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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > I Hate This Frakking Game
This is why I suggest it be an official "reward point salary" position. No trolling (or far less). And the point isn't to hold someone's hand and feed them what they need to play @ WL level. The goal is a hands-on approach to assist newbie players with understanding the differences between casual and competitive leagues, how to run a competitive team (or a portion thereof), and possibly how to effectively scout/plan/use the dpc.... it's not going to prevent them from being a shitty coordinator but it'll be far more help than the current wiki/faq/newbie forum imo

Ultimately, it's what GLB needs, imo, to prevent taking a step backwards AND bring in new faces.
Lead Mod
I think some sort of intermediate tactics or just make basic tactics better would be the best idea. I have no idea what Catch was thinking when he put together the preset AIs for offense. They do not resemble anything like a real team would use for an offense. I could put together presets for each of those settings that would do what they are supposed to do in terms of being run focused, pass focused, etc. and also would actually be pretty good.
This thread gave me an idea -

Originally posted by markm6770
This thread gave me an idea -

i've kinda been discussing something similar in my circles.

its also entirely possible that a complete redesign of the AI UI could alleviate a lot of intimidation/confusion/tediousness - not that i can really envision what that would entail
Lead Mod
Catch is working on something with bort related to AIs so he is not taking any suggestions at the moment, but I like the concept. Madden has a play creator where people can download plays from other users and it's nice.
Originally posted by yello1
When you can you understand that if we weren't, GLB would have no customers.

Funny, now GLB isn't sim for NFL, and we are not customer??

Well back to the issue, what is "sim for NFL"?
To me it's there are pre-designed team or player you can choose, you control your own team or own player.
See the difference?
You come to GLB to build your own player, not pre-designed.
This why GLB isn't NFL.

And further more, NFL is a result.
People who love American football play together, then people will create new tier for more competition, and the top tier is NFL.
Follow this, WL is the "NFL" of GLB.

So what are you arguing for?
Originally posted by aaasahi
Funny, now GLB isn't sim for NFL, and we are not customer??

Well back to the issue, what is "sim for NFL"?
To me it's there are pre-designed team or player you can choose, you control your own team or own player.
See the difference?
You come to GLB to build your own player, not pre-designed.
This why GLB isn't NFL.

And further more, NFL is a result.
People who love American football play together, then people will create new tier for more competition, and the top tier is NFL.
Follow this, WL is the "NFL" of GLB.

So what are you arguing for?

I am arguing for game results that are realistic, which means match ups in terms of physical capabilities that are realistic. Good players can be better than Bad Players, that IS a part of the NFL (or NCAA or any other football league). But they should not be as glaringly different as they are in GLB.

The way to fix this is to do the following.

1) Modify the build system so that the most badly built player will still be good enough to be on a professional football field. Lots of ways to do this. My favorite is linking related stats so that if you are raising speed you are also raising stamina, for instance, or if you are raising strength you also raise tackling and blocking to lesser degrees. That way any building will improve the dot more broadly preventing build ruining gaps.

2) Modify the stat ranges so that the lower ends represent levels of performance that a professional football player would have. Lower end here would mean the lower end someone with that stat as a major in its build attain with ALGs and some reasonable but not perfect SP spending would get it to be. For key stats you can add the basic 40 Equipment boosts as well for this measure. So figure roughly 100 for strength on an O Lineman. 100 should then give strength about the same as the lighter NFL linemen. 165 the beefiest. Figure performance ranges from there. Same same speed and speedy and slowest wide receivers and so forth.

3) Modify the percentage chances to cause game effects so that those game effects are not happening more often than they would happen on an NFL field. The chance to cause a fumble, intercept the ball, cause a non-play non coverage sack, break a tackle etc etc etc all should be within the range of what actually happens. Include in this the effects of SAs and VAs upon such chances.

Originally posted by yello1
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah......

...or you could have a better system that encourages parity such as what we see in World League and the lower elite leagues.

With all due respect Yello1, the crap you are spewing will put inferior dots on a more level playing field with WL bound dots and this should not happen. A 165 speed receiver should always leave a 100 speed corner in the dust. ALWAYS.

Read that again Yello1.... ALWAYS.

I do not want the 100 speed CB getting some kind of mythical divine intervention that miracles him to be faster because "NFL corners should only be so slow."

If you don't want a slow corner, fucking build him to be fast. Don't undermine the sacrifices I had to make to get my WR to 165 speed.

Fix parity. Have pros playing with true pros. Have semi-pros playing with true semi-pros. Do NOT reduce this game to a bunch of random rolls, and do not devalue excellent builds by giving substandard builds an artificial boost.

How can you honestly NOT see that this game's foundations are dot building and coordinating? How can any possible good come out of devaluing these aspects of the game. Why don't you go write your own game and call it "Coin Flip Football - Where Builds and Strategy Don't Matter." You can even award trophies to all participants. EVERYONE WINS! YAY!

Edited by markm6770 on Jul 18, 2012 12:34:21
Originally posted by markm6770

How can you honestly NOT see that this game's foundations are dot building and coordinating?

This is an RPG first and foremost, that happens to be themed around football. Character building and strategy development are at the root of this game.

As an aside, I have always been curious how many GLB users came from the RPG perspective versus football coaches/players/fans that had limited RPG experience?

(I'm sure it's not so black and white and there is a lot of crossover, but interesting nonetheless.)
Originally posted by Fasnacht
This is an RPG first and foremost, that happens to be themed around football. Character building and strategy development are at the root of this game.

As an aside, I have always been curious how many GLB users came from the RPG perspective versus football coaches/players/fans that had limited RPG experience?

(I'm sure it's not so black and white and there is a lot of crossover, but interesting nonetheless.)

I'm a D&D nerd originally. Played from 1980-1989. It's no wonder I never got laid as a teenager.... I was too busy slaying dragons!

This is the first and last RPG I will ever play. I came here as a football fan. My only real interest in this game is seeing my dots and/or the dots I coordinate do stuff in competitive games (want to see cool plays in meaningful games). I could careless how inflated the stats/scores are so long as the game follows the general theme of football.
Lead Mod
City of Heroes was fun and so was Star Wars Galaxies. The only annoying thing is getting from one place to another and the that you have to be online to play (i.e. you actually play the game - for hours). I am too old for that, but if I were 18 and an undergrad or in High School I would be all over it.
Lead Mod
Originally posted by Fasnacht
This is an RPG first and foremost, that happens to be themed around football. Character building and strategy development are at the root of this game.

As an aside, I have always been curious how many GLB users came from the RPG perspective versus football coaches/players/fans that had limited RPG experience?

(I'm sure it's not so black and white and there is a lot of crossover, but interesting nonetheless.)

Exactly. Tactics were added to allow for more player specification, player specification was not added to give coordinators more to do. When the game started it was just the most basic tactics and everything centered around player building. The first batch of players were RPG and MMO fans mostly. Some of them didn't even watch football. It was actually about half and half. A lot of those guys have either left or just stay for the forums and I would bet close to 90% or more are football people now.
Lead Mod
Originally posted by markm6770

I do not want the 100 speed CB getting some kind of mythical divine intervention that miracles him to be faster because "NFL corners should only be so slow."

But miracles happen!
Originally posted by markm6770
...or you could have a better system that encourages parity such as what we see in World League and the lower elite leagues.

With all due respect Yello1, the crap you are spewing will put inferior dots on a more level playing field with WL bound dots and this should not happen. A 165 speed receiver should always leave a 100 speed corner in the dust. ALWAYS.

Read that again Yello1.... ALWAYS.

I do not want the 100 speed CB getting some kind of mythical divine intervention that miracles him to be faster because "NFL corners should only be so slow."

If you don't want a slow corner, fucking build him to be fast. Don't undermine the sacrifices I had to make to get my WR to 165 speed.

Fix parity. Have pros playing with true pros. Have semi-pros playing with true semi-pros. Do NOT reduce this game to a bunch of random rolls, and do not devalue excellent builds by giving substandard builds an artificial boost.

How can you honestly NOT see that this game's foundations are dot building and coordinating? How can any possible good come out of devaluing these aspects of the game. Why don't you go write your own game and call it "Coin Flip Football - Where Builds and Strategy Don't Matter." You can even award trophies to all participants. EVERYONE WINS! YAY!

Look don't take this the wrong way



A 100 Speed CB WOULD still leave the 160 Speeder in the dust, duh.

Just the way the fastest WR will leave the slowest CB in the dust in the NFL.

I just do not want him to leave him further in the dust than would happen in the NFL, ever.

What this would do is keep the other CB closer but still lost in the dust assuming he did not spend BTs to add speed and had morale and streaky and slow starter and OTK in play to his favor and the WR didnt of course.

But where it would matter is with the better built CBs who would be smoked and out of luck now, they might be close enough that if they had a good diving tackle attempt in, or had an energy edge that more often they could still make the play even if they were on average not as good as the receiver.

Which is how it should be. The fastest WR in the NFL is ALWAYS the fastest WR in the NFL but he doesnt get wide open and score a touch down every down nor even once a series or possession. In GLB however you can have builds that are that dominant that they DO score almost at will - which gives you 100 point losses like your team suffers in WL.

That sort of silliness drives people away from the game (if you do not think so, think again exactly why you need league contraction).

The good dots should be better. And it should matter. But they should not be soooo much better that its not worth playing the game.


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