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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Oceania Pro Playoff Discussion
Originally posted by vorenus73
aww come on man stay up for a little bit this is fun. who needs work anyway

the 20 year old student who has £1400 worth of debt to pay off in 6 weeks HAHA
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
It's not that I'm hurt.

You said yourself that you couldn't believe how soft this league was in it's trash-talking. It's like that because most of us here want it like this. You won a close game against a team with a better record that was on a roll for most of the season. Congratulations. Enjoy it. You have every right. But there are more people than just me who think the way you've gone about it is way out of the neighborhood of how the rest of the league acts. Right now, your little celebration has teenagers sprawled on the front yard and puking on the sidewalk. And if one of the neighbors knocks on the door asking you to keep it under control, then *they* are the ones who are dicks, right?

And yes, I can walk away from conflict... but first I'm going to try and seek a resolution. It's obvious that there won't be one. You are set on being "that guy" in the league. But at least I've tried to get through to you and help you see the way you are coming across... nothing wrong with it in many/most of the league forums, but definitely out of place here.

And **that** is how I react in the real world.

+1, couldn't have said it better myself. I enjoy Oceania Pro because for the most part people here respect the fact that a bunch of people have put forth a lot of effort to create very competitive players and field very competitive teams. Just in Alpha, Carabao/Dogdandy, Fiji, Emerald City, New England, Brisbane, Canberra, Aussie, Auckland, Wagga Wagga and a bunch of others (no disrespect to anyone, I'm just naming from memory) have been putting teams on the field for a few seasons now that have been playing each other pretty closely, and it's been enjoyable. With some notable exceptions, there's a general attitude of respect here, and I think we pretty much all enjoy it. Friendly trash-talking happens, but stuff like guaranteeing victories and gloating doesn't really fly here, for the most part. That's probably not going to change, no matter how much you want it to. Sure, nobody can stop you, but you're also not going to drag the entire forum down to your level.

If you want a forum where a bunch of teenagers sit around flaming each other about nothing in particular all day, there are plenty of places you can go to get that. FFS, that description fits about 75% of the forums on the internet. By and large, however, this forum has managed to avoid that kind of crap, and most of us like it precisely because of that.

Anyways, back to the original point, I'm rooting for the Monkeys from here on out. Go kick some ass.
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 18:55:14
Originally posted by thurinn
Good game, and well done Titans.

Nothing went right for us today and everything went right for you. We've got some soul searching to do.

You guys didn't look like yourselves out there. I was really frightened about this game. I truly thought the odds were stacked against us and if we won it would have been by a turnover or something.

I think maybe it had something to do with the chem hit you absorbed at the end of the year. Not one person on our forum said "I knew we were going to win" after the game. It was more of a "wow didn't see that coming" reaction.

You guys had a great run and I know you'll be back at the top next year. We'll do our best to keep it going this season. Good game Gods.
Originally posted by Rodhands
Originally posted by BradyFTW

Originally posted by Ballbright

Originally posted by Rodhands

me neither...

im more the Terrell Owens/Randy Moss type... with a body like Steve Hutchinson

I would say you seem to be more the Freddie Mitchell type...

rofl, burn.

except i have NO idea who Freddie Mitchell is...

so in a sense FAIL

anyhow like i said in the other thread this has been fun ladies and gents but im outties got work tomoz at 6am and its 2am already here

In that case, then a) you don't know dick about football, and b) it also kinda proves the point. You probably haven't heard of him because the guy pretty much managed to trash talk his way right out of the NFL (that's what happens when you're a TO-level headcase without TO-level talent)
Originally posted by BradyFTW
Originally posted by Rodhands

Originally posted by BradyFTW

Originally posted by Ballbright

Originally posted by Rodhands

me neither...

im more the Terrell Owens/Randy Moss type... with a body like Steve Hutchinson

I would say you seem to be more the Freddie Mitchell type...

rofl, burn.

except i have NO idea who Freddie Mitchell is...

so in a sense FAIL

anyhow like i said in the other thread this has been fun ladies and gents but im outties got work tomoz at 6am and its 2am already here

In that case, then a) you don't know dick about football, and b) it also kinda proves the point. You probably haven't heard of him because the guy pretty much managed to trash talk his way right out of the NFL (that's what happens when you're a TO-level headcase without TO-level talent)

From what he said, time zones put him well outside the US, so I'm willing to give him a pass on not knowing about Freddie Mitchell and his fifteen minutes of fame. Still, I'm hoping this stays a league of Marvin Harrisons and Torry Holts. And if he doesn't know who *those* guys are, then that's specifically because of Moss, Owens et. al. And that right there is evidence of why I want to keep it the way it is right now.
Originally posted by BradyFTW
Originally posted by Rodhands

Originally posted by BradyFTW

Originally posted by Ballbright

Originally posted by Rodhands

me neither...

im more the Terrell Owens/Randy Moss type... with a body like Steve Hutchinson

I would say you seem to be more the Freddie Mitchell type...

rofl, burn.

except i have NO idea who Freddie Mitchell is...

so in a sense FAIL

anyhow like i said in the other thread this has been fun ladies and gents but im outties got work tomoz at 6am and its 2am already here

In that case, then a) you don't know dick about football, and b) it also kinda proves the point. You probably haven't heard of him because the guy pretty much managed to trash talk his way right out of the NFL (that's what happens when you're a TO-level headcase without TO-level talent)

i know a lot about football of my generation...
Originally posted by Rodhands
Originally posted by BradyFTW

Originally posted by Rodhands

Originally posted by BradyFTW

Originally posted by Ballbright

Originally posted by Rodhands

me neither...

im more the Terrell Owens/Randy Moss type... with a body like Steve Hutchinson

I would say you seem to be more the Freddie Mitchell type...

rofl, burn.

except i have NO idea who Freddie Mitchell is...

so in a sense FAIL

anyhow like i said in the other thread this has been fun ladies and gents but im outties got work tomoz at 6am and its 2am already here

In that case, then a) you don't know dick about football, and b) it also kinda proves the point. You probably haven't heard of him because the guy pretty much managed to trash talk his way right out of the NFL (that's what happens when you're a TO-level headcase without TO-level talent)

i know a lot about football of my generation...

Freddie Mitchell was an active player as recently as 2004. The week before Super Bowl 39, he talked a ton of trash about the Pats' secondary, which led to him being a leading story on every sports news outlet. Anyone who was watching football in 2003 knows exactly who FredEx is, so this just further proves that you're no older than 12.
where the hell did the dude rodands come from all of a sudden? go bck to your hole.

btw, good game ponies, that pick seeed to turn the momentum and u guys dominated the second half.

Don't dis 1st Down Freddie He was calling the plays in the huddle on that final Eagles drive while McNabb was puking his guts up. It still hurts us Eagles fans to think about it.
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 19:11:13
Then again, calling out the best DB on the Pats was stupid. lol I remember before the game Reid was so pissed he banned Mitchell from doing anymore interviews.
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 19:12:24
Last I heard FredEX had tried out unsuccessfully for the Toronto Argonauts of the CFL.
Originally posted by vorenus73
hey scranton nice game. you outplayed us, good gameplanning. good luck the rest of the way... i'm circling next year's game on my calendar. ~gran rioja, fiji SS

Nice game Fiji! Were 1-1 head to head, rematch next year!
Originally posted by Ballbright
Last I heard FredEX had tried out unsuccessfully for the Toronto Argonauts of the CFL.

Basically, he's life has been going nothing but uphill since SB 39
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 19:19:18
Originally posted by BradyFTW
Originally posted by Ballbright

Last I heard FredEX had tried out unsuccessfully for the Toronto Argonauts of the CFL.

Basically, he's life has been going nothing but uphill since SB 39

That article + this comment "Apparently of all Freddie's talents, the only one he never brags about is his uncanny ability to select the perfect high-yield mutual funds."

=me laughing so hard I spit out the coke I was drinking...
Last edited Jul 15, 2008 19:21:42
Great game gods and best of luck next year. I would have never predicted that outcome. As always the Titans are looking forward to the rubber match and another epic battle. I know you guys will be back stronger than ever.


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