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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > ASRW Website updated - Gunners chicken out
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by johnbarber

perfectly good thread gone to waste. I understand you want to rile people up, it amuses you. Fine, have fun. Keep it out of every thread though, it gets tiresome.

Talk to the Whine-a-bies. They are so obsessed they bring us up in every thread. We are so ingrained in their minds that it's all they can think about. Can you say stalker?

They were thinking so hard about how to beat the Stringers so they could get to us that they got bitch-slapped by the Gunners. Again.

Anyway, about my point. Go to the first page of the thread, see who brought up who first. Lots of people across many teams hate me it's because I don't discriminate or focus on any particular team or person, just ask Coach from Hawthorn or any of those those tards out of Hamilton. I only bring up Alice people so much because the amount of retardation that spews out of their players and management is simply astonishing.

I'm really not obessed with you or your team. But I don't want good things for you guys either. I wouldn't wish you luck if we played, I wouldn't want to be disingenuous. I would simply not say anything.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by johnbarber

perfectly good thread gone to waste. I understand you want to rile people up, it amuses you. Fine, have fun. Keep it out of every thread though, it gets tiresome.

I'm tired of your stupid ass write-ups. They're not nearly as witty as you think they are and you're never right anyway. I'll stop when you do cockface.

Mr. Barber I enjoy your rants. The fact this clown doesn't like them makes me happy
Go fly your plane into a building and do us all a favor
Originally posted by johnbarber
perfectly good thread gone to waste. I understand you want to rile people up, it amuses you. Fine, have fun. Keep it out of every thread though, it gets tiresome.

You talking about this spam thread linking to the geocities site? I skimmed through it the first time they posted the link and decided it wasn't worth going back.

The page itself would be better served on these forums to tell you the truth. There would certainly be more views on the crappy content. I guess they needed a place they could write stuff and not be made fun of.

I like reading the write ups, but don't think that because you write something people read, it gives you some authority on what people can post.

Originally posted by looksthatkillbn
I seem to be on the side of belief that these gentlemen here are not uneducated enough to not know the proper uses of your and you're, but simply do not care to take the time to differentiate between the two options.

This sentence rules all. You should have double spaced it, and used a larger font too.

Originally posted by Ming Sao
Look at the thread title...soak it in.

So who brought you into this again Carl? Scoreboard.

GG and ASRW have a great relationship despite any W/L record btw...something you don't need to worry your little hot carled head about bro.

Run along now...

You need to run along and think of some better shit. Every time you post you get shut down. The only reason people reply to you is because they feel sorry for you. It's like pity ownage. It's about time you start earning your attention from me.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Go fly your plane into a building and do us all a favor

If that's direct at me. That's messed up. My wife lost an Aunt from that. Also, you do realize If I were to fly a plane into a building the Taxpayer's would just have to pay for another 30-50 Million dollar Aircraft. I guess you probably don't care because your unemployed.
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 20:07:59
Re your wifes aunt. Pics or it didn't happen.
Originally posted by AAflyboys2
Originally posted by Go_Blue

Go fly your plane into a building and do us all a favor

If that's direct at me. That's F'ed up. You suck at life. My wife lost an Aunt from that. Also, you do realize If I were to fly a plane into a building the Taxpayer's would just have to pay for another 30-50 Million dollar Aircraft. I guess you probably don't care because your unemployed.

Why did your wife's aunt fly a plane into a building? Actually, it's your wife's aunt who sux at life. "because YOU'RE" unemployed.
There's actually a website. I'd have to get it from her, we got married after the fact. I'll tell you this much though, she was a professor at a college on the west coast. She was also the schools Head Gymnastics coach. If your that intersted you could probably find it. I wouldn't lie about that, it would serve me no purpose. If you really want me to post the pictures with her and her kids on here, I'll think about it after I talk to my wife.
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 17:26:36
Originally posted by ftmflea
Originally posted by AAflyboys2

Originally posted by Go_Blue

Go fly your plane into a building and do us all a favor

If that's direct at me. That's F'ed up. You suck at life. My wife lost an Aunt from that. Also, you do realize If I were to fly a plane into a building the Taxpayer's would just have to pay for another 30-50 Million dollar Aircraft. I guess you probably don't care because your unemployed.

Why did your wife's aunt fly a plane into a building? Actually, it's your wife's aunt who sux at life. "because YOU'RE" unemployed.

My wifes aunt didn't fly a plane into a building. She was on one the got hijacked on 9/11. And I'll fully admit I'm not really good with grammer. But thanks for the grammar lesson.
I meant pics of the mangled rotting body or it didn't happen. Direct lineage must also be proven.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
I meant pics of the mangled rotting body or it didn't happen. Direct lineage must also be proven.

This just goes to prove you have no class.

You must not be very smart. I'm sure you saw the aftermath of the planes hitting the towers and the Pentagon. Do you really think that the people on the planes bodies made it out. I'm not giving you my wifes family history or lineage. I might send you the link to the memorial website via a private message, but I'd have to know you'd have enough tact to not post it our make fun of it. But like I said I'd have to ask my wife first. I don't need to prove anything to you.

And could you please at least let the rest of us know what your profession is?
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 17:27:39
I'd post the pictures, spit on them, and piss on them. Just like I spit on the flag, the military, and your face.
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 17:29:09
Originally posted by Ming Sao
So who brought you into this again Carl? Scoreboard.

GG and ASRW have a great relationship despite any W/L record btw...something you don't need to worry your little hot carled head about bro.

Run along now...

Who brought me in? Try asking the stalker, I mean your team's owner. Or maybe you could look at the first page of this thread?

Are you that clueless that I need to give you every single detail?

Originally posted by AAflyboys2
I'm really not obessed with you or your team. But I don't want good things for you guys either. I wouldn't wish you luck if we played, I wouldn't want to be disingenuous. I would simply not say anything.

Actually, I didn't mean you when I was talking about obsessed Whine-a-bies. Although, you do quite well to promote the fact that the team is filled with simpletons.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
I'd post the pictures, spit on them, and piss on them. Just like I spit on the flag, the military, and your face.

You have the right to do the first 2 things because of the military. Go ahead spit on my face, I can control my temper open yourself up to a lawsuit or an ass kicking.
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 20:08:43
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by Ming Sao

So who brought you into this again Carl? Scoreboard.

GG and ASRW have a great relationship despite any W/L record btw...something you don't need to worry your little hot carled head about bro.

Run along now...

Who brought me in? Try asking the stalker, I mean your team's owner. Or maybe you could look at the first page of this thread?

Are you that clueless that I need to give you every single detail?

Originally posted by AAflyboys2

I'm really not obessed with you or your team. But I don't want good things for you guys either. I wouldn't wish you luck if we played, I wouldn't want to be disingenuous. I would simply not say anything.

Actually, I didn't mean you when I was talking about obsessed Whine-a-bies. Although, you do quite well to promote the fact that the team is filled with simpletons.

I'm not really a simpleton but I do appreciate simple things. When you have stuff taken from you during your life you appreciate it more when your able to get it back. Also I apolgize, if that wasn't directed at me that's my mistake.
Last edited Jul 17, 2008 17:37:10

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