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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Why are the Caninites so GOOD!?!?!
Regardless of what the secret to your/their success is (I'm thinking lots of hookers and whiskey myself) With some of the changes coming next year, I think the league/game may look somewhat different. And I don't mean the advanced defense/offense settings.
Originally posted by ironman4579
Originally posted by steelerblitz

Originally posted by lukin83

Originally posted by ironman4579

I'd also point out that I think the Cananites gameplanning has very little to do with their success. It's mainly player builds are excellent across the board.

I think that is a better description of the Brantford Mustangs. Those guys over there know how to build players from top to bottom. We are good with our builds, but cannot compare to their expertise.

I would agree. Brantford might be the best in ALL of Oceania at building players.

I have to disagree with you saying our planning doesnt have much to do with it. We "battle" each other on our boards daily trying to come up with gameplans. We dont always agree either. We get some good heated conversations going. We are just like every other team. We might all be from the same Fantasy football site, but we dont personally know each other. I dont know very many fantasy football players that dont think they know a lot . We are kind of like poker players. We all have opinions on things. At the end of the day we come together as a team. Our planning goes hand and hand WITH our builds. We know who we are as a team. We know our strengths and our weaknesses. We also have a group of unselfish guys.

First let me say, no offense was intended when I said that your gameplanning had little to do with it. You guys are a class act, and have already earned my respect as a very good team and group of guys. That said, here we go.

I'm sure you guys put alot of thought into your gameplans. I'm sure there is alot of battling that goes on. However I think it has little to do with your actual success for a few reasons. First you guys have 29 missed tackles on the season. That's not gameplan, that's build. And you've caused 374 missed tackles. In the 11 games played against at least decent teams, you've caused 248 missed tackles, or 22.5 per game. That's build, not gameplan, because regardless of what the other team does, perfect play calling throughout, your guys will still break tackles, causing the play to be a net gain. 22.5 broken tackles in game vs 2 per game for you guys is a basically insurmountable advantage, and it has little to nothing to do with gameplan. For your total missed tackles caused on the season, it's a basically 13 to 1 ratio. For every one missed tackle by you, the other team misses 13. That's something that cannot be overcome by a teams gameplan, regardless of what they do. That's only compounded by the fact you guys average 74 pancakes per game, which again is not gameplanning, it's build.

I'll go to 2 specific examples. The Las Vegas Outlaws played 100% run defense against you, and every player should have been set to run focus. You literally shouldn't have been able to run at all. Yet you rushed over 60 times, and were able to pick up over 200 yards. Even if you averaged 3.5 YPC. that's still too much against a purely run oriented defense. the 22 tackles you caused to be missed came into play, and that's build again, not gameplan, because the defensive gameplan should have been perfect, as you completed less than 50% of your passes. At least your offensive gameplan had little to nothing to do with your offensive success.

Now, you did have 4 INT's in that game, and 69 on the season, but that leads me to something else. The Outlaws went almost 100% long passes. I highly doubt that you had it set to cover that much of a percentage of long passes, yet you stopped them fairly easily. That's build again, not much gameplan.

Against the U Canes, you guys caused 49 missed tackles. Against a team that has 86 missed tackles on the season. Take that game away and they have 37 missed tackles. You guys caused 57% of the Canes missed tackles on the season in one game. It wouldn't have mattered what the gameplan was, there's no way they would have won.

Let me just say this. It may seem like I'm attacking you guys, or trying to run down your success. Please believe me, I'm really not. It's not sour grapes (Ok, maybe a little ) You guys are a very good team, with very classy players and owners, and are very well built, and should be good for a long time. That said, I think you guys could just go 100% run against most of the teams in Zeta, tell them that, have them go 100% run defense, and still win and put up decent yardage on the ground because of your total team build. You guys have wroked together well to put together the perfect/near perfect builds, and to make sure they complement each other. But let's be realistic here. It's those builds that are really the biggest factor in your success (as well as great teamwork, being classy etc.), and little to do with gameplan. I'm sure most people won't agree with me, but that's the way I see it.

Either that or you've managed to hack the game

Thank you. I take a lot of this post as a compliment.
As far as our game, your 100% deep passing might have gone hand in hand with our defensive plan
Originally posted by steelerblitz
Originally posted by ironman4579

Originally posted by steelerblitz

Originally posted by lukin83

Originally posted by ironman4579

I'd also point out that I think the Cananites gameplanning has very little to do with their success. It's mainly player builds are excellent across the board.

I think that is a better description of the Brantford Mustangs. Those guys over there know how to build players from top to bottom. We are good with our builds, but cannot compare to their expertise.

I would agree. Brantford might be the best in ALL of Oceania at building players.

I have to disagree with you saying our planning doesnt have much to do with it. We "battle" each other on our boards daily trying to come up with gameplans. We dont always agree either. We get some good heated conversations going. We are just like every other team. We might all be from the same Fantasy football site, but we dont personally know each other. I dont know very many fantasy football players that dont think they know a lot . We are kind of like poker players. We all have opinions on things. At the end of the day we come together as a team. Our planning goes hand and hand WITH our builds. We know who we are as a team. We know our strengths and our weaknesses. We also have a group of unselfish guys.

First let me say, no offense was intended when I said that your gameplanning had little to do with it. You guys are a class act, and have already earned my respect as a very good team and group of guys. That said, here we go.

I'm sure you guys put alot of thought into your gameplans. I'm sure there is alot of battling that goes on. However I think it has little to do with your actual success for a few reasons. First you guys have 29 missed tackles on the season. That's not gameplan, that's build. And you've caused 374 missed tackles. In the 11 games played against at least decent teams, you've caused 248 missed tackles, or 22.5 per game. That's build, not gameplan, because regardless of what the other team does, perfect play calling throughout, your guys will still break tackles, causing the play to be a net gain. 22.5 broken tackles in game vs 2 per game for you guys is a basically insurmountable advantage, and it has little to nothing to do with gameplan. For your total missed tackles caused on the season, it's a basically 13 to 1 ratio. For every one missed tackle by you, the other team misses 13. That's something that cannot be overcome by a teams gameplan, regardless of what they do. That's only compounded by the fact you guys average 74 pancakes per game, which again is not gameplanning, it's build.

I'll go to 2 specific examples. The Las Vegas Outlaws played 100% run defense against you, and every player should have been set to run focus. You literally shouldn't have been able to run at all. Yet you rushed over 60 times, and were able to pick up over 200 yards. Even if you averaged 3.5 YPC. that's still too much against a purely run oriented defense. the 22 tackles you caused to be missed came into play, and that's build again, not gameplan, because the defensive gameplan should have been perfect, as you completed less than 50% of your passes. At least your offensive gameplan had little to nothing to do with your offensive success.

Now, you did have 4 INT's in that game, and 69 on the season, but that leads me to something else. The Outlaws went almost 100% long passes. I highly doubt that you had it set to cover that much of a percentage of long passes, yet you stopped them fairly easily. That's build again, not much gameplan.

Against the U Canes, you guys caused 49 missed tackles. Against a team that has 86 missed tackles on the season. Take that game away and they have 37 missed tackles. You guys caused 57% of the Canes missed tackles on the season in one game. It wouldn't have mattered what the gameplan was, there's no way they would have won.

Let me just say this. It may seem like I'm attacking you guys, or trying to run down your success. Please believe me, I'm really not. It's not sour grapes (Ok, maybe a little ) You guys are a very good team, with very classy players and owners, and are very well built, and should be good for a long time. That said, I think you guys could just go 100% run against most of the teams in Zeta, tell them that, have them go 100% run defense, and still win and put up decent yardage on the ground because of your total team build. You guys have wroked together well to put together the perfect/near perfect builds, and to make sure they complement each other. But let's be realistic here. It's those builds that are really the biggest factor in your success (as well as great teamwork, being classy etc.), and little to do with gameplan. I'm sure most people won't agree with me, but that's the way I see it.

Either that or you've managed to hack the game

Thank you. I take a lot of this post as a compliment.
As far as our game, your 100% deep passing might have gone hand in hand with our defensive plan

Thank you, I'm glad that's the way you took it, because it certainly wasn't meant as any kind of put down. It really was meant as a compliment to you guys. You have a fantastic team.

And if you guys actually set to cover like 100% deep passes, then I bow to your superior and godlike gameplanning skills
Originally posted by tahl
Originally posted by football_scooter

They even had a cameraman on our sidelines, stealing our signals. How lame can you be! Could you imagine if a real NFL team was caught doing that, much less one perceived as "classy"?

Ahh... you mean like New England did just this last year? LoL

They just got a fine, a slap, and lost a draft pick...

I think in this case the Canninites should be forced to give their QB, RB and top 3 WRs their unconditional release.

That is if they're done blowing themselves over a meaningless win over a far superior Cans team.

Alright, lets cut all the BS in this thread. Back to the original topic in hand, the Caninites are so good because of the QB play.
Originally posted by presvedder
Alright, lets cut all the BS in this thread. Back to the original topic in hand, the Caninites are so good because of the QB play.

This QB had actually been basically cut and left for dead early in his career as well.
I changed my mind...I think they have an aimbot. Damn hackers
Jukin Jive
Originally posted by killertoad
I changed my mind...I think they have an aimbot. Damn hackers

Shh! Do you wanna keep getting your flex points under the table? Exactly. Keep your trap shut.
Originally posted by presvedder
Alright, lets cut all the BS in this thread. Back to the original topic in hand, the Caninites are so good because of the QB play.

I think we need to get back to the point of the Canninites being low down dirty cheaters.

Originally posted by football_scooter
Originally posted by presvedder

Alright, lets cut all the BS in this thread. Back to the original topic in hand, the Caninites are so good because of the QB play.

I think we need to get back to the point of the Canninites being low down dirty cheaters.


Did BLinky Notso-McNasty even play against us?

I think he was fearing the Ebola!

The Caninites schooled our teachers! :wavesHitoBinky:
The 'nites played a meaningless game. We'll see what happened in the post season.

Binky might just show up to say hi.
Jukin Jive
Originally posted by football_scooter
The 'nites played a meaningless game. We'll see what happened in the post season.

Binky might just show up to say hi.

Why start now? Vernon Davis>Binky.

..and that's pretty bad.
Id like to sick our horse on Vin Numbers while he is sleeping....

Lets see him break that tackle......

Originally posted by StudMuffin
Id like to sick our horse on Vin Numbers while he is sleeping....

Lets see him break that tackle......

I think Vin has nightmares about that horse.

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