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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Differences between Fight Club and LOL(USA BORG)
Originally posted by muck dawgs
this is normaly the tme where some1 tells support and all contributors get always

Which college did you go to?
Last edited Nov 13, 2008 16:44:35
Originally posted by littleone
Originally posted by SheVegas

Waiting for Cliton's Pm....

I believe he gave you a fax number to send your ficticious claim that you have more than a 3rd grade education to.

Quit day dreaming about touching pigs in their naughty places and you would notice that.

No pm was sent from him...Because he is all talk.
Originally posted by ksychic
Originally posted by muck dawgs

this is normaly the tme where some1 tells support and all contributors get always

who cares.. this dude is a fucking hypocrite...

Still hasn't answered my 4 questions... when he supposedly answers all of them

Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by ksychic

Originally posted by muck dawgs

this is normaly the tme where some1 tells support and all contributors get always

who cares.. this dude is a fucking hypocrite...

Still hasn't answered my 4 questions... when he supposedly answers all of them


Ok, I edited my post, saw your response, but you still haven't answered which college you went to!
A 4 year UW system.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by ksychic

I'd like to ask you these questions:

1) Since when have you had a man crush on Hokie?
2) Do you ever make sense?
3) Do you have a life?

Never had a man crush on him.
I think so...We will see if any of Ash Balls players ever join LOL
Yep, a nice one. Here is what I wrote to soapbox
Soapey- Number 1...I type like shit....So make fun of me all you want....You MIGHT be the kind to make fun of someone that has a problem reading, or has a physical handicap...IDK....Second - I am 36...I don't know all of the computer lingo...QQ...Rst...DDT, etc....Sorry I don't....I also am a man of my word...I work with kids who have behavior problems...I deal with students who look for the easy way out everyday...That is why it is so easy to see the type of person RT and Hokie are...I read them like a book day 1 of the APL...On the other hand , you Soap got caught in the crossfire, sticking up for your team, which I respect.....I also said day 1 I would never respect the Coyotes, or LOL.....How could I....I spend 8 hours a day working with kids, telling them to always work hard and don't look for the easy way to get what you want....Have I made immature comments at times???? Hell yea!!!...Do I act on my teams forum like I do here...Hell no...Why??? Because honestly....I do not give 1 ounce of gay midget porn what any other owner or any other teammates of other teams in the APL think of me....I am not here to make friends, like LOL always says...I have "real" friends in real life that I care about...On here I care only about my team.....Maybe that his being selfish, but I don't come here to stir the pot...I come here to tell what has happened to the APL from day 1.....Also I will never swap out of the APL....You want to get rid of me, you will have to have the ABD relgated to AAA,,,Then I might look elsewhere...Until then I will always to my best for ABD, while reminding the new teams what a joke of an owner Hokieman, Hokiemon, Hokiemidget is.......So hate me if you want, I don't care, I hate nobody...I think and this is my opinon, that Hokie was a nobody growing up and he is somebody in GLB....So have all of your championships,,I am very happy with my real life.

You crack me up bro
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by littleone

Originally posted by SheVegas

Waiting for Cliton's Pm....

I believe he gave you a fax number to send your ficticious claim that you have more than a 3rd grade education to.

Quit day dreaming about touching pigs in their naughty places and you would notice that.

No pm was sent from him...Because he is all talk.

He posted it on this forum

Originally posted by SheVegas
A 4 year UW system.

wtf is that?
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by ksychic

I'd like to ask you these questions:

1) Since when have you had a man crush on Hokie?
2) Do you ever make sense?
3) Do you have a life?

Never had a man crush on him.
I think so...We will see if any of Ash Balls players ever join LOL
Yep, a nice one. Here is what I wrote to soapbox
Soapey- Number 1...I type like shit....So make fun of me all you want....You MIGHT be the kind to make fun of someone that has a problem reading, or has a physical handicap...IDK....Second - I am 36...I don't know all of the computer lingo...QQ...Rst...DDT, etc....Sorry I don't....I also am a man of my word...I work with kids who have behavior problems...I deal with students who look for the easy way out everyday...That is why it is so easy to see the type of person RT and Hokie are...I read them like a book day 1 of the APL...On the other hand , you Soap got caught in the crossfire, sticking up for your team, which I respect.....I also said day 1 I would never respect the Coyotes, or LOL.....How could I....I spend 8 hours a day working with kids, telling them to always work hard and don't look for the easy way to get what you want....Have I made immature comments at times???? Hell yea!!!...Do I act on my teams forum like I do here...Hell no...Why??? Because honestly....I do not give 1 ounce of gay midget porn what any other owner or any other teammates of other teams in the APL think of me....I am not here to make friends, like LOL always says...I have "real" friends in real life that I care about...On here I care only about my team.....Maybe that his being selfish, but I don't come here to stir the pot...I come here to tell what has happened to the APL from day 1.....Also I will never swap out of the APL....You want to get rid of me, you will have to have the ABD relgated to AAA,,,Then I might look elsewhere...Until then I will always to my best for ABD, while reminding the new teams what a joke of an owner Hokieman, Hokiemon, Hokiemidget is.......So hate me if you want, I don't care, I hate nobody...I think and this is my opinon, that Hokie was a nobody growing up and he is somebody in GLB....So have all of your championships,,I am very happy with my real life.

Poor little man. If you're so happy with your real life then why do you express such anger and whatnot here?

BTW - majoring in education is for morons.

I can see why you have all these problems with the internet... because in real life, you've got these stupid little fucks that you can easily manipulate and get them to do what you want. But here, in what I would refer to as MORE OF A REAL LIFE THAN WORKING WITH LITTLE KIDS THAT YOU CAN MANIPULATE AND FUCK OVER - we don't fall for your bullshit manipulation tactics.

Once you can understand the paragraph above, maybe you'll understand why we're not as easy to push around as those little kids that you can always verbally, mentally, and physically threaten.

Pretty much everyone here is smarter than you - so take your ball and go back to play with those that haven't quite aged enough to put you in your place, little man.
Originally posted by ksychic
Originally posted by SheVegas

A 4 year UW system.

wtf is that?

It appears to be a school that will let you in if you can pay, SAT's do not matter. Just a check.

Check out his new thread
Lefty Wall
Originally posted by SheVegas

I am 36....I also am a man of my word...I work with kids who have behavior problems.

You're a 36 year old online Cross-Dresser and they let your work with kids... Now I know what is wrong with the American educational system.

Last edited Nov 13, 2008 16:56:59
Well, we can see a select few on this site have not received the education they so desperately needed. First, Clinton - that is perhaps the most disrespectful comment I have seen on this site. I, myself as a teacher, feel the system must have let you down in some way, and that is too bad. To have this kind of resentment towards the system is an epic failure. Perhaps because it is that you were not able to receive the special education services that I could provide you? Perhaps it is because no one would play with you during recess? Who knows?

But to say "majoring in education is for morons," you are really saying that the United States is completely failing as a country. Maybe we will soon not be the world's predominant power, but we will still have a great influence. Your condemnation of our profession says that you would like to live somewhere else. Please, go right ahead.

I can a sure you that Vegas, as his co-worker, is as educated as he says he is. We both went through the UW system, that would be University of Wisconsin for you littleone, which is annually among the highest ranking systems in the country. We both attended/attending (for myself) well recognized private institutions for our master's. To come out and say someone is not who they say there, is a joke. Now, I know there are many of agents out there that make stuff up about themselves all of the time to feel better about who they are, but that is not SheVegas. He shoots from the hip all of the time, and that frankly is refreshing.

Then you have Lefty Wall. Another classy post. SheVegas stands for the nickname that was kiddingly bestowed upon our hometown. You are another example of how the system failed. If you want to go that far with your comments, go right ahead. But know that the two of us are very secure with who we are and what we do. We make a difference in children's lives. Clinton, what do you do? Can you honestly say your job has as much importance as what a teacher does? Be careful how you answer this, because I truly believe what we do is the most important thing in the world. And SheVegas is damn good at what he does and the children he works with. None of you would last more then a week with those kids.
Last edited Nov 13, 2008 17:53:04
Lefty Wall
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Then you have Lefty Wall. Another classy post. SheVegas stands for the nickname that was kiddingly bestowed upon our hometown. You are another example of how the system failed. If you want to go that far with your comments, go right ahead.

Lorenzon, Kudos for standing up for a friend, this being said SheV brought this down on himself, his 1000s of threads attacking lol and making up lies has gotten him the retribution he deserves.

I do respect teachers but if SheVegas uses the same diplomacy in the class room as online chats I fell bad for his students.

That being said till SheV keeps from posting blatant lies on the forums I will abstain from attacking him.
Okay, where has he lied? If I really wanted to search, I could come up with threads that basically admit to the draft. There is an obvious partnership with teams like the Cheetahs. The fact that Hokie broke away from the org to distance himself from their flaw is quite apparent. The fact that they try to portray this as a "competitive" league, when in all reality it is not because they started out with a definite advantage (players, stadium = money). These are the things he wants to bring up. There are on lies here. Not one has ever been disproven. Yeah, you will have agents coming out of the woodwork defending the org ranting on and on about how these are "lies," but there have never been facts disproving anything!

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