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Originally posted by obijuan74

Tebow is one hell of an athlete and he really is a class act (unlike your coach) but he's just not built to be an NFL QB. NFL scouts are excited about Stafford because they know he is smart, has a beastly arm and after playing in a pro-style offense his entire college career he's not going to have that steep of a learning curve. Will he end up making any noise in the NFL, well I honestly don't know but I would definitely put my money on Stafford having a more lucrative career as an NFL QB than Tebow. Tebow is going to have one hell of a learning curve after playing in Urban's gimmick offense his whole college career. There's not that many pro teams that would want John Riggins as their QB or a guy that pretends he's a running back 60% of the time. That shit ain't gonna work in the NFL, he doesn't have the speed to be a running/scrambling QB and even if he was blazing fast those super fast scrambling QB's don't seem to work out that well in the NFL (see Vick, Vince Young, Kordell Stewart, etc.)

My buddy (who is an FSU fan and thus hates UF even more than you) and I had this discussion the other day. He might be able to do FB with some trick, him throwing plays, but I think the fact that he wouldn't be down there every play would take away from what makes him such a special player: his energy and leadership. So we thought he'd make a pretty decent TE assuming he can catch. Again, you could put him in motion, bring him back to a HB spot for a FB style run or trick throw play too.

Then again, who knows, he does have an arm (I've seen him put a ton of deep balls into the hands of guys like Harvin and Murphy) and can fit passes into really small spaces (see the first TD against Alabama to Moore). And this season he has been less apt to just run it as a first option when a play starts to break down. I hope he has a chance to try and make it as a QB in a system that is flexible to use him as more than just a throwing arm.
I think he should be a LB, the kid's a hoss and I bet he could knock the crap out of some folks. Having a leader that can pump the guys up like that on your defense would be invaluable.
Thats true...and yeah he can certainly knock the shit out of people.
I think tebow will be somewhat like steve young. Maybe not his career but certainly his athleticism and will to win. If tebow goes down as anything in the nfl it will be the guy who outworks everyone else on and off the field.


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