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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Question... so if I had a pro team with 100000000 dollars and I demoted last season to say lvl 14 cap I would get to keep all my money, but now I demote at the end of this season I take a hit?
Edited by Lions2x on Feb 24, 2010 11:37:58
Originally posted by Voltron
I want to have a player with 15 in every VA he can get.

and 50 pieces of aeq
Originally posted by Gart888
Also because it's pretty pointless. The way teh game is set up, there's no need for a total wipe. If there wasn't player decline, and the player population wasn't in a constant regenerative cycle, i'd agree a wipe would be good. But as it stands, just wait 10 seasons, and there's your total wipe.

says an owner of team entrenched in WL. of course you wouldnt want a total reset
Originally posted by PackMan97
2) With the new system changing the need for EQ....there is no reason to have to reward teams that are sitting on lumps of cash and big stadiums.

If the new system actually fixes the problems with equipping everyone and eliminates the "advantage" of having tons of money, then what's the need for this rule at all? Chronoaug and DD couldn't answer that either, so don't feel bad.

Originally posted by
1) I agree, however shouldn't all teams at the same level of competition be given the same resources to compete?

No, they really shouldn't. Someone who has sunk a ton of flex into playing this game shouldn't have their accumulated wealth taken away just to make things "fair" for someone who just started. You're forcing people to go through an annoying, pointless process that they've already been through once before for no real reason. As noted repeatedly, having huge money isn't even an advantage until you're out of the cloud, and we keep being told that it won't be an advantage at all once the new system is put in.

Originally posted by
Why should my team as a S15 demotion ($1,500,000 cash and no stadium) be placed up against a S14 demotion with a full stadium and $60m in the bank? Do you not see the unfairness inherent in that decision?

Of course, which is why I said that if this idiotic rule is actually going to be implemented at all then it should apply to everyone and not just the people with bad timing. But it really shouldn't be a rule at all.
Originally posted by Ahrens858
and 50 pieces of aeq

No, I'm going to softcap every attribute. He'll be the best kicking, punting, throwing pass rushing DE evar.
Originally posted by Gart888
Also because it's pretty pointless. The way teh game is set up, there's no need for a total wipe. If there wasn't player decline, and the player population wasn't in a constant regenerative cycle, i'd agree a wipe would be good. But as it stands, just wait 10 seasons, and there's your total wipe.

i just wiped 10 minutes ago.
Originally posted by PackMan97
2) With the new system changing the need for EQ....there is no reason to have to reward teams that are sitting on lumps of cash and big stadiums.

1) I agree, however shouldn't all teams at the same level of competition be given the same resources to compete?

Why should my team as a S15 demotion ($1,500,000 cash and no stadium) be placed up against a S14 demotion with a full stadium and $60m in the bank? Do you not see the unfairness inherent in that decision?

If these rules are good enough for a new demotion, they are good enough for everyone.

I agree if you are going to reset everyone then moving down then you need to reset everyone they are going to compete with this season and for the foreseeable future. A new Level 14 team who wins will be playing a level 22 team with tons of cash within one season.
Originally posted by tsherr
Finally. A reason is given. That's all anyone asking has been asking for. So, from DD's mouth: There will be no reset because they don't want to ruin things for agents who have players who are just maturing. That's fair.


Gart for admin?
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
says an owner of team entrenched in WL. of course you wouldnt want a total reset

Ha, like Gart would have trouble getting back to the WL if he had to start over.
Originally posted by mikeandbrooke07
says an owner of team entrenched in WL. of course you wouldnt want a total reset

why in the hell would they reset the WL?
Then again, with all these stadium discussion in here.... Why don't we add a few more things in the team's finances?
I posted a suggestion, here's the link ->

We can't pull the plug on the new rule on the demotion stuff but how about adding more ways for teams to earn money or meaning get their money to grow and even decrease too? Revenues and expense over and above the current player salaries, player equipments and player bonuses.

Originally posted by Voltron
No, I'm going to softcap every attribute. He'll be the best kicking, punting, throwing pass rushing DE evar.

ohhhhhhhhhh snap you are out of control
Originally posted by Voltron
Ha, like Gart would have trouble getting back to the WL if he had to start over.

well then whats the problem?
Originally posted by Jiddy78
On the flip...They'll have some epic equipment in their 17th seasons.

Challenge sent
There will be a massive consolidation of teams next season...

Positives: If this helps recruiting, the pain in the ass dealing with finance is worth it .

Negatives: If recruiting is still teh suk, this game will add a notch in the "It's like work for f*ck's sake" department.

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