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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > Watch the video... then call me a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.
Originally posted by seths99

Put a yarmulke on him and that'd be picture perfect.
no title
Originally posted by baumusc
Not sure what collapses you have watched but what you are describing isn't what happened at all. With WTC 2 for instance in the following video you can see the collapse begin to occur on the left side of the building where the most damage is. You can see the collapse begin at second 2 in the video. As the left side of the building starts collapsing the center and right side of the building begin to buckle at second 3 in the video. You can actually see the structure flex at the middle and right side. At the last part of the frame in second 3 and first part of second 4 you can see the building buckle 9-10 floors above where it started to collapse on the left side. The top of the building doesn't just 'drop down' like you claim but instead begins to fall off center at an angle as can be seen in second 4 of the video. Then in second 6 of the video you see how the entire top part of the building starts to fall on the rest at an angle. In second 10 you can see part of the exterior of the building still standing for a while as the rest of the building collapses. To say that the building fell like the steel disappeared is just being intellectually dishonest.

Will you READ THE REPORT before you call me dishonest. They tell us that the energy comes from the drop of 2.7 meters. Slightly less than one floor due to tilting of the top mass. There is not enough energy for the collapse to occur in the absence of a gravitational drop from that height, which means the steel was all instantaneously fractured at all connections to cause the drop. You are now arguing against the NIST calculations and assumptions, AGAIN! You refuse to read the report, but claim I am wrong to say they have made horrible assumptions. In the absence of the following assumptions, the collapse does not occur.

1)maximum damage to all steel columns (perimeter and core)
2) all fireproofing removed from all steel on the impact floors
3)gravitational drop from a height of at least 2.7 meters

If you disagree with any one of those assumptions, it is not me you disagree with... it's the official report
wormser, its a waste of time. They will not READ anything you present, watch ANY videos you supply, or any article you present. The reason i used to post articles instead of links is because I knew they wouldn't click on the links.

They will take anything you say and then google "Debunking explosives" "Debunking XYZ" then post shit links full of more bullshit and pretend like they have a grasp on the situation and confident that their "experts" trump any thing we have to say.

Zero effort on all fronts.

We're dealing with literal intellectual cowards.

no title
To not even read the official report and then try to support that same official report they have never read is truly being intellectually dishonest!
Originally posted by wormser1971
Will you READ THE REPORT before you call me dishonest. They tell us that the energy comes from the drop of 2.7 meters. Slightly less than one floor due to tilting of the top mass. There is not enough energy for the collapse to occur in the absence of a gravitational drop from that height, which means the steel was all instantaneously fractured at all connections to cause the drop. You are now arguing against the NIST calculations and assumptions, AGAIN! You refuse to read the report, but claim I am wrong to say they have made horrible assumptions. In the absence of the following assumptions, the collapse does not occur.

1)maximum damage to all steel columns (perimeter and core)
2) all fireproofing removed from all steel on the impact floors
3)gravitational drop from a height of at least 2.7 meters

If you disagree with any one of those assumptions, it is not me you disagree with... it's the official report

I'm not arguing against any findings, I am arguing with you that it was not some kind of collapse that occurred with no resistance like you claim. There was plenty of resistance and that is evident just by watching the collapse itself. Look at the collapse. When the far right side finally buckles the top drops onto the rest of the building. What the hell do you see in that collapse video that looks anything like a demolition? There are no similarities to a demolition at all! You can see the building fail frame by frame, a structural failure caused by structural damage and an uncontrolled fire. You cn see the structure flex and then fail, that isn't what happens in a demolition. The collapse starts right where the maximum damage is. Don't you think that would be an impossible job to pull of with a demolition charge or thermite charge? That would have to be one hell of an amazing placement on that charge and that charge would somehow have to survive the plane crash and the ensuing fire. You are absolutely out of your mind if you think that is possible.
Also what do you possibly see in that collapse video that looks anything like a demolition starting from the lobby since you keep talking about explosive charges going off in the lobby? It is right in front of you. Use some common sense and quit moving goal posts around.
Edited by baumusc on Dec 20, 2013 19:08:38
I'm still 2 sides here: The people who understand physics, and the people who hate Jews.
Originally posted by rams78110
I'm still 2 sides here: The people who understand physics, and the people who hate Jews.

Welcome to ignore, idiot.
Originally posted by baumusc
I'm not arguing against any findings, I am arguing with you that it was not some kind of collapse that occurred with no resistance like you claim. There was plenty of resistance and that is evident just by watching the collapse itself. Look at the collapse. When the far right side finally buckles the top drops onto the rest of the building. What the hell do you see in that collapse video that looks anything like a demolition? There are no similarities to a demolition at all! You can see the building fail frame by frame, a structural failure caused by structural damage and an uncontrolled fire. You cn see the structure flex and then fail, that isn't what happens in a demolition. The collapse starts right where the maximum damage is. Don't you think that would be an impossible job to pull of with a demolition charge or thermite charge? That would have to be one hell of an amazing placement on that charge and that charge would somehow have to survive the plane crash and the ensuing fire. You are absolutely out of your mind if you think that is possible.
Also what do you possibly see in that collapse video that looks anything like a demolition starting from the lobby since you keep talking about explosive charges going off in the lobby? It is right in front of you. Use some common sense and quit moving goal posts around.

You can't be serious...

Your responses get more comical by the day. Stop grasping at straws and fallacious bullshit and just admit you are wrong for once in your life. Your ego will thank you for it.

Originally posted by Gnosis
You can't be serious...

Your responses get more comical by the day. Stop grasping at straws and fallacious bullshit and just admit you are wrong for once in your life. Your ego will thank you for it.

I've been wrong plenty of times in my life, this isn't one of them. You didn't address one thing I asked. When you watch this collapse video:

...where do you see any signs that it was a demolition? What I see is the tower failing on the left corner where the maximum damage occurred. Then I see the rest of the structure try to maintain stability, buckle and fail. That isn't what a demolition looks like buddy, sorry. Also how perfect of a placement would those demo charges have to be to start the demolition and collapse exactly at the point where the plane caused the most damage to the building? I mean that is just amazing intuitiveness on their part I guess. Give me a break.

Oh and Palestine still isn't a country.
Edited by baumusc on Dec 20, 2013 21:14:37

32:40 - Inferno in the elevator shafts.

39:40 - very little fireproofing found on steel in the rubble.
Originally posted by wormser1971

I hope some of you understand this... I believed the official story, for years! Then I read the official story. Something none of you have done. It is wrong in so many ways, but I never noticed until I read it. I trusted the media, and the propaganda that I was fed. I do not go to infowars or sites like it. I go to scientific sites. If you had the guts to go to some of them, maybe you would open your mind a little... but all of you have displayed a complete lack of the education you claim to have. It truly is willful ignorance. You refuse to even read the official story, so you can continue living your fantasy... that the world is what you think it is. You are intellectual cowards at best.

I get it, this is your Christ. You believe! Congrats.
Changes nothing, you are still a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.

I mean, if you were to talk about the NYC flight from JFK that got shot down - i'm with ya. Not on this one.
Originally posted by baumusc

Oh and Palestine still isn't a country.

Nor was it ever - nor will it ever be.
no title
Originally posted by baumusc

32:40 - Inferno in the elevator shafts.

39:40 - very little fireproofing found on steel in the rubble.

30:22 estimates that 1/3 of fuel burns outside of building in fireball... the rest burns in 8 minutes.

Calculations can be done to figure that out, and all estimates have the fuel gone in less than 10

30:40 why did the fireproofing get knocked off at impact, rather than during collapse? It's an assumption made that I contend is an assumption based on zero observation.

32:40 he was in an elevator that was in the impact region and does not travel to the lobby

33:20 despite the sharp angle of the plane it still ... blah blah The animation they use for that one is not an accurate depiction of the impact seen in the video

33:35 he climbed down 78 flights of stairs. that is the evidence of 32:40. It is misleading to say that the elevators shafts were on fire in the lobby because a guy in an elevator that only went as low as the 78th floor skylobby saw an inferno. fire in that spot was expected because that tower was hit at the 78th floor to the 84th floor. those elevators that he was in only go from 78 to the restaurant up at 108.

33:40 "a big huge explosion, then I turned and saw a huge ball of fire come out... then collapse"

34:25 suddenly a puff of smoke out of the east side. The video assumes some kind of collapse, because.... because they are ignoring all other explanations.

35:00 pancake collapse has been discredited... that is a bullshit statement.

35:20 that fire is not from the time after the first collapse. They have edited early fire into it to deceive.

35:40 the antenna moves first, which tells them the core columns failed first.... You obviously didn't watch the video with any kind of scrutiny. NIST does not even make this claim, because it's wrong.

39:45 they use the term "thin layer of fireproofing sprayed on" which is deceptive. It was 4 layers of spray, one of which was in place to prevent the other layers from being knocked off
Originally posted by
the entire structure of the South Tower, the spray was an asbestos-free successor to the original product consisting of mineral wool and binder. These formulations were applied to core columns, the outside face of the exterior walls and columns, the long-span steel joists (trusses) that supported the concrete floors, and trench headers for the underfloor raceway system.
Click here to enlarge image

The third type of spray, a lightweight gypsum plaster with vermiculite aggregate, was used on the inside face of the exterior walls and columns and on the seats supporting the long-span joists. This material contained no asbestos.

The fourth formulation was a "hard coat" consisting of 80-percent chrysotile asbestos set in a matrix of Portland cement. This was sprayed over the mineral fiber fireproofing in locations where it was thought that the more friable fireproofing material could suffer from vibration or air erosion. As such, this "hard coat" was used in the high-speed elevator shafts between the concourse level and the 44th- and 78th-floor sky lobbies in both towers, where it was thought that air currents from the "piston effect" of the elevators could damage the fireproofing.

40:00 this is a BS statement. Steel is rated by underwriting laboratories.

Originally posted by UL executive
The buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel.” - Kevin Ryan
An executive at Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the company that certified the steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center, has questioned the common theory that fuel fires caused the Twin Towers to collapse.

In a letter dated Thursday (11/11, complete text below), UL executive Kevin Ryan called on Frank Gayle, director of the government team that has spent two years studying how the trade center was built and why it fell, to “do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jet fuel fires to soften or melt structural steel.”

Kevin Ryan is Site Manager at Environmental Health Laboratories (EHL) in South Bend, Indiana. This is a division of UL, the product-compliance and testing giant. Because UL certified the WTC steel for its ability to withstand fires, the steel’s performance on September 11 is obviously of concern to the company.

While Ryan’s letter does not constitute an official statement from Underwriters Laboratories, it suggests incipient disagreements between UL and NIST about the true cause of the WTC collapses.

You don't even realize when the video was made (2002) or that it is a truther that posted it to show discrepancies.

Originally posted by video OP
FEMA lead investigator Corley says WTC1 CORE initiation at 35:40 - unlike the NIST sagging truss theory - yet fails to explain exactly what caused the core failure

Get a grip here, debunkers. You are not using science... you are leaving out facts.... you are arguing points that have been discredited long ago. You think I am crazy for scrutinizing these statements that are based in fantasy. You don't even check the validity of claims you make. Lying and omitting facts is great for making you feel good about being decieved, but it does nothing for your credibility.
Edited by wormser1971 on Dec 21, 2013 13:56:12
Originally posted by wormser1971

30:22 estimates that 1/3 of fuel burns outside of building in fireball... the rest burns in 8 minutes.

Calculations can be done to figure that out, and all estimates have the fuel gone in less than 10.

10,000 gallons on impact. 1/3 burned outside. That leaves 6,700 gallons or so inside the towers. Anyways we have gone over this, the fire ignited a lot of other fuel sources in the building which burned hot. You can't possibly look at the WTC centers an hour after the collision and honestly say that it wasn't a raging inferno. It's all on video, the fire was burning quite hot.

Originally posted by Originally posted by video OP

FEMA lead investigator Corley says WTC1 CORE initiation at 35:40 - unlike the NIST sagging truss theory - yet fails to explain exactly what caused the core failure

A large portion of the core on multiple floors was damaged or destroyed by the collision. They explain that in the video. Architects were actually amazed that the buildings stood as long as they did with all the damage done to them.

Also don't forget that the WTC buildings were really the first of their kind. Light weight components. Thin layers of fireproofing. There was obviously major damage to the core which is why you see buckling occurring on the outer trusses with a deflection of up to 55" right before the collapse. You also haven't answered one simple question. If this was a demolition how did they set up c4 or thermite or whatever you are claiming at exactly the correct floor where the maximum damage occurred and where it is obvious the collapse begins? Also how did those charges possibly survive the initial explosion from the plane crash.

Originally posted by baumusc
A large portion of the core on multiple floors was damaged or destroyed by the collision. They explain that in the video. Architects were actually amazed that the buildings stood as long as they did with all the damage done to them.

Also don't forget that the WTC buildings were really the first of their kind. Light weight components. Thin layers of fireproofing. There was obviously major damage to the core which is why you see buckling occurring on the outer trusses with a deflection of up to 55" right before the collapse. You also haven't answered one simple question. If this was a demolition how did they set up c4 or thermite or whatever you are claiming at exactly the correct floor where the maximum damage occurred and where it is obvious the collapse begins? Also how did those charges possibly survive the initial explosion from the plane crash.


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