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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > So maybe I am slow but I just realized that...
Originally posted by dutchboyx9
Dude Po, its just a game. You picked up some talent, if they have good builds you should be close to our level. Don't worry about that 1 game.

Worst case we suffer through another season of "I'm going to beat the XXXs" before playing them and then "Gosh the XXXs are good" afterwards. XXX was stingers last year, its Bora Bora this year. Did you think you would go undefeated?

Nah I still planned on being a mid tier team, still considerably below the top 4.

Just frustrating to know that all that hard work to even compete for a championship went right out the window.

Yeah its just a game, and it definately passes the time at work, but it also costs plenty of money to play (even though I think its been a bad investment of mine so have been retiring players to pay for boosting this year) but still it costs money.

But what is going to happen when teams start realizing they can get two teams compete with both and which ever one ends up with the better record stack that team for the playoff run, then do it all over again the following season when you get them back on at the end of the season.

I dont know if it will happen or if I will do it but the thought has crossed my mind.
I will say I was done trading until this fiasco.

Now I have been making more trades to try and close the gap.
Originally posted by johnbarber
Again Brawlers i applaud you for staying together as a team, it's impressive especially if you weren't friends in RL. The problem i see is glb is like the nfl in that if something works, 100 people are doing it within the hour. You'll see more Pro teams disappear and magicly reappear on lower level leagues. You may have good intentions of keeping your squad together and that's admirable but show the same amount of respect for the overall game by realizing a pro team doesn't belong in this league. I don't mind if you stay because i think the Gunners can give you a little bit of a fight, but realisticly the rest of the teams are fighting just to catch up to us, ASRW and a few others. To your team, it's insurmountable.

Any team can give us a Loss. We are by no means the authority on tactics, builds, or depth chart situations. We are still trying to figure the game out much like everyone else. Everyone in this league has a great squad. We could miss the playoffs and be happy just because we want to stick together.
Originally posted by Bengals89
Originally posted by johnbarber

Again Brawlers i applaud you for staying together as a team, it's impressive especially if you weren't friends in RL. The problem i see is glb is like the nfl in that if something works, 100 people are doing it within the hour. You'll see more Pro teams disappear and magicly reappear on lower level leagues. You may have good intentions of keeping your squad together and that's admirable but show the same amount of respect for the overall game by realizing a pro team doesn't belong in this league. I don't mind if you stay because i think the Gunners can give you a little bit of a fight, but realisticly the rest of the teams are fighting just to catch up to us, ASRW and a few others. To your team, it's insurmountable.

Any team can give us a Loss. We are by no means the authority on tactics, builds, or depth chart situations. We are still trying to figure the game out much like everyone else. Everyone in this league has a great squad. We could miss the playoffs and be happy just because we want to stick together.

If you stay, I promise ASRW will come ready to fight. We aren't laying down for you just because you outlevel us.
Originally posted by shield.bearer
Originally posted by Bengals89

Originally posted by johnbarber

Again Brawlers i applaud you for staying together as a team, it's impressive especially if you weren't friends in RL. The problem i see is glb is like the nfl in that if something works, 100 people are doing it within the hour. You'll see more Pro teams disappear and magicly reappear on lower level leagues. You may have good intentions of keeping your squad together and that's admirable but show the same amount of respect for the overall game by realizing a pro team doesn't belong in this league. I don't mind if you stay because i think the Gunners can give you a little bit of a fight, but realisticly the rest of the teams are fighting just to catch up to us, ASRW and a few others. To your team, it's insurmountable.

Any team can give us a Loss. We are by no means the authority on tactics, builds, or depth chart situations. We are still trying to figure the game out much like everyone else. Everyone in this league has a great squad. We could miss the playoffs and be happy just because we want to stick together.

If you stay, I promise ASRW will come ready to fight. We aren't laying down for you just because you outlevel us.

and thats what we expect. Your guys teams arent so far behind us that you couldnt compete. Hell as ive pointed out to Ming Sao through PM's (cuz he is banned from the board) We were in the same situation a season or so ago in EE Pro. We were a good 3-6 levels behind those teams in every position, and we made the playoffs.
Ahhhh I love the smell of competitive fire in the morning.

shield.bearer, I would expect nothing less. We will game plan like every game depends on making the playoffs or not and we expect the same from every team.
Originally posted by GoBrowns
Originally posted by shield.bearer

Originally posted by Bengals89

Originally posted by johnbarber

Again Brawlers i applaud you for staying together as a team, it's impressive especially if you weren't friends in RL. The problem i see is glb is like the nfl in that if something works, 100 people are doing it within the hour. You'll see more Pro teams disappear and magicly reappear on lower level leagues. You may have good intentions of keeping your squad together and that's admirable but show the same amount of respect for the overall game by realizing a pro team doesn't belong in this league. I don't mind if you stay because i think the Gunners can give you a little bit of a fight, but realisticly the rest of the teams are fighting just to catch up to us, ASRW and a few others. To your team, it's insurmountable.

Any team can give us a Loss. We are by no means the authority on tactics, builds, or depth chart situations. We are still trying to figure the game out much like everyone else. Everyone in this league has a great squad. We could miss the playoffs and be happy just because we want to stick together.

If you stay, I promise ASRW will come ready to fight. We aren't laying down for you just because you outlevel us.

Hell as ive pointed out to Ming Sao through PM's (cuz he is banned from the board)

That guy PMs you too?! Fuck he tried to lay down a monster guilt trip on me and acted as though I still have a say in what happens with the team.

Just so you guys know. My GM title was given to me to allow me access to the equipment room. (I need to get fresh towels for after games)
ya, he has been civil though.
I just want to step in and ask a quick question of the guys of the Brawlers:

Which do you guys prefer? Do you want to be the obvious favorites in a league (because regardless of what you may say, that much outleveling makes a difference, and you guys aren't rookies to the tactics game), or do you want to be competitive and be a playoff team with a chance at a title in the pro leagues?
Originally posted by looksthatkillbn
I just want to step in and ask a quick question of the guys of the Brawlers:

Which do you guys prefer? Do you want to be the obvious favorites in a league (because regardless of what you may say, that much outleveling makes a difference, and you guys aren't rookies to the tactics game), or do you want to be competitive and be a playoff team with a chance at a title in the pro leagues?

We've never been the favorite in any league so it wouldn't really fit our style. We like to be the under dogs.

Ban lifted.

Carry on.
Welcome back Sao
welcome back Ming, join the party
I have a player over in EE Pro Alpha Conference and I have to say, that Zeta conf has teams that could hang with some of the USA Pro teams. It's extremely competitive and very hard to stay on top, gotta have a good owner and players. I can certainly see that if a new owner comes in and makes a few bad FAs or mucks up the gameplanning (given the new guy likely has zero experience with those aspects coming into the job so it's very likely) they would get completely destroyed. Then what fun is the experience here?

I can see why they all decided to leave and given they were around there for 3 seasons they are throwing away a lot of relationships they created with the other owners and players there. It's not an easy call to make on thier part.

I don't believe it was intentional that they planned on going to a lower level league to dominate. They thought they were going to AAA level, but did poor homework as to the team they were going to and it got relegated down. They believed they did their due diligence in seeing if what they were doing was allowed.

So I don't hate them at all for what's going on. It's just a bad situation that has come about. They were good guys over in EE Pro and the amount of venom they have received isn't warranted IMO. The powers that be will do what they think needs to be done and that's it.
i think everybody just needs to agree on one thing: these three (well ok the right one in 2 years) are super

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