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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Congrats to the bOrg and Morningwood
Then why not join them?
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by RTJakarta

I should have just joined the Spider Monkeez and avoided this hubbub.

Yep...but you wouldn't have the ring that you needed

We all joined the Legs because they'd accomodate all of us.

Another fact that will go by the wayside.

Edit: And by this I mean RTJ, myself, and our friends.
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 20:26:53
Originally posted by SheVegas
Then why not join them?

I kinda already discussed this, brah.
RT...and soap...My true problem has never been with you guys
Originally posted by SheVegas
RT...and soap...My true problem has never been with you guys

Sure seemed like it back in the 'Yotes days.

Either way, personally, I'd rather you have a problem with me and just not have it with other people. What's to be gained in all of this? Nothing... Obviously no noble cause behind a video game. No battle will be won. I'm telling you this as a friend. Your posts hurt the image of the players that play for you, yourself, APL, and GLB. You might think there is, but there is no benefit of your posting the way you do.
I respect your opinion....I have said from day 1 season 3 of the APL, I would never respect 2 teams..The Coyotes and the Org for how they handled there teams....I am all about my word, and will continue this fight for as long as I can...Now that I have backing from other owners, I am not only fighting for my team (which I have 100% backing from) but other owners who for whatever reason do not want to put up with the bickering from all of the ORG.....I thank you for your post Soap, and want to say if you were a ABD member you might think differently
1. Org getting guys from other Org teams don't count.

Well then what am I and my two players? What is RTJakarta? Soapbox? Asheme? etc?

None of us have ever played on an Org team. We were up as free agents just like everyone else. Hell there was a post on the players looking for teams board with a ton of ex-Coyotes players on it and most teams in Africa either didn't see the post, didn't care, or didn't fit the requirements.

2. Your GM's reflect who you are as a person and who your team is. Your GM is not you but he represents you and your team. And hell you agreed with him. So who are you trying to fool

3. Once again Season 3 stuff pops it's head up. I remember what happened season 3. Hell I PM'ed you and updated you on the stuff. There are other teams in this league who have done the same thing since then. Fact of the matter is players who want to play on a certain team will make their way there. Whether it be week 8 or the offseason. So get over it already. You can't stop the inevidable.

4. 2 teams fighting is cool? How is that cool for the other 14 teams? You say the league isn't fun now because 1 team wins. But Zambia and TLGoT going back and forth for elephant every other year is going to be fine and dandy.

5. By time Seorang had PM'ed me I had already been talking to Paul Kemp and Hokiemon for almost a month. I never even really considered Cairo because of Shawn Morrison the NT they had already had for 2 seasons. By time he told me Morrison was leaving I was already committed. I like Cairo and it's not ass kissing I had threads up about them last season that I'm sure you could dig up. But truthfully they got to the party a bit late.
Originally posted by Chugga34
1. Org getting guys from other Org teams don't count.

Well then what am I and my two players? What is RTJakarta? Soapbox? Asheme? etc?

None of us have ever played on an Org team. We were up as free agents just like everyone else. Hell there was a post on the players looking for teams board with a ton of ex-Coyotes players on it and most teams in Africa either didn't see the post, didn't care, or didn't fit the requirements.

2. Your GM's reflect who you are as a person and who your team is. Your GM is not you but he represents you and your team. And hell you agreed with him. So who are you trying to fool

3. Once again Season 3 stuff pops it's head up. I remember what happened season 3. Hell I PM'ed you and updated you on the stuff. There are other teams in this league who have done the same thing since then. Fact of the matter is players who want to play on a certain team will make their way there. Whether it be week 8 or the offseason. So get over it already. You can't stop the inevidable.

4. 2 teams fighting is cool? How is that cool for the other 14 teams? You say the league isn't fun now because 1 team wins. But Zambia and TLGoT going back and forth for elephant every other year is going to be fine and dandy.

5. By time Seorang had PM'ed me I had already been talking to Paul Kemp and Hokiemon for almost a month. I never even really considered Cairo because of Shawn Morrison the NT they had already had for 2 seasons. By time he told me Morrison was leaving I was already committed. I like Cairo and it's not ass kissing I had threads up about them last season that I'm sure you could dig up. But truthfully they got to the party a bit late.

Fine Chuggs...Whatever you say...I will say like I said from day 1...I did not, have not, and will not ever respect the Coyotes, rt the Org, or whatever they are now Lake Opie, or whatever....Your owner can not even tell the other owners of APL, why he left the Borg. which I am sure he is still a member of, just to ashamed to keep the name..Hokie is a joke in my mind.
I'm not asking you to respect the Coyotes, Legionnaires, or Me. No offense but I could honestly care less about your opinions or who you respect. Thats just how I am....I try not to worry about what people think of me on the internet.

All I'm saying is you not respecting the Legionnaires has carried over and led to you starting to not respect Africa Pro as a whole. You are derailing thread after thread after thread and to be honest for someone who wants Africa Pro to be such a great place you'd really take a step in the right direction if you actually kept most threads on topic.

No one wants to post here anymore. No one wants to do power rankings, season outlooks, etc. Because no matter what your topic is about it's going to end up being about the "Borg" by page 2 anyways. You may think that hurts us as a team but it really doesn't, just hurts these forums.
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 21:02:09
Originally posted by Chugga34
I'm not asking you to respect the Coyotes, Legionnaires, or Me. No offense but I could honestly care less about your opinions or who you respect. Thats just how I am....I try not to worry about what people think of me on the internet.

All I'm saying is you not respecting the Legionnaires has carried over and led to you starting to not respect Africa Pro as a whole. You are derailing thread after thread after thread and to be honest for someone who wants Africa Pro to be such a great place you'd really take a step in the right direction if you actually kept most threads on topic.

No one wants to post here anymore. No one wants to do power rankings, season outlooks, etc. Because no matter what your topic is about it's going to end up being about the "Borg" by page 2 anyways. You may think that hurts us as a team but it really doesn't, just hurts these forums.

Why would I want power rankings??? To see the team that I don't respect always on top???? To hear their bitch of an owner spewl his bullshit about great game guys we got lucky?????

I again for the 150th time...respect everyone in APL except the Coyotes, who are no longer here and the Borg....So you saying I don't respect teams in the APL is again your way to spin other teams against me....I think highly of every team in the APL old, new, and future, except the Borg...Understand that???? So don't put words in my mouth.

Want to really help the APL???? get your team the hell out of it, and go to a league where you will get some respect, instead of beating up on teams that can't compete with the BORG.
Again Vegas right Borg members wrong.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by BYANG

General area, eh?

Some people in Taiwan may feel offended that you don't understand or can't figure out the situation between Taiwan and China(including Hong Kong SAR and Macau).

It's absolutely not against you. I'm just reminding you and everyone who reads this.

Since I'm currently on a business trip in China, I can't talk more right now.

Eh, fair enough. IIRC, it was only one mention a few seasons ago. At the very least, I remembered you live in Asia. Victory enough for me.

I'm in no way blasting you or anyone particular.

I'm just stating that this has always been an issue for people in Taiwan.
Ah, my apologies.

inb4 "omg ass kisserzzz"
Originally posted by SheVegas
Want to really help the APL???? get your team the hell out of it, and go to a league where you will get some respect, instead of beating up on teams that can't compete with the BORG.
Again Vegas right Borg members wrong.

I don't know I kinda like it here. I'm a big fan of warm and dry weather.....I've always had problems with allergies. So I think I'll stay.
Originally posted by SheVegas

I again for the 150th time...respect everyone in APL except the Coyotes, who are no longer here and the Borg....So you saying I don't respect teams in the APL is again your way to spin other teams against me....I think highly of every team in the APL old, new, and future, except the Borg...Understand that???? So don't put words in my mouth.

If you respect the other 31 teams, then please stop ruining the forum. Seriously! This is getting old. The APL forums have sucked for quite some time because of this crap. They were basically dead earlier this season. They started to pick up again, but now we are back to the same crap.

Vegas, you make some good points, but ruining the forums for the rest of us does not change anything with the ORG, it just ruins OUR forum.
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by SheVegas

I again for the 150th time...respect everyone in APL except the Coyotes, who are no longer here and the Borg....So you saying I don't respect teams in the APL is again your way to spin other teams against me....I think highly of every team in the APL old, new, and future, except the Borg...Understand that???? So don't put words in my mouth.

If you respect the other 31 teams, then please stop ruining the forum. Seriously! This is getting old. The APL forums have sucked for quite some time because of this crap. They were basically dead earlier this season. They started to pick up again, but now we are back to the same crap.

Vegas, you make some good points, but ruining the forums for the rest of us does not change anything with the ORG, it just ruins OUR forum.

Then join the Org and cheer for my team to go to AAA...Because I will continue my right, to express the Bullshit the Borg represents...Hell even Hokie couldn't stand it...that is why he left the Borg.

Ever wonder why Hokie never mentions the Borg's draft???? Want proof that, this happened?

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