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Sugar Kapaa
S26 - Day 14

Team Owned By League Score
952. Badd Family punishment39 Rookie Casual #2 2185
1129. Washington Warriors bo_sox95 Rookie Casual #2 2152
1281. Middlesex Monarchs campusdivided Rookie Casual #2 2130
1303. GridIron Outlaws Steelernutt68 Rookie Casual #2 2125
1383. D-Town Pugs docevil26 Rookie Casual #2 2111
1402. Green Hornets grizzlydoug Rookie Casual #2 2108
1569. Danish Disasters Michunja Rookie Casual #2 2089
1584. Dayton D-Unit PhatKochs Rookie Casual #2 2088
1615. Montenegro Meat MeatBomb Rookie Casual #2 2084
1633. New England Muskrats Yentoman Rookie Casual #2 2081
1649. THE TEXAS TAUS OF THE BOLN Sugar Kapaa Rookie Casual #2 2078
1662. Vick in a box price2010 Rookie Casual #2 2076
1686. Georgia Lunatic Asylum Maniacs bratz Rookie Casual #2 2070
1806. Jebs Casual avgbrad Rookie Casual #2 2056
1811. New England Cannons NewEnglandPatriots51 Rookie Casual #2 2055
1948. Krusevac Phoenix CPU Rookie Casual #2 2038
2046. Georgiana Panthers trumpcity Rookie Casual #2 2025
2076. ~Cult~ of Tim Tebow no14mike~Cult~ Rookie Casual #2 2022
2077. Da PsychoZ Monarchs Rookie Casual #2 2022
2178. Hotties Pride 1hottie Rookie Casual #2 2007
2196. Tuba Samurai Returns tuba_samurai Rookie Casual #2 2005
2318. Sack Sabbath CPU Rookie Casual #2 1987
2377. Copperhead Road Moonshiners Jordo48 Rookie Casual #2 1981
2411. Tanque Verde Vaquero's crick Rookie Casual #2 1974
2571. Spaniard Linces szee Rookie Casual #2 1949
2606. Yello1's Shotgun Suggestions Forum hatchman Rookie Casual #2 1945
2652. DAYTONA Damsels in Distress CPU Rookie Casual #2 1938
2660. Vegas Losers gordo sucio Rookie Casual #2 1937
2826. Rio de Janeiro Urubus Madeira Rookie Casual #2 1909
2833. KINGSTON MUDGROWERS Apache Rookie Casual #2 1908
2862. Arkadak Earthquake harschman Rookie Casual #2 1905
2870. Austin Red Dawgs mancha88 Rookie Casual #2 1904

Place Rating Win Loss Team Name
1...... 40.......... 7..... 0........ Badd Family
2...... 34.......... 7..... 0........ Middlesex Monarchs
3...... 28.......... 6..... 1........ GridIron Outlaws
4...... 26.......... 7..... 0........ Washington Warriors
5...... 26.......... 5..... 2........ THE TEXAS TAUS OF THE BOLN
6...... 25.......... 5..... 1........ Georgia Lunatic Asylum Maniacs
7...... 22.......... 5..... 2........ New England Muskrats
8...... 21.......... 5..... 2........ Danish Disasters
9...... 21.......... 6..... 1........ Green Hornets
10.... 18.......... 4..... 3........ Hotties Pride
11.... 16.......... 4..... 3........ Tanque Verde Vaquero's
12.... 16.......... 4..... 3........ Dayton D-Unit
13.... 16.......... 4..... 2........ D-Town Pugs
14.... 14.......... 4..... 3........ New England Cannons
15.... 14.......... 5..... 2........ Montenegro Meat
16.... 9............ 5..... 2........ Vick in a box
17.... 9............ 3..... 4........ Georgiana Panthers
18.... 9............ 3..... 4........ ~Cult~ of Tim Tebow
19.... 7............ 3..... 4........ Da PsychoZ
20.... 6............ 4..... 3........ Krusevac Phoenix
21.... 6............ 4..... 3........ Jebs Casual
22.... 5............ 3..... 4........ Tuba Samurai Returns
23.... 3............ 2..... 5........ Sack Sabbath
24.... 2............ 1..... 6........ Yello1's Shotgun Suggestions Forum
25.... 2............ 2..... 5........ Copperhead Road Moonshiners
26.... 1............ 1..... 6........ Spaniard Linces
27.... 1............ 1..... 6........ DAYTONA Damsels in Distress
28.... 1............ 1..... 6........ Vegas Losers
29.... 0............ 0..... 7........ Austin Red Dawgs
30.... 0............ 0..... 7........ Arkadak Earthquake
31.... 0............ 0..... 7........ Rio de Janeiro Urubus
32.... 0............ 0..... 7........ KINGSTON MUDGROWERS

Rank... Players... Age... Level... Value... Eff Level... Salary... Team...
1 ... 49 ... 14 ... 12 ... 292.86 ... 13 ... $1,650,000 ... Badd Family
2 ... 50 ... 14 ... 11 ... 281.39 ... 12 ... $927,680 ... Washington Warriors
3 ... 2 ... 27 ... 11 ... 276.48 ... 11 ... $1,065,080 ... Austin Red Dawgs
4 ... 53 ... 14 ... 11 ... 272.06 ... 11 ... $966,800 ... D-Town Pugs
5 ... 54 ... 14 ... 11 ... 271.24 ... 11 ... $1,403,440 ... Dayton D-Unit
6 ... 55 ... 14 ... 10 ... 267.84 ... 10 ... $961,400 ... Green Hornets
7 ... 55 ... 14 ... 9 ... 261.65 ... 9 ... $982,320 ... THE TEXAS TAUS OF THE BOLN
8 ... 55 ... 14 ... 9 ... 261.52 ... 9 ... $961,400 ... Montenegro Meat
9 ... 51 ... 14 ... 9 ... 261.51 ... 9 ... $1,404,000 ... GridIron Outlaws
10 ... 55 ... 14 ... 9 ... 261.43 ... 9 ... $1,030,240 ... Danish Disasters
11 ... 54 ... 14 ... 9 ... 261.05 ... 9 ... $970,480 ... Georgia Lunatic Asylum Maniacs
12 ... 54 ... 14 ... 9 ... 260.51 ... 10 ... $944,040 ... Hotties Pride
13 ... 5 ... 14 ... 9 ... 259.59 ... 10 ... $2,435,200 ... DAYTONA Damsels in Distress
14 ... 54 ... 14 ... 9 ... 259.21 ... 9 ... $1,345,480 ... Middlesex Monarchs
15 ... 55 ... 14 ... 9 ... 259.20 ... 9 ... $3,257,480 ... Tanque Verde Vaquero's
16 ... 34 ... 14 ... 9 ... 258.43 ... 9 ... $988,200 ... Tuba Samurai Returns
17 ... 54 ... 14 ... 9 ... 258.05 ... 9 ... $943,920 ... New England Muskrats
18 ... 14 ... 14 ... 9 ... 256.17 ... 9 ... $1,242,280 ... Da PsychoZ
19 ... 4 ... 14 ... 8 ... 255.01 ... 9 ... $4,204,000 ... Vegas Losers
20 ... 43 ... 13 ... 9 ... 251.54 ... 9 ... $913,160 ... Vick in a box
21 ... 52 ... 14 ... 8 ... 249.73 ... 9 ... $1,289,680 ... New England Cannons
22 ... 50 ... 14 ... 8 ... 248.82 ... 8 ... $960,600 ... ~Cult~ of Tim Tebow
23 ... 45 ... 14 ... 7 ... 243.68 ... 8 ... $786,600 ... Georgiana Panthers
24 ... 19 ... 14 ... 6 ... 238.39 ... 8 ... $987,760 ... Jebs Casual
25 ... 3 ... 12 ... 7 ... 232.71 ... 7 ... $4,393,640 ... Sack Sabbath
26 ... 3 ... 14 ... 6 ... 224.70 ... 6 ... $706,000 ... KINGSTON MUDGROWERS
27 ... 12 ... 7 ... 5 ... 212.14 ... 5 ... $3,683,360 ... Rio de Janeiro Urubus
28 ... 2 ... 8 ... 5 ... 209.53 ... 6 ... $4,247,600 ... Krusevac Phoenix
29 ... 13 ... 8 ... 4 ... 201.69 ... 4 ... $4,175,240 ... Spaniard Linces
30 ... 1 ... 14 ... 3 ... 185.02 ... 3 ... $1,098,920 ... Yello1's Shotgun Suggestions Forum
31 ... 0 ... NaN ... 0 ... 0.00 ... 0 ... $1,450,080 ... Copperhead Road Moonshiners
32 ... 0 ... NaN ... 0 ... 0.00 ... 0 ... $769,600 ... Arkadak Earthquake
Checking in for Vick in a Box. Hows everyone doing ? This is my 1st season in Casual.. I dont know if its easy to make players or what but I have most tackles in all of Rookie Casual #2
GG Green Hornets
GG Tuba Samurai. I was surprised at the score. I guess the strategies just didn't match up too well.
Originally posted by Yentoman
GG Green Hornets
GG You guys had our number this time.

Originally posted by Bestpretzle
Checking in for Vick in a Box. Hows everyone doing ? This is my 1st season in Casual.. I dont know if its easy to make players or what but I have most tackles in all of Rookie Casual #2

Welcome man! Glad to see you doing well and putting up good number with your player. Although I'm not sure if a CB leading the league in tackles is exactly the best sign of defensive effectiveness. hehehe

I like to look at that targeted to reception allowed ratio. His isn't bad at all so I guess he's doing a decent job there and making lots of stops. Good job!
Originally posted by MeatBomb
Welcome man! Glad to see you doing well and putting up good number with your player. Although I'm not sure if a CB leading the league in tackles is exactly the best sign of defensive effectiveness. hehehe

I like to look at that targeted to reception allowed ratio. His isn't bad at all so I guess he's doing a decent job there and making lots of stops. Good job!

Thanks Passing isn't really hard to stop rookie year. Not sure if this really applies to Casual at all. Also, would it be advised to stay Casual past rookie casual or go into the normal leagues?
looking forward to a good game washington. although you have acouple levels on my team for now. but i will atleast try and make it a good game.
Week 9 Power Rankings

Rank ... OFF ... DEF ... S.o.S. ........ W-L-T Team
1.. ........ 1 ........ 2 ........ 0.500 ........ 8-0...... Badd Family
2.. ........ 8 ........ 7 ........ 0.484 ........ 8-0...... Middlesex Monarchs
3.. ........ 2 ........ 1 ........ 0.281 ........ 8-0...... Washington Warriors
4.. ........ 5 ........ 3 ........ 0.484 ........ 6-1-1.. Georgia Lunatic Asylum Maniacs
5.. ........ 6 ........ 8 ........ 0.516 ........ 7-1...... GridIron Outlaws
6.. ...... 13 ........ 5 ........ 0.563 ........ 6-2...... Danish Disasters
7.. ...... 10 ...... 12 ........ 0.609 ........ 6-2...... THE TEXAS TAUS OF THE BOLN
8.. ...... 11 ...... 14 ........ 0.531 ........ 6-2...... New England Muskrats
9.. ...... 16 ...... 15 ........ 0.563 ........ 5-3...... Tanque Verde Vaquero's
10 ...... 17 ...... 10 ........ 0.453 ........ 6-2...... Green Hornets
11 ........ 4 ........ 6 ........ 0.359 ........ 6-2...... Montenegro Meat
12 ........ 3 ...... 11 ........ 0.531 ........ 5-3...... Dayton D-Unit
13 ...... 14 ........ 4 ........ 0.438 ........ 5-2-1.. D-Town Pugs
14 ...... 12 ........ 9 ........ 0.469 ........ 5-3...... Hotties Pride
15 ........ 7 ...... 16 ........ 0.484 ........ 5-3...... New England Cannons
16 ........ 9 ...... 13 ........ 0.344 ........ 5-3...... Vick in a box
17 ...... 18 ...... 18 ........ 0.594 ........ 3-5...... ~Cult~ of Tim Tebow
18 ...... 15 ...... 17 ........ 0.578 ........ 3-5...... Georgiana Panthers
19 ...... 19 ...... 24 ........ 0.359 ........ 4-4...... Jebs Casual
20 ...... 23 ...... 20 ........ 0.484 ........ 3-5...... Tuba Samurai Returns
21 ...... 22 ...... 19 ........ 0.484 ........ 3-5...... Sack Sabbath
22 ...... 24 ...... 22 ........ 0.359 ........ 5-3...... Krusevac Phoenix
23 ...... 20 ...... 23 ........ 0.484 ........ 3-5...... Da PsychoZ
24 ...... 21 ...... 21 ........ 0.594 ........ 1-7...... DAYTONA Damsels in Distress
25 ...... 25 ...... 29 ........ 0.609 ........ 1-7...... Spaniard Linces
26 ...... 26 ...... 26 ........ 0.578 ........ 1-7...... Vegas Losers
27 ...... 27 ...... 30 ........ 0.516 ........ 1-7...... Shotgun Suggestions Forum
28 ...... 29 ...... 25 ........ 0.609 ........ 0-8...... Rio de Janeiro Urubus
29 ...... 28 ...... 31 ........ 0.422 ........ 2-6...... Copperhead Road Moonshiners
30 ...... 32 ...... 28 ........ 0.578 ........ 0-8...... KINGSTON MUDGROWERS
31 ...... 30 ...... 32 ........ 0.484 ........ 0-8...... Austin Red Dawgs
32 ...... 31 ...... 27 ........ 0.531 ........ 0-8...... Arkadak Earthquake

Exp Score  Matchup
  51 -     6    Badd Family def. New England Muskrats
  41 -   21    Middlesex Monarchs def. New England Cannons
  88 -     7    Danish Disasters def. Da PsychoZ
151 -     3    Green Hornets def. Shotgun Suggestions Forum
235 -     0    Dayton D-Unit def. Austin Red Dawgs
  35 -   31    Tanque Verde Vaquero's def. Georgiana Panthers
  57 -   19    Hotties Pride def. ~Cult~ of Tim Tebow
  28 -   18    Spaniard Linces def. Copperhead Road Moonshiners
  26 -     3    Washington Warriors def. GridIron Outlaws
152 -     0    Georgia Lunatic Asylum Maniacs def. Rio de Janeiro Urubus
  18 -   16    Montenegro Meat def. D-Town Pugs
  34 -   33    Vick in a box def. THE TEXAS TAUS OF THE BOLN
  34 -   11    Tuba Samurai Returns def. Krusevac Phoenix
  56 -   46    Jebs Casual def. DAYTONA Damsels in Distress
  67 -     0    Sack Sabbath def. Arkadak Earthquake
  19 -     0    Vegas Losers def. KINGSTON MUDGROWERS
18 - 16 Montenegro Meat def. D-Town Pugs

That's going to be a tough game.
GG Pugs. The three level early boost advantage was just a little too much for us. See you guys in the playoffs.
GG washington...i am pretty pleased with my team considering you guys pretty much all boosted already. game will be alittle different once playoffs come and we do our boost..
GG Badd Family....congrats on ur win
Week 10 Rankings and Predictions

Rank ... OFF ... DEF ... S.o.S. ........ W-L-T Team
1.. ........ 1 ........ 1 ........ 0.531 ........ 9-0...... Badd Family
2.. ........ 2 ........ 2 ........ 0.358 ........ 9-0...... Washington Warriors
3.. ........ 9 ........ 6 ........ 0.494 ........ 9-0...... Middlesex Monarchs
4.. ........ 7 ...... 12 ........ 0.593 ........ 7-2...... THE TEXAS TAUS OF THE BOLN
5.. ........ 3 ........ 3 ........ 0.444 ........ 7-1-1.. Georgia Lunatic Asylum Maniacs
6.. ...... 11 ...... 14 ........ 0.605 ........ 6-3...... New England Muskrats
7.. ...... 10 ........ 4 ........ 0.531 ........ 7-2...... Danish Disasters
8.. ........ 6 ........ 8 ........ 0.556 ........ 7-2...... GridIron Outlaws
9.. ...... 15 ...... 13 ........ 0.531 ........ 6-3...... Tanque Verde Vaquero's
10 ...... 13 ........ 5 ........ 0.506 ........ 6-2-1.. D-Town Pugs
11 ...... 16 ...... 10 ........ 0.420 ........ 7-2...... Green Hornets
12 ........ 5 ........ 7 ........ 0.395 ........ 6-3...... Montenegro Meat
13 ........ 4 ...... 11 ........ 0.457 ........ 6-3...... Dayton D-Unit
14 ...... 14 ........ 9 ........ 0.457 ........ 6-3...... Hotties Pride
15 ........ 8 ...... 16 ........ 0.531 ........ 5-4...... New England Cannons
16 ...... 12 ...... 15 ........ 0.407 ........ 5-4...... Vick in a box
17 ...... 19 ...... 18 ........ 0.580 ........ 3-6...... ~Cult~ of Tim Tebow
18 ...... 17 ...... 17 ........ 0.593 ........ 3-6...... Georgiana Panthers
19 ...... 23 ...... 20 ........ 0.481 ........ 4-5...... Tuba Samurai Returns
20 ...... 20 ...... 19 ........ 0.444 ........ 4-5...... Sack Sabbath
21 ...... 18 ...... 23 ........ 0.346 ........ 4-5...... Jebs Casual
22 ...... 25 ...... 22 ........ 0.383 ........ 5-4...... Krusevac Phoenix
23 ...... 22 ...... 24 ........ 0.506 ........ 3-6...... Da PsychoZ
24 ...... 21 ...... 21 ........ 0.568 ........ 2-7...... DAYTONA Damsels in Distress
25 ...... 24 ...... 29 ........ 0.568 ........ 2-7...... Spaniard Linces
26 ...... 28 ...... 30 ........ 0.556 ........ 1-8...... Shotgun Suggestions Forum
27 ...... 29 ...... 27 ........ 0.617 ........ 0-9...... Rio de Janeiro Urubus
28 ...... 26 ...... 25 ........ 0.506 ........ 1-8...... Vegas Losers
29 ...... 31 ...... 26 ........ 0.531 ........ 1-8...... KINGSTON MUDGROWERS
30 ...... 27 ...... 31 ........ 0.407 ........ 2-7...... Copperhead Road Moonshiners
31 ...... 30 ...... 32 ........ 0.481 ........ 0-9...... Austin Red Dawgs
32 ...... 32 ...... 28 ........ 0.506 ........ 0-9...... Arkadak Earthquake

Exp Score  Matchup
243 -     0    Badd Family def. Shotgun Suggestions Forum
  26 -   16    Middlesex Monarchs def. Green Hornets
  30 -   18    Danish Disasters def. Dayton D-Unit
  90 -   15    Tanque Verde Vaquero's def. Da PsychoZ
203 -     0    New England Muskrats def. Austin Red Dawgs
  38 -   23    Hotties Pride def. New England Cannons
132 -   12    Georgiana Panthers def. Spaniard Linces
138 -     6    ~Cult~ of Tim Tebow def. Copperhead Road Moonshiners
  41 -     6    Washington Warriors def. THE TEXAS TAUS OF THE BOLN
199 -     0    Georgia Lunatic Asylum Maniacs def. Arkadak Earthquake
  66 -   11    GridIron Outlaws def. Sack Sabbath
129 -     0    D-Town Pugs def. Vegas Losers
101 -     3    Montenegro Meat def. Krusevac Phoenix
  76 -   21    Vick in a box def. DAYTONA Damsels in Distress
  49 -   44    Jebs Casual def. Tuba Samurai Returns
  12 -     6    Rio de Janeiro Urubus def. KINGSTON MUDGROWERS

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