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Originally posted by SheVegas
Name calling? This is a sign of respect like T.O., or LT, etc.

I thought you said you had no respect for us? Bi-polar?
I respect all of my opponents, I don't respect the Borg, and what it stands for...So indivduals yes...Team no. Comprenda?
Originally posted by SheVegas

resistance is futile
Originally posted by SheVegas
I respect all of my opponents, I don't respect the Borg, and what it stands for...So indivduals yes...Team no. Comprenda?

No I don't, because on the Legionnaires, the players ARE the team, so I have no clue what you are saying. Difference of philosophy I guess...
Hey lets remember, I named them the BORG. Resistance is futile, but too bad we resist. In fact we are 1-1 against the BORG. Not bad considering how much we are outleveled.

Sorry BORG we will keep resisting.
Or maybe their name came from Legionaires Disease? Hmm that or BORG. You decide
Originally posted by mikelj
Or maybe their name came from Legionaires Disease? Hmm that or BORG. You decide

Probably that or the HIV....Hey Mike check out the music forum (Oinks Greatest hits) tell me your favorite type of music, and I will get a song added.
Originally posted by mikelj
Hey lets remember, I named them the BORG. Resistance is futile, but too bad we resist. In fact we are 1-1 against the BORG. Not bad considering how much we are outleveled.

Sorry BORG we will keep resisting.

Too bad you can't make it to the playoffs where we could increase that win margin some more.
So what are the Borg's thoughts on redoing the leagues? Looks like that will go through...Already have a plan, so you won't face each other....How will the barnyard survive? I see you got a new group of piglets born this season, Soapy is pregnant, when's he due? Enquiring minds want to know....Come on...WHERE'S THE BEEF?
Originally posted by Hokiemon

Too bad you can't make it to the playoffs where we could increase that win margin some more.

Hokie and Laggo now playing for the same team...How nice....GM coming soon...LMAO
Originally posted by majech
I must admit that I was surprised that RT joined the oinks. He seemed more of the type to take on the challenge of taking down the top team in the land as opposed to just jumping on their ship.

Originally posted by Hokiemon
In Jakarta's defense (not that he needs it for sure), he posted a thread in the PLfT forum about quite a few players that were looking for teams to play on. He was never set on coming to the Legionnaires. As a matter of fact, I recruited him, chugga, soapbox, and the rest of our FA signings, for 2+ weeks, with 100 pms or so (?) being exchanged. They all had concerns about joining the Legs. I gave them all forum access, well b4 the playoffs started, and all the way thru the playoffs. I'm glad they chose to play on our team, as they have not only brought great players to the roster, but they've been great on the forums as well. So to think RT or any of them PMd me and said "hey, can we join your team" is really naive. I worked my ass off recruiting them.

I hope this answers some Qs, majech (although from what I've seen you're pretty much siding with SheVegas across the board on this). I can take screenshots of the PMs I sent hokiemon that made sure time and time again that he'd sign all of our players.

You really don't believe that, when I say we're in it to be together as friends, I mean just that, do you? You think I care about this game?

I made 3-4 PMs asking the same question to Hokiemon pretty much (mostly concering Chevis Jackson's playing time as well as making sure that everyone was signed before I'd join).

I didn't sign with other teams because they didn't meet all of the following:
-Competitive team
-Would take (and get 30+ reps for) players from all of us (I fielded over 20 offers personally)
-Great gameplanning

I mean sure we had offers that met some of it, but not all. There was only one other team I considered but my friend didn't want to join it so we all didn't want to. It was just the right fit.

Now listen, I really don't want to get caught up in taking sides. I really would prefer being friends with everyone here. If you don't like me and don't want to, then that's cool. Just tell me to fuck off. I don't dislike ANYONE here. You can say whatever you want about me, to me, or whatever.
This thread makes me miss Chet Avery.

In retrospect, he was a pretty cool dude.
Originally posted by SheVegas
If giant league restructuring happens..Then watch what happens if they put 2 Orgs in the same league...Oh my I will have my popcorn ready, and watch the farming begin.

Already happenning. Just A and AAA lvls atm but same region. Should investigate more. As for all of APL I was here for the start and I have been reading these forums since day 1. Its time to end this it truly is boring. And I do not have players in APL but was amused in Season 3 with Coyotes, Diamonds and Legion because it kept the forums alive. But I keep seeing lots of threads so fast forward to Season 5 it appears to have run its course. Shevegas you have your opinions and everyone else has theirs but honestly to carry this for 3+ months has to be grinding those nice smooth Diamonds into dust...

Originally posted by Nicodareus
Originally posted by SheVegas

If giant league restructuring happens..Then watch what happens if they put 2 Orgs in the same league...Oh my I will have my popcorn ready, and watch the farming begin.

Already happenning. Just A and AAA lvls atm but same region. Should investigate more. As for all of APL I was here for the start and I have been reading these forums since day 1. Its time to end this it truly is boring. And I do not have players in APL but was amused in Season 3 with Coyotes, Diamonds and Legion because it kept the forums alive. But I keep seeing lots of threads so fast forward to Season 5 it appears to have run its course. Shevegas you have your opinions and everyone else has theirs but honestly to carry this for 3+ months has to be grinding those nice smooth Diamonds into dust...

power rankings imo

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