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Originally posted by sigepmagicmike

Black Sea Squall in WEPL - OC

You just a forum troll that thinks he knows more than what he really does.


Lets delve into this since you made some accusations about how Backstop runs his team.

Looking at the Balck See Squells....

So, Season 20 is YOUR YEAR. You win gold in the epicot WEPL, cool. Good job, running guy OC. Thats cool if you dont understand how to set up custom passing routes, its not easy.


then WL you go softball and get smoked in Season 21.

What to do, what to do, do you regear and try and man up in WEPL again to get to WL?

No. No you dont.

you fold up shop and gut and drop down to some sweet sweet Rookie league for season 22

Pretty manly, holmes. Of course your epic OC skill at setting up Strong I and weak I slams comes in handy in the ever so competitive Rookie league.


Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 12:30:13
favorite prism
Let's deep dive.

#1 rushing O in WEPL that season and #5 rushing O in WL the season we got demoted. Yeah I suck bro.

Last season #1 rushing O in EEPL.

Let's see as well back when the Storm was in EEPL I just had the 1 rushing O then and a couple of MVPs for 5stars back.

Let's not even talk about the rushing game we had in WL with Osaka. They were just #1 too.

Is this the best you got troll?
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
Let's deep dive.

#1 rushing O in WEPL that season and #5 rushing O in WL the season we got demoted. Yeah I suck bro.

Last season #1 rushing O in EEPL.

Let's see as well back when the Storm was in EEPL I just had the 1 rushing O then and a couple of MVPs for 5stars back.

Let's not even talk about the rushing game we had in WL with Osaka. They were just #1 too.

Is this the best you got troll?

Its easy to be #1 in a toilet bowl full of turds, all you gotta do is float around.

Why'd you gut after you got hammered in WL? What happened to that Number 1 rushing game? Use better semantics #5 rushing O in WL? No. Maybe #5 in your Lolconference but not WL. wow, too bad that couldnt get you into the playoffs. What a shame

Doesnt appear you could muster a #1 running game in Rookes where the RUNNING game is king and where your more on equal footing with your competition since you dont have fully built dots. If your that goddam good, why couldnt you man up there?

Lets see how tight your thinking cap fits. Do you think an MVP is made by the dots build or by an OC genius like yourself?
Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 12:40:27
favorite prism
lol my team was all CPUs last season and we weren't in rookie league. There you go again talking about stuff you don't know. Yeah we got rocked in WL. What about the 4 straight seasons there with Osaka?

You can do better troll.
favorite prism
BTW what happened to tour lolOPL team last season?
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
lol my team was all CPUs last season and we weren't in rookie league. There you go again talking about stuff you don't know. Yeah we got rocked in WL. What about the 4 straight seasons there with Osaka?

You can do better troll.


You are the poster child for ADD
favorite prism
You are the troll that keeps trying to come on here and talk like you know something you dont bro. Get a life. Maybe go outside and catch some rays of sunshine. Maybe move out of your moms basement. I dunno are the one screaming for attention on these boards.

... and the pre-season haven't even started yet! This should be a fun season!!
so epic
Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 13:05:33
Edited by The Big Cack Envy on Jun 28, 2011 13:05:21
favorite prism
oh man 2 edits to type so epic

must have been good
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
oh man 2 edits to type so epic

must have been good

My own personal ballwash is kind of neat.
good thread

level 71 scrubs think they gonna win LOL

some other new friends for mike this season

good stuff
that's our mikey boy... making friends everywhere he goes
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
You are the troll that keeps trying to come on here and talk like you know something you dont bro. Get a life. Maybe go outside and catch some rays of sunshine. Maybe move out of your moms basement. I dunno are the one screaming for attention on these boards.

Wow this guy is something else. The troll calling the people he's trolling, trolls. Dudes stones must be made of brass.

I'll just say this. This team has been around since season 5. We have been to the nat-pro's 3 times and back down but have never gutted or started over. We rebuild where we are and try again. We have never belonged to any organization or had any outside help until halfway through last season, or had a farm system until 2 seasons ago. We decided long ago that throwing in the towel and rebuilding was something we didn't want to do. Maybe it's impossible to have success up there without building from the ground up for it, but we feel like staying in as high a league as you can while never giving up trying will make success in the pro's a sweeter deal.

That being said as Backstop pointed out we were placed where we were placed and we like the composition of the team and the younger guys we have waiting to come up. We'll do our season here, build chem, and give ourselves our best chance for our 4th attempt up there. It still all boils down to how we do in the nat-pro's. This league is just a stop on the way.

GL to everyone this season.
favorite prism
Originally posted by Headbutt
Wow this guy is something else. The troll calling the people he's trolling, trolls. Dudes stones must be made of brass.

I'll just say this. This team has been around since season 5. We have been to the nat-pro's 3 times and back down but have never gutted or started over. We rebuild where we are and try again. We have never belonged to any organization or had any outside help until halfway through last season, or had a farm system until 2 seasons ago. We decided long ago that throwing in the towel and rebuilding was something we didn't want to do. Maybe it's impossible to have success up there without building from the ground up for it, but we feel like staying in as high a league as you can while never giving up trying will make success in the pro's a sweeter deal.

That being said as Backstop pointed out we were placed where we were placed and we like the composition of the team and the younger guys we have waiting to come up. We'll do our season here, build chem, and give ourselves our best chance for our 4th attempt up there. It still all boils down to how we do in the nat-pro's. This league is just a stop on the way.

GL to everyone this season.

I dont give two shits how long your team has been around. It does not belong here. Get out.

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