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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Watch the video... then call me a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.
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Originally posted by nsully89
It just cant be. Architects, engineers, project managers, workforce, supervision, security, logistics. Plus youve got financial departments... HR departments... Im sure ive missed some kind of functional support.

And you're going to keep 100 people silent? And nobody is going to notice the charges being placed by 100 people? Keep in mind, these charges would need to be spread over entire floors to keep the building falling evenly down. Its not an overnight job to do that. Building demolitions take days to setup and this one would be bigger then anything ever attempted before.

But it only took a failure on one floor to collapse... why does it change to every floor for explosives, but only one floor for fire? That always amazes me. "It would take tons and tons of explosives, but if its jet fuel, it only takes a little."

HR department? That is hilarious!
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Originally posted by Gnosis
Its not the "government" per say that is conducting these false flag operations. It is key components of the military industrial complex and intelligence services (CIA/Mossad) backed by their financiers who make up the "shadow government" and the essential power behind the throne.

Winner winner!
Originally posted by nsully89
It just cant be. Architects, engineers, project managers, workforce, supervision, security, logistics. Plus youve got financial departments... HR departments... Im sure ive missed some kind of functional support.

And you're going to keep 100 people silent? And nobody is going to notice the charges being placed by 100 people? Keep in mind, these charges would need to be spread over entire floors to keep the building falling evenly down. Its not an overnight job to do that. Building demolitions take days to setup and this one would be bigger then anything ever attempted before.

Originally posted by wormser1971
But it only took a failure on one floor to collapse... why does it change to every floor for explosives, but only one floor for fire? That always amazes me. "It would take tons and tons of explosives, but if its jet fuel, it only takes a little."

HR department? That is hilarious!

Bringing down multiple buildings requires charges on multiple floors. Reasonably self-explanatory, I would have thought.

Who else does the recruiting to find a workforce to do the physical labour of carrying, laying and setting charges and cable?

Originally posted by wormser1971
Winner winner!

Why would the government do that? I didn't vote for that shit?!
Originally posted by nsully89

Who else does the recruiting to find a workforce to do the physical labour of carrying, laying and setting charges and cable?

Edited by Gnosis on Feb 4, 2014 19:12:04
Originally posted by Gnosis

Check your head, the point of the post flew right over it.
Originally posted by nsully89
Check your head, the point of the post flew right over it.

You asked the question and I answered it. Perhaps my answer flew right over yours... but its not rocket science.

Intelligence agencies have tons of "front companies" used for all manners of operations across the entire world. This ACE elevators was most likely a front company for the Israeli Mossad and/or CIA. Probably comprised of ex IDF demolitions/explosive experts. They had the means and the motive.

The reason you don't have whistle blowers is because this isn't a open source government operation with random ass people... but a state sponsored attack with highly motivated and loyal intelligence operatives.

Originally posted by Gnosis
You asked the question and I answered it. Perhaps my answer flew right over yours... but its not rocket science.

Intelligence agencies have tons of "front companies" used for all manners of operations across the entire world. This ACE elevators was most likely a front company for the Israeli Mossad and/or CIA. Probably comprised of ex IDF demolitions/explosive experts. They had the means and the motive.

The reason you don't have whistle blowers is because this isn't a open source government operation with random ass people... but a state sponsored attack with highly motivated and loyal intelligence operatives.

No, no. The question I asked was wasn't "which organisation does it" it was in response to wormser saying that a demolition project wouldnt need HR for recruitment. And therefore, by extension a HR department who would require hushing about the project itself.

Originally posted by nsully89

It just cant be. Architects, engineers, project managers, workforce, supervision, security, logistics. Plus youve got financial departments... HR departments... Im sure ive missed some kind of functional support.

Originally posted by wormser1971

HR department? That is hilarious!

Originally posted by nsully89
Who else does the recruiting to find a workforce to do the physical labour of carrying, laying and setting charges and cable?

It doesnt really matter where the people come from - youve still got 100s of people to hush up. 13 years on and nobody has said anything? As if.
no title
Look upOriginally posted by nsully89
It doesnt really matter where the people come from - youve still got
100s of people to hush up. 13 years on and nobody has said anything? As if.

no title
Oldest trick in the bookOriginally posted by wormser1971
Look upOriginally posted by nsully89

It doesnt really matter where the people come from - youve still got
100s of people to hush up. 13 years on and nobody has said anything? As if.

Pithy Radish
Originally posted by wormser1971

I debated all of the debunking attempts in the model plane house of cards thread. I will refer you to that thread so you can stop yourselves from making the same false statements and perverting facts and science/engineering again. I won't go looking for the thread (do some sort of research).

Fact: The wtc twin towers both had a hole in 2 sides of the building made by the planes.

Fact: Fire does not heat surrounding air to the same temperature as the flame in this scenario. (leave the oven door open and try to preheat the thing).

Fact: I have made all of these facts known before and I know that many just plain ignore the facts (like you will ignore the video even though it is only 16 minutes long)

Begin the uninformed/uneducated rants and debunking videos that have very little basis in reality and almost no scientific relevance

Tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Go read some more catcher in the rye you conspiracy fuck. =)
Edited by Pithy Radish on Feb 4, 2014 23:47:02
Originally posted by wormser1971

Begin the uninformed/uneducated rants and debunking videos that have very little basis in reality and almost no scientific relevance

This part is where I stopped in this thread and laughed then stopped reading, the fact that he sees 99% of the population as uninformed/uneducated people who rant about things with no basis in reality and almost no scientific relevance kind of blows my mind. Seeing as how to those 99% that's exactly what conspiracy theorists are and exactly what they do.

Its almost as if CTers are psychotic or something.

Unless I'm missing something and this was a joke that went over my head? In which case, good one.
How is this still a thing? We've all proved wormy wrong on all of his points even through theoretical physics, he just keeps bring up the same old defeated points with different people hoping one person will slip up on one point, thus proving the massive inside job.
Originally posted by OverFiveHundred
This part is where I stopped in this thread and laughed then stopped reading, the fact that he sees 99% of the population as uninformed/uneducated people who rant about things with no basis in reality and almost no scientific relevance kind of blows my mind. Seeing as how to those 99% that's exactly what conspiracy theorists are and exactly what they do.

Its almost as if CTers are psychotic or something.

Unless I'm missing something and this was a joke that went over my head? In which case, good one.

The fact that your sorry ass thinks you are in a 99% majority is COMICAL.
Edited by Gnosis on Feb 5, 2014 00:39:28
Originally posted by OverFiveHundred
This part is where I stopped in this thread and laughed then stopped reading, the fact that he sees 99% of the population as uninformed/uneducated people who rant about things with no basis in reality and almost no scientific relevance kind of blows my mind. Seeing as how to those 99% that's exactly what conspiracy theorists are and exactly what they do.

Its almost as if CTers are psychotic or something.

Unless I'm missing something and this was a joke that went over my head? In which case, good one.

The fact that you talk down about "conspiracy theorists", and refuse to ask questions of what you're being spoon fed by the media is even more comical.

You should go look up the word "conspiracy". Once you understand what you're actually talking about, you'll see that conspiracies happen every day, and that they're a constant in this world. You'll also see that you've been programmed to use the term "conspiracy theorist" in blind defense of the status quo, and that you've also been programmed to associate it with "crazy" and "insane", because it really doesn't pay for people to be asking questions.

The real folks here are the ones that act like you. The sheep who don't think for themselves. There is a truth in about everything, and it typically falls in the gray area between the two extremes.

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