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In Trumps defense, he did come out against Nordstrom during a CIA briefing, immediately. Sad.
Originally posted by nsully89
TAPPER: Would you just say unequivocally you condemn them and you don't want their support?
TRUMP: Well, I have to look at the group. I mean, I don't know what group you're talking about. You wouldn't want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. I would have to look. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them. And, certainly, I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong.
TAPPER: The Ku Klux Klan?
TRUMP: But you may groups in there that are totally fine, and it would be very unfair. So, give me a list of the groups, and I will let you know.
TAPPER: OK. I mean, I'm just talking about David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan here
TRUMP: I don't know any - honestly, I don't know David Duke. I don't believe I have ever met him. I'm pretty sure I didn't meet him. And I just don't know anything about him.

Its funny, you have him (allegedly) disavowing David Duke and then the next day saying he doesnt know him, never met him, doesnt know anything about him and can't disavow the KKK because he hasn't "researched" them.

That's not even the transcript from that interview. Couldn't find the actual interview, but this makes reference to it.
Disavowing him again after the fact, twice.

Originally posted by Djinnt
I'd guess that even if he disavowed them in 20 interviews if there were even one where he skirted the question it would be called a "refusal" to disavow.
Edited by Djinnt on Feb 9, 2017 05:54:16
Originally posted by Djinnt
That's not even the transcript from that interview.
Originally posted by

Also, text highlights and a transcript of the discussion are below.

You idiot.
Originally posted by nsully89
You idiot.

Your source left out the initial question. Way to change minds though with your unbounded multiplicity of viewpoints.

Also, you avoided my further two links to him disavowing. How many will it take? Set the bar. Or is it always going to be more than are possible to provide? In my view one should be enough, but there are many more than that.
Maybe if you ever set the bar you'd have a point (assuming it's rational,) but your entire premise relies on not having one because this viewpoint is clearly based in tribalism.
Association, even with the most racist people (a la Robert Byrd), is not racism. Racism is racism.

This claim is dead. Try again.
Originally posted by Djinnt
Your source left out the initial question.

No, it didnt. Open your eyes and try again. The hint is in the words "FULL TRANSCRIPT".

Originally posted by Djinnt
Also, you avoided my further two links to him disavowing. How many will it take? Set the bar. Or is it always going to be more than are possible to provide? In my view one should be enough, but there are many more than that.
Maybe if you ever set the bar you'd have a point (assuming it's rational,) but your entire premise relies on not having one because this viewpoint is clearly based in tribalism.

In neither of those links does Trump mention by name or refer to "KKK".

How many links do I need to provide where he refuses to disavow the KKK because he "hasn't researched them" before he's a racist piece of shit?

Originally posted by Djinnt
In my view one should be enough, but there are many more than that.

Well at least we're on the same page there.
Originally posted by nsully89
In neither of those links does Trump mention by name or refer to "KKK".

lol okay

So then if there were an instance after this incident where Trump disavowed the KKK specifically that would absolve him of this charge in your view?

Or is that just impossible? I feel like I asked you this fucking question a while ago and you could have saved me some time if the answer is 'nothing can possibly convince me, I am set in my ways despite any evidence contrary to my beliefs.' Simple enough, and efficient.
If Trump in a prepared statement insisted that he is a corrupt racist his supporters would still claim he is neither of those things.

Willfully ignorant, total denial. It occasionally crosses the line into trolling. An American adult has no opinion on the KKK until he does some research? Are Trump supporters really that stupid or are they fucking around?
Originally posted by number51
Are Trump supporters really that stupid

Originally posted by Djinnt
lol okay

Only a Trump supporter would put forward 2 clips were he doesnt mention the KKK as a counter argument to why he didnt disavow the KKK - and think thats come kind of bulletproof argument.

Originally posted by Djinnt
So then if there were an instance after this incident where Trump disavowed the KKK specifically that would absolve him of this charge in your view?

No. If you get asked 20 times "do you disavow the KKK", only a racist would not answer "fuck those guys" every. single. time. As it is, he's 0/3.

Right, so youve lost that one.

Originally posted by Djinnt
Do you have a good understanding of all of these issues? I could jump into each one...

Explain away his discriminatory rental policies to black people.
Originally posted by nsully89
Only a Trump supporter would put forward 2 clips were he doesnt mention the KKK as a counter argument to why he didnt disavow the KKK - and think thats come kind of bulletproof argument.

"David Duke is a bad person, who I disavowed on numerous occasions over the years," Trump said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

"I disavowed him. I disavowed the KKK," Trump added. "Do you want me to do it again for the 12th time? I disavowed him in the past, I disavow him now."

The official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan expressed its support for Republican nominee Donald Trump on the front page of its current issue, a move the Trump campaign quickly denounced.

Trump's campaign quickly denounced the support from the newspaper, calling the publication "repulsive."

"Mr. Trump and the campaign denounces hate in any form. This publication is repulsive and their views do not represent the tens of millions of Americans who are uniting behind our campaign," the Trump campaign said in a statement to CNN.

“I totally disavow the Ku Klux Klan, I totally disavow [former KKK Grand Wizard] David Duke, I’ve been doing it now for two weeks,” Trump said, responding to a question from Fox News moderator Chris Wallace about his views on white supremacists.
Originally posted by number51
If Trump in a prepared statement insisted that he is a corrupt racist his supporters would still claim he is neither of those things.

Willfully ignorant, total denial. It occasionally crosses the line into trolling. An American adult has no opinion on the KKK until he does some research? Are Trump supporters really that stupid or are they fucking around?

They're really that stupid.

The good news is they are changing the education system around so they can be above average in a generation or two.
Originally posted by Vuijox

Originally posted by nsully89
If you get asked 20 times "do you disavow the KKK", only a racist would not answer "fuck those guys" every. single. time. As it is, he's 3/6.

And it still doesnt explain why he didnt disavow them to Tapper, if he's allegedly been "doing it for weeks"
Originally posted by nsully89
No. If you get asked 20 times "do you disavow the KKK", only a racist would not answer "fuck those guys" every. single. time. As it is, he's 0/3.

The only thing that can make you racist is holding racist viewpoints, just as with any other idea one can hold.
The overuse of the charge of racism is one of the chief reasons for your tribe's declining performance.
Association nor the implication of association indicate that someone holds a particular viewpoint. For example, you do not care about evidence. I'm currently associating with you. If someone asked me, "Do you associate with nsully89, who clearly does not care about evidence?" The connotation of the question would be that because of the association I also don't care about evidence, but my answer would not implicate me in either direction. To associate means nothing.
That said, there isn't even an association, just an implication. "Oh hey, this guy said he likes you. That must mean that you love him, right?" That is just about the laziest and dumbest line of reasoning possible, but you've bought it because you belong to a tribe and your tribe is more important than evidence.

Originally posted by nsully89
Only a Trump supporter

I'm not a Trump supporter.
I didn't vote for him.
I didn't endorse him.
I didn't give his campaign money.
I didn't campaign for him.
I didn't try to convince anyone to vote for him.
I didn't support him in any way.

You're falling prey to the same lazy and faulty line of reasoning you have with this KKK association garbage.
Just because I have defended someone from the false charge of racism, does not mean that I support them or necessarily agree with anything they say, which will incidentally happen with almost everyone.

I don't know if you were around then, but the last time I 'supported' someone, I was pretty fucking vocal about how they were the best thing ever.
Originally posted by Corndog
They're really that stupid.

The good news is they are changing the education system around so they can be above average in a generation or two.

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