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Yea baby!! WEST SCRANTON!! we did it last year can it happen again? we always make a splash in the playoffs. Good game guys! and good luck to every1 left in 2 days
Originally posted by BradyFTW
I hope the Monkeys destroy these toddlers.

had to edit? maybe had to go back and google toddler's?
Originally posted by Wayniac
Originally posted by BradyFTW

I hope the Monkeys destroy these toddlers.

had to edit? maybe had to go back and google toddler's?

I originally said 'jackasses' but thought that was a little too harsh. You're right though, I probably should have left it, jackass.
Poor Fiji, you just need to give credit were credit is due. You got beat by the underdog and everyone is saying scranton came from now where. Its funny cause last season i predicted the Invaders as the most underrated team in AA#3 and they proved me right by winning it all. just seems like you didnt take them seriously. well how could you when 7-8 players on your defense are inactive. your second best CB for 3 weeks now. im sure he has his tactics set for the game plan lol....

by looking at your team i would honestly say you could lose to about 6 or 7 teams playing in AA#3 right now. So im not surprised that Scranton took you out.

Keep up the good work Invaders.
Fiji has done nothing *but* give credit where credit is due. They're probably the classiest team in the league, dumbass.
Fastest team to piss the rest of their "new" league off......West Scranton! Congrats. Now everyone will be looking to kick the shit out of you. Way to fly under the radar.
BradyFTW, why are you even talking. I think this forum must just be for teams who were upset today. you own 3 defensive players on your team and they just couldnt get the job done today. no reason to be disgruntled just suck it up and take your ass whoopen like a man and get ready for next season.

Originally posted by indymajor
BradyFTW, why are you even talking. I think this forum must just be for teams who were upset today. you own 3 defensive players on your team and they just couldnt get the job done today. no reason to be disgruntled just suck it up and take your ass whoopen like a man and get ready for next season.

Good advice, and that's exactly what I'm doing. We got our asses kicked and now we're going back to the drawing board. Isn't going to stop me from posting on the forums, though.
Hey indy how u been man? how are you guys holding up over there in EE? miss the old forums ALOT...
doing alright, season was great. had two speed bumps near the end but are back on track for the playoffs. just escaped a close one today though. EE#3 is a very tough league this year. alot of teams stepped there game way up and are raising some eyebrows. keep up the good work Wayniac you guys are looking strong as always.

try not to let all these upset teams get to you guys and dont spend to much time in these forums. keep studying your next opponents and get those game plans ready. leave these forums for the teams who got owned today. they have nothing better to do lol...

good talking to you man keep in touch.
Originally posted by indymajor
doing alright, season was great. had two speed bumps near the end but are back on track for the playoffs. just escaped a close one today though. EE#3 is a very tough league this year. alot of teams stepped there game way up and are raising some eyebrows. keep up the good work Wayniac you guys are looking strong as always.

try not to let all these upset teams get to you guys and dont spend to much time in these forums. keep studying your next opponents and get those game plans ready. leave these forums for the teams who got owned today. they have nothing better to do lol...

good talking to you man keep in touch.

In other words.....

No problem pal. Call me anytime you need me to rub one off for you. I stroke my old pals whenever they ask.
Originally posted by Wayniac
Hey indy how u been man? how are you guys holding up over there in EE? miss the old forums ALOT...

Originally posted by pikesju02
Originally posted by indymajor

doing alright, season was great. had two speed bumps near the end but are back on track for the playoffs. just escaped a close one today though. EE#3 is a very tough league this year. alot of teams stepped there game way up and are raising some eyebrows. keep up the good work Wayniac you guys are looking strong as always.

try not to let all these upset teams get to you guys and dont spend to much time in these forums. keep studying your next opponents and get those game plans ready. leave these forums for the teams who got owned today. they have nothing better to do lol...

good talking to you man keep in touch.

In other words.....

No problem pal. Call me anytime you need me to rub one off for you. I stroke my old pals whenever they ask.

mate i think we proved by having old rival teams come (of their own free wil might i add) to defend our honour that we are infact a stand up bunch of blokes...

i did what i did tonite to incite some life into an otherwise completely dull and lifeless board

200+ posts later ive got my wish
Originally posted by pikesju02
Originally posted by indymajor

doing alright, season was great. had two speed bumps near the end but are back on track for the playoffs. just escaped a close one today though. EE#3 is a very tough league this year. alot of teams stepped there game way up and are raising some eyebrows. keep up the good work Wayniac you guys are looking strong as always.

try not to let all these upset teams get to you guys and dont spend to much time in these forums. keep studying your next opponents and get those game plans ready. leave these forums for the teams who got owned today. they have nothing better to do lol...

good talking to you man keep in touch.

In other words.....

No problem pal. Call me anytime you need me to rub one off for you. I stroke my old pals whenever they ask.

im sure you do, but you should be paying more attention to the team you GM. The Brewmasters are still alive. your team here has no meaning anymore. Start planning for next season here. you need to be in the canadian AA#4 forum were the team you GM is still alive. face it you were owned today and thats all there is to it. maybe you need to ask the GMs from scranton to help you out with game plans. but its good to know you take care of your friends. and if your palm is anything like your moms i will like it too. lol
Originally posted by pikesju02
Originally posted by indymajor

doing alright, season was great. had two speed bumps near the end but are back on track for the playoffs. just escaped a close one today though. EE#3 is a very tough league this year. alot of teams stepped there game way up and are raising some eyebrows. keep up the good work Wayniac you guys are looking strong as always.

try not to let all these upset teams get to you guys and dont spend to much time in these forums. keep studying your next opponents and get those game plans ready. leave these forums for the teams who got owned today. they have nothing better to do lol...

good talking to you man keep in touch.

In other words.....

No problem pal. Call me anytime you need me to rub one off for you. I stroke my old pals whenever they ask.

and you would be part of another team that just got knocked out.... hurt much?

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