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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by jdbolick
Now go away.

Why? Because I read the entire thread and know they've said they're working on a financial fix that will:
"1) A way to avoid going through the pointless and annoying exercise that Bort calls the "financial system."


2) A way to pay for everyone's equipment so you don't have a guy who spent $60+ on his player somehow being less than he should be simply because equipment is so ludicrously expensive."

Or is it that you want me to go away because I disagree with you?

I think I'll stay tho, thanks.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Thanks for missing the point. What tsherr described would simply be a means of seamlessly transitioning from the current Beta state to the "finished product." Of course, most of us are already wise to the fact that there will never be a "finished product," just whatever point Bort decides to give up and focus on baseball.

i didnt miss the point.

Originally posted by Ahrens858
Originally posted by Timetoshine-Beta

president isn't currently available for another 65 seasons

you are the sarah palin of GLB politics.

Timetoshine isn't HOT!
Originally posted by bhall43
what about what he said didnt answer that point?

The part where he thought tsherr was suggesting hosting different versions of the game indefinitely on different servers.

And please, please get over whatever obsession you have with me. It is beyond old. Obviously I hurt your feelings badly, but I strongly suggest that you do whatever is necessary to get beyond it, because this constant bitterness and following me around in threads to make snarky comments isn't really helping anyone. Get a life, and stop being obsessed with mine.
Originally posted by Snickerling
Or is it that you want me to go away because I disagree with you?

I think I'll stay tho, thanks.

it's easier to act like he's the majority when other opinions aren't present in the thread.
Originally posted by jdbolick

The part where he thought tsherr was suggesting hosting different versions of the game indefinitely on different servers.

And please, please get over whatever obsession you have with me. It is beyond old. Obviously I hurt your feelings badly, but I strongly suggest that you do whatever is necessary to get beyond it, because this constant bitterness and following me around in threads to make snarky comments isn't really helping anyone. Get a life, and stop being obsessed with mine.

you have been far more snarky, tbh.

also, you're missing the point

Originally posted by jdbolick
So, so dumb. It amazes me how the people in charge can simultaneously pressure people to drop down to an appropriate level while also penalizing them for doing so. It's nonsense. Everyone who plays this game hates the idiotic stadium system, but Bort & Catch somehow think it's a good idea to force people to go through it over and over again.


The new rule of thumb will be to keep a roster that barely meets the requirements rather than requesting a drop to an appropriate league, hence more gut jobs at the top. But we'll have beautifull parity at the bottom end! This is fixing a messed up financial system with another messed up band aid applied.

Have a set team cash cost to dropping down. Have stadium section black outs for some known period of time. I don't know what the answer is, I'm paying you for this game. Just think things through please before making grand sweeping changes that just expose or create other obvious problems.
Edited by CONN CHRIS on Feb 24, 2010 12:09:06
Originally posted by Snickerling
Why? Because I read the entire thread and know they've said they're working on a financial fix that will:

If that "financial fix" is actually coming then there's absolutely no need for this rule change at all.

Originally posted by
Or is it that you want me to go away because I disagree with you?

No, it's because you fail to meet the minimum intelligence level for this thread. Honestly, there should really be a sign or something to provide a disclaimer about that. You repeat points that have long, long since been addressed. It makes you look bad, not only to people who disagree with you, but also the people on your side.
Edited by jdbolick on Feb 24, 2010 12:10:08
Originally posted by jdbolick

Thanks for missing the point. What tsherr described would simply be a means of seamlessly transitioning from the current Beta state to the "finished product." So basically a one-time thing where you could satisfy existing players while slowly moving the entire playerbase over to the new game as the existing dots age and retire. Of course, most of us are already wise to the fact that there will never be a "finished product," just whatever point Bort decides to give up and focus on baseball.

SO true
Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

we aren't splitting the userbase into multiple servers/versions of GLB sorry

Thanks for missing the point. What tsherr described would simply be a means of seamlessly transitioning from the current Beta state to the "finished product." So basically a one-time thing where you could satisfy existing players while slowly moving the entire playerbase over to the new game as the existing dots age and retire. Of course, most of us are already wise to the fact that there will never be a "finished product," just whatever point Bort decides to give up and focus on baseball.

Get over yourself jdbolick.
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
SO true

SO false
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
you have been far more snarky, tbh.

The difference is that I don't obsess about people and follow them around. If you say something insightful, I'll praise it. If you say something dumb, I'll bash it. What I absolutely won't do is look for your posts just to make a bitter comment because I'm holding some grudge.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
we aren't splitting the userbase into multiple servers/versions of GLB


It wouldn't really be a split of versions. The same software would run on both machines (I know there may be more than one server now, but let's keep it simple) but on the new "reset" server, everyone who joined would join at the same time and create players at the same time, thus giving the feeling of a "fresh" version without irritating anyone. But thinking about it, you'd pretty much have to lock that server so that no newer players could join to keep the competition level equal - so it'd have to be enough players to make the extra server worth it. Not sure how that would work.

Originally posted by jdbolick
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

you have been far more snarky, tbh.

The difference is that I don't obsess about people and follow them around. If you say something insightful, I'll praise it. If you say something dumb, I'll bash it. What I absolutely won't do is look for your posts just to make a bitter comment because I'm holding some grudge.

ORLY? Thats far from the truth.
Jaxon Voom
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by jdbolick

Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

we aren't splitting the userbase into multiple servers/versions of GLB sorry

Thanks for missing the point. What tsherr described would simply be a means of seamlessly transitioning from the current Beta state to the "finished product." So basically a one-time thing where you could satisfy existing players while slowly moving the entire playerbase over to the new game as the existing dots age and retire. Of course, most of us are already wise to the fact that there will never be a "finished product," just whatever point Bort decides to give up and focus on baseball.

Get over yourself jdbolick.

Take your own advice tbh.

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