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Originally posted by jeremy042376
Using terms like "REAL defense" and "rude awakening" and "not impressed" doesn't convey a sense of giving us a chance to be competitive. I didn't see a single member of the Vendetta claim we would go undefeated this season or be the #1 team in the conference. However, I can look back further in this post and give you several examples of you and others insinuating and/or outright saying that we would be lucky to be in the top half of the conference. I think it is way, way, way too soon for anyone to make a judgement on what we are capable of because it is obvious that those people saying these things don't know much about our team. I take offense at these accusations, and we'll get the chance to play all the other people that are talking. You, on the other hand, we will not get a chance to play unless it's a future season or in a scrim. I know Binestar well enough to know that a scrim is just an invite away, so I welcomed that challenge. In all honesty, I still do. However, I won't continue to push buttons since you've backed off your "high and mighty" approach to this little debate, so this can slip quietly into the night now if that's what everyone wishes. Good luck in AA.

Thats part of the ritual... a new team moves in and the shit talking starts... ppl talk down to the new team until it proves itself... It's more for fun than anything... Hell H-Town came into this league and had some killers... and they were great their 1st season here... but they came in quietly, and noone really blasted them. It is one thing to move into a league and expect to compete... it is another to come in loaded with confidence and attitude about how you will do based off of what you did in a lesser league.

LMAo.. in terms of me "backing off my high and mighty" goes... my team would still skull fuck yours to no end.. ask everyone in this league about it.... most of them were on the recieving end last year... It has nothing to do with backing off of anything... I just dont see what point there is in going back and forth with you... I mean if you want to test things out, I will get a scrimmage set up and you can take soem lumps... but what exactly does that do for our team seeing as how playing you guys would be a step in the wrong direction? No offense or anything, just basing it off of team history...

You guys may have a killer team and you may tear a streak through A#1, I am not saying it wont/cant happen... I am just saying you should stop all the back patting over last season and concentrate and earn that respect in the new league. Looking at your roster you seem to have a very solid base, and FWIW I wish you well in A#1 as it is a meat grinder... especially in the West. Oh... and one other thing.... you should really not take offense to anything said on these boards... half of it is shit talk, and the other half is filler to kill the dead time... like soemone else said, if you want to be competitive and win in this league you can do it.. it just takes good game planning, and if you made it this far, you obviously have that.

I dont mean to offend.. but been an off week, and shit talking can be fun.
H*Town is teh shiznit... 2nd favorte matchup of teh year!
Don't think that I mean I take it personally. I know how to get around on an internet forum. I've since looked at your team as well, and you look for real. I still don't think you could dominate us, but we can either find out or not. I'm sure Binestar is reading this little debate and getting a kick out of it, and if he wants to pursue it or if you want to, that is between you guys. I kind of stepped out of line a little there since I'm not an owner and have no ability to set up anything. Other than that, I don't see any need in repeating what I've already said.
Originally posted by Bockaneer
H*Town is teh shiznit... 2nd favorte matchup of teh year!

It's gonna be another great battle I'm sure. We've yet to beat you guys but have come close a few times. Hopefully the ball bounces our way this season.
As for this ongoing banter about respect to the new teams. Might I point out that this war of words did not get started until one specific owner of a specific new team to this league went out of his way to start yet another flame war about an absolutely meaningless game that happened 3 seasons ago before any of us were very good. Things are WAY different now so nobody here is impressed with anything of that.

PyscoJester13 knows what he's talking about. The Legends were one of the original teams here when it was the USA CCC League and they had to climb a mountain to get out of here just like the teams before them. When we moved up those teams still out matched us by 2-3 player levels and it was a very brutal road to the playoffs. Things have changed now with the gutting and promotion of several teams but there are still a few here that are very powerful teams. Assuming you do well when you get here is one thing but proving it is another.

Judging by the talent level on their current roster I'm sure the Vendetta can make the playoffs in this league and make a run but that doesn't mean any of us are impressed with the chest thumping. Like I said before, if you beat us in week 15 you'll get all the congrats you deserve but please don't try to rub the past in our face because we are nowhere near the team we were back then and I honestly don't think anyone is impressed except yourselves.

I've maintained my silence in this way too long. This Video should summarize things nicely:
These threads are much for fun when you pick on Cerneo.
Originally posted by HydrOshocK
As for this ongoing banter about respect to the new teams. Might I point out that this war of words did not get started until one specific owner of a specific new team to this league went out of his way to start yet another flame war about an absolutely meaningless game that happened 3 seasons ago before any of us were very good. Things are WAY different now so nobody here is impressed with anything of that.

I call BS.

Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Originally posted by Binestar

Originally posted by HydrOshocK

LOL....sometimes peace and quiet is a good thing. Don't worry, someone's fuse will get lit soon enough and we'll back to slingin mud.

Not until week 15 for me!

Yea I kinda figured you had that one circled on your calendar. Better bring your bag lunch though cuz it's gonna be a long day.

And, in case you forget, you're the ones who really started this WAY back.

Season 1, we're 9-0 and one of our players mentions that we're working on a perfect season and you respond with trash talk, I respond back with the same type of trash talk and suddenly all the "Good Games" from page 5 of the thread posted by Hydro and Go Texans turns into "We never had respect for you".

*THAT* is why you're both douches. The responses you insist on doing in this thread are just additions to that.

On a side note, I just finished re-reading through that thread. Hydro with the same "I'm bored" type of posts (He actually posted "Yawn" in that thread as well as this thread as his only contribution in at least 1 post each thread. I do wish he would put a bit more effort into it. It makes him look so unimaginative.)

And you may now notice that I no longer have my Hello Kitty Avatar I used to promote forum healing.

You guys try to talk a good talk, but that's all it is. You actually look at the facts and you're the douches who started this. Everything is there in this thread and the other thread I posted. You don't like the facts, perhaps you can call the CIA and ask them to create some intel for ya, they seem good at faking stuff these days.
LMAO.....get a life dude.
Originally posted by GO TEXANS
LMAO.....get a life dude.

This is my hobby.
Would be nice for you to come up with actual facts though. Something to MAYBE support your argument? Anything? Bueller? Bueller?
Please be posting some more since I have not quite hit on my daily dose of humor.
Originally posted by GO TEXANS
Please be posting some more since I have not quite hit on my daily dose of humor.

This is what you come up with?

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