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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by bhall43
it worked then because it was based off when you found this point it would be a huge clusterfuck.

most likely.
Originally posted by Snickerling
a vocal minority is complaining that their exploit has been taken away and they'd be unable to compete without it.

Originally posted by jdbolick

People aren't looking for an advantage. They're looking for:

1) A way to avoid going through the pointless and annoying exercise that Bort calls the "financial system."


2) A way to pay for everyone's equipment so you don't have a guy who spent $60+ on his player somehow being less than he should be simply because equipment is so ludicrously expensive.

Now go away.
Originally posted by jdbolick

There would be way more players now than there were back then. It would be fun, but terribly unbalanced for the game as a whole.

More aggressive demotion/promotion? Something that could be useful like the in WL?
Originally posted by tsherr
Nope. So long as I can play a fun game, I really don't care where I play.


maybe you don't...but i can already see the thread to which jd starts when he gets thrown in level 4 minors and some noob gets put in WL.
Originally posted by jdbolick
Now go away.

Originally posted by Snickerling
The new system:
Everyone who wants to voluntarily move down to cap 14 or cap 4 loses a large part of what they worked for (or gained by gaming the system).

Total reset:
Everyone, including those who are not gaming the system and those who are happy where they are and do not wish to demote are FORCED to demote to cap 14 or cap 4 and completely start over because a vocal minority is complaining that their exploit has been taken away and they'd be unable to compete without it.

Don't generalize that all who want a reset can't compete. I am for the reset but if it doesn't happen then it doesn't happen, won't affect my approach on the game and that is take my team to WL.

Originally posted by tsherr
Yeah, I think you'd be surprised all the people who jumped.


we aren't splitting the userbase into multiple servers/versions of GLB

If the theory is.........we can't do a reset because "we will piss of people whose players are just maturing" then a total reset will never happen. There will always be a group of players that are peaking. Sooner or later, you have to bite the bullet. Might as well do it now.......
Originally posted by jdbolick
This is pretty much the only workable solution if there will ever be a completely new version of GLB:
Originally posted by tsherr

The solution of course, would be to start a new server with a fresh copy GLB on it, and those who want to move to the new machine can. They could even charge 200 FP upfront to make the move so that they could be sure enough people wanted to move to warrant a new server.

If ever, yes, that is the only way it should be done. I see absolutely 0 chance or reason for every stadium to be demolished and every dot to be retired.

However, I doubt that even that will happen.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
We feel most of the players in the game would get screwed with a total wipe, and we aren't going to do that to them.


This I actually agree with. Now, about the lack of players because there are just too many teams. How is this rules change going to fix this when the real answer is the universe of leagues and conferences needs to contract some?

Originally posted by jdpbernal
My team is in a higher league if you call EEAAA is a higher league and I believe a few more of my buddies in the other regions' AAA leagues are all for a reset.

point taken. should have said most teams in higher leagues
Originally posted by crazy454
More aggressive demotion/promotion? Something that could be useful like the in WL?

A shit-ton of people who will be stuck in AAA or below because there are only so many Pro & WL spots, despite everyone and their grandmother having New Season 1 players, then not nearly enough players in the following seasons to adequately replace them.
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
we aren't splitting the userbase into multiple servers/versions of GLB sorry

Thanks for missing the point. What tsherr described would simply be a means of seamlessly transitioning from the current Beta state to the "finished product." So basically a one-time thing where you could satisfy existing players while slowly moving the entire playerbase over to the new game as the existing dots age and retire. Of course, most of us are already wise to the fact that there will never be a "finished product," just whatever point Bort decides to give up and focus on baseball.
Edited by jdbolick on Feb 24, 2010 12:03:22
Originally posted by Snickerling
The new system:
Everyone who wants to voluntarily move down to cap 14 or cap 4 loses a large part of what they worked for (or gained by gaming the system).

Total reset:
Everyone, including those who are not gaming the system and those who are happy where they are and do not wish to demote are FORCED to demote to cap 14 or cap 4 and completely start over because a vocal minority is complaining that their exploit has been taken away and they'd be unable to compete without it.

You are missing the point.....I have never gamed the system and I am happy where I am BUT I don't want to be competing against people who have previously gamed the system and will be allowed to keep the fruits of their shennanigans. Get it?!?

Why are you attracted to staying in an unfair system?
Originally posted by jdbolick

Thanks for missing the point. What tsherr described would simply be a means of seamlessly transitioning from the current Beta state to the "finished product." Of course, most of us are already wise to the fact that there will never be a "finished product," just whatever point Bort decides to give up and focus on baseball.

what about what he said didnt answer that point?

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