badly about you. I'm glad we didn't move up last season like we probably should have if we were not upset in the first round because I think I would miss you......*sniff* *sniff*
Originally posted by crowbar832001
lol. It wasn't you I was talking about, Adamsfore, it was before you. Even when I wanted to be angry at you you made me laugh. I consider you one of my better friends on GLB and could never talk badly about you. I'm glad we didn't move up last season like we probably should have if we were not upset in the first round because I think I would miss you......*sniff* *sniff*

The feeling is mutual Crow, you are the man.....err or tiger. I knew you weren't referencing me, but I gotta put my 2 cents in, you know me.

Last edited Apr 20, 2009 06:21:00
Originally posted by crowbar832001
lol. It wasn't you I was talking about, Adamsfore, it was before you. Even when I wanted to be angry at you you made me laugh. I consider you one of my better friends on GLB and could never talk badly about you. I'm glad we didn't move up last season like we probably should have if we were not upset in the first round because I think I would miss you......*sniff* *sniff*

Ill let you bring your crowbars to the game if we can bring our wands
Originally posted by jestix
Originally posted by crowbar832001

lol. It wasn't you I was talking about, Adamsfore, it was before you. Even when I wanted to be angry at you you made me laugh. I consider you one of my better friends on GLB and could never talk badly about you. I'm glad we didn't move up last season like we probably should have if we were not upset in the first round because I think I would miss you......*sniff* *sniff*

Ill let you bring your crowbars to the game if we can bring our wands

Can we bring our brass knuckles? The plastic ones don't work too well.
Originally posted by jestix
Originally posted by crowbar832001

lol. It wasn't you I was talking about, Adamsfore, it was before you. Even when I wanted to be angry at you you made me laugh. I consider you one of my better friends on GLB and could never talk badly about you. I'm glad we didn't move up last season like we probably should have if we were not upset in the first round because I think I would miss you......*sniff* *sniff*

Ill let you bring your crowbars to the game if we can bring our wands

I just feel out of my chair laughing at this. I was picturing 300+ lineman walking up to the line of scrimmage with little wands in their hands.
Originally posted by Adamsfore
Originally posted by crowbar832001

lol. It wasn't you I was talking about, Adamsfore, it was before you. Even when I wanted to be angry at you you made me laugh. I consider you one of my better friends on GLB and could never talk badly about you. I'm glad we didn't move up last season like we probably should have if we were not upset in the first round because I think I would miss you......*sniff* *sniff*

The feeling is mutual Crow, you are the man.....err or tiger. I knew you weren't referencing me, but I gotta put my 2 cents in, you know me.

Geaux Tigers!! If you cut me I bleed purple and gold.
BTW, Adam, have you been watching the Pit/Phi series? I am a huge Pens fan and Sid the Kid is a god. I don't appreciate how your fans booed him the other night. You guys should be in awe of his greatness every time he touches the puck.

I think I might have the only tv in Louisiana tuned into the NHL.
Originally posted by crowbar832001
BTW, Adam, have you been watching the Pit/Phi series? I am a huge Pens fan and Sid the Kid is a god. I don't appreciate how your fans booed him the other night. You guys should be in awe of his greatness every time he touches the puck.

I think I might have the only tv in Louisiana tuned into the NHL.

Her scoring skills are only outdone by her diving skills.
She's a biatch.
She's not even the best player on the Pens.

I call her sniveling Sid.

Last edited Apr 20, 2009 14:16:53

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