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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Man you guys are cool!
Originally posted by hatchman

Goat Father
Originally posted by sirallan
Originally posted by hatchman



thanks for the help again if you little guys from LXA have a backbone accept my challenge
Originally posted by hatchman
thanks for the help again if you little guys from LXA have a backbone accept my challenge

Its the offseason silly - no challenges can be sent!
Originally posted by PhinPhan54
Originally posted by kdpat15

i still think you are a PEON PHINPHAN!


The only PEON I see here kd is you with that freaking "misfits club" Avatar. That's like joining a group of Emo's, correct me if I'm wrong...

Misfits club is a club for the fanatics of Olympiacos FC..greek soccer team and we aint emo's we are fans of the team and fanatics at that PEON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by driftinggrifter
Originally posted by hatchman

Originally posted by driftinggrifter

Originally posted by PhinPhan54

Fact: This board was DEAD until I and LXA showed their ugly faces I hardly think my face is ugly my good sir, I have been told I could be a model for the homeless mutt shelter
Fact: This board was full of pussy responses of GG threads and ass grabbing
Fact: This board was DULL....
Fact: At one point, I had 3 threads SPECIFICALLY CALLING ME OUT. Part of the point, don't you think?

Finally grifter makes a post that is funny and a joy to read.

thank you I enjoyed this and there was no downgrading anyone. this is a proud day for canadaA4

Here's a catch. I do this all the time tbh. I make fun of myself just the same as I make fun of others. Ask Inebriated, I've done it in BBB forums and I have done it up here as well, last season and this season.

Just scrolled back to see what I missed as I wrote my long winded post.... This is true though grifter has been a solid member of the forums for as long as I have seen him post. He does go into the whole "LXA/death ray" bit every now and again but he keeps it in character and only uses it when appropriate. He was the first of the LXA bunch to prove to me that they were capable of being a fun contribution to the boards.
Goat Father
Originally posted by sirallan
Originally posted by hatchman

thanks for the help again if you little guys from LXA have a backbone accept my challenge

Its the offseason silly - no challenges can be sent!

again one of the great minds of GLB doesn't get the point. The challenge will be sent as soon as possible
Originally posted by Inebriated

You think too much of yourself. First off Nunavut isnt even in the Yukon Province so Im not really sure why you find that so amusing. I would have gone with something along the lines of making them eat Old Crow(town of about 250) or even Destruction Bay being the testing site for the death ray.... But apparently research isnt your strong point.

I'm in sales, I'm paid to think too much of myself. If I didn't have this confidence, I couldn't sell ice to the eskimos like I do every day

Your "rips" on me Aholewanker and "many" others were pretty bad as well. As amusing as you found them any time I tried to send it back your way you did revert back to your standard lines and I saw you pull the same maneuver with most of the other people who tried to return your quips.

My "rips" caused a flood of responses, especially from the likes of you. You remembered them all, didn't you. Take note, if you repeat something you get known for it. This was my point

As for the "grammar goon"(you didnt come up with it so why are you taking credit?) its more commonly known as the grammar police, grammar nazi, or the tool that tries to correct everyones grammar on an internet message board. If Im not being graded I dont want to hear it. Many of us are typing our posts in breaks from work and are more concerned with time restraints than pleasing your grammar fetish.

Notice the "" around grammar goon. I put that there primarily because Rickey mentioned it.. not me. I promise I know I'm not the first. If you thought that I didn't, your mistake, not mine

Fact1: the agents that posted on this board were good people who respected the others gameplanning more than their ability to talk shit on an internet message board. I know maturity comes late for some people but for the rest of us we enjoy it.

Talk to some of the people from GLB overall, and you may find that I'm a pretty well liked guy. Frankly, this is my first time letting loose like this on a forum, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. As far as maturity goes, I think I've got that one pretty well licked too.

Fact2: your facts are pretty much all saying the same thing but posted as multiple facts to make it look as if you have a valid argument.

You're probably right, I did repeat myself. Sometimes I'm a bit fired up and just keep typing. My bad

Fact3: I can keep repeating myself in various facts too

Bravo, you now are able to repeat the same tricks a 6 month old puppy can do, you must be SO PROUD!

Fact4: Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder

I know, and I'm freaking hot aren't I!

Im not here to make friends either. I have enough IRL and am not counting on this passtime to make myself feel more important or well liked. The witty banter that you remember was amusing until every one returned to the same shit. Honestly I dont think youre that bad of a guy I just think you try too hard to be an asshole instead of making good contributions to the boards..

The sad part of all this is I enjoy Boltz more than you PhinPhan. At least he cant help it.

Sad that Doltz (quoting other people, not me) is higher than I. I thought we had something Inebriated. I thought we were going to be true rivals. You have shattered that dream. It is back to the clubhouse with my LXA brethren. Rest assured that the pity I once felt for you is gone. You have shown your true colors. There shall be no resolution until we meet on the field and we destroy you. Bless you for opening my eyes to the reality that I was going above most peoples heads here. I will tone it down and reduce myself to an intellect that is more suited towards the environment I am in.

Originally posted by hatchman
again one of the great minds of GLB doesn't get the point. The challenge will be sent as soon as possible

Sorry must have missed that in your other post
Also I find it amusing that no matter how many times PhinPhan tries to "correct" the spelling of my handle his own handle is misspelled. Its all or nothing here buddy.
Originally posted by Anebriated
Also I find it amusing that no matter how many times PhinPhan tries to "correct" the spelling of my handle his own handle is misspelled. Its all or nothing here buddy.

Wouldn't that actually be "Also, I find it amusing...
Originally posted by Inebriated
Also I find it amusing that no matter how many times PhinPhan tries to "correct" the spelling of my handle his own handle is misspelled. Its all or nothing here buddy.

We've discussed this Inebriated... PhinPhan is an actual term. Google it, you'll find out...

Just because a group of people decide a phrase is a word does not mean it is so. If I used that logic then Anebriated would still be a valid word as there are a group of people who refer to me as Anebriated because I have used this handle for the better part of 5 years now.

As a Phillies "Phan" I understand where you are coming from but just because you say it does not mean it is true.
Originally posted by Anebriated

Just because a group of people decide a phrase is a word does not mean it is so. If I used that logic then Anebriated would still be a valid word as there are a group of people who refer to me as Anebriated because I have used this handle for the better part of 5 years now.

As a Phillies "Phan" I understand where you are coming from but just because you say it does not mean it is true.

it's not Phin Phan, it's phinphan.... big difference. Hell, we've even coined the phrase phinphanatic! Come on.... let it go
Well I did a search for Phinphan as well and guess what, no results were found. Although it did come up with this as the closest result... Phenaphen.
Originally posted by hatchman
Originally posted by sirallan

Originally posted by hatchman

thanks for the help again if you little guys from LXA have a backbone accept my challenge

Its the offseason silly - no challenges can be sent!

again one of the great minds of GLB doesn't get the point. The challenge will be sent as soon as possible

Do you HONESTLY think that LXA will accept a challenge simply because you are trying to puff up your chest and challenge us? We don't accept challenges without good cause such as 'teams in need' or "The U".....oh wait, they are one and the same. My bad!

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