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I also think it's BS that is gets changed mid-season. Any "upgrade" especially one this big should be done during the off-season.
Originally posted by JayKwaz
I also think it's BS that is gets changed mid-season. Any "upgrade" especially one this big should be done during the off-season.

Doesn't affect my team but totally agree with you.
Originally posted by BADGERBACKER

Change, yes. Not six spies worth of change - that's ridiculous. To do it now when I cannot change up my roster - great!

I do agree with you that changing this mid-season was bush league on GLBs part but it was bound to happen and I think it was for the better.

And GLB would have lost alot more than your 110 players if they had let happen any longer, a QB that averages 37 ypc just isn't good for the game.
J Maguire
Originally posted by makaw
I do agree with you that changing this mid-season was bush league on GLBs part but it was bound to happen and I think it was for the better.

And GLB would have lost alot more than your 110 players if they had let happen any longer, a QB that averages 37 ypc just isn't good for the game.

Blowout adjusted brings it down to 16 ypc. Still alot but nowhere near 37.
Originally posted by BADGERBACKER
Way to late to fix anything. How am I supposed to fix this???????

Was talking about those that whined every time they lost to a rushing QB, not you. Now that they can't whine about losing to Rushing QB's it'll assuredly be something else. Next thing will be the "Owning All Your Own Players" exploit, or the "The Other Team Is Better Than Mine" exploit. Gimme a damn break. Everyone needs to just stfu about exploits and play dots.

I promise you Badger, after we play tomorrow, and a few more times this week and next, you will see that the sky isn't falling for your team/s. Like J Maguire said, the more guys the defense spies, the more vulnerable they are to other things.
James Hobbs
I wish they would spy our Qb in the middle some more Wouldn't mind some extra room on my pitches personally
Originally posted by Kirghiz

Was talking about those that whined every time they lost to a rushing QB, not you. Now that they can't whine about losing to Rushing QB's it'll assuredly be something else. Next thing will be the "Owning All Your Own Players" exploit, or the "The Other Team Is Better Than Mine" exploit. Gimme a damn break. Everyone needs to just stfu about exploits and play dots.

I promise you Badger, after we play tomorrow, and a few more times this week and next, you will see that the sky isn't falling for your team/s. Like J Maguire said, the more guys the defense spies, the more vulnerable they are to other things.

+1, I enjoy playing you guys. Even when I do get beat it makes me work harder to figure out houw to beat you. This is the most forum active league I have been in since seasons 2-4. I don't want to see guys quit. I was looking forward to 10 years of great competition.

GG RRR, those kr/pr TDs really killed our morale otherwise I think we would have given you a better game.
Originally posted by makaw
GG RRR, those kr/pr TDs really killed our morale otherwise I think we would have given you a better game.

GG...really good pass game...moved the ball as well against us as anyone....our STs will be the difference in many close games...
Sooner Steve
GG makaw
GG Dallas
All I have to say is some of us had/have 2 Rushing QB's, but didn't cheat the integrity of the game by rushing them 50 times a game. I'd rather not win a title than win using an exploit. JMO
Originally posted by Kirghiz
GG Dallas

Again, not trying to be a prick but the running QB teams can be beat. I was able to beat Dallas and Tehran in Badgers tourney. I know it was an LOL off-season tourney but I know I don't play any game to lose and I am sure they do the same.
Originally posted by BADGERBACKER

Oh come on man, it kinda was. I didn't need the extra spies to stop rushing QB's anyway. I've always been fairly successful with the casual defenses I run at stopping rushing QB's. I only dedicated one more spy than I normally would have against you, and to be honest, better than half of the tackles on your QB's were made by players that weren't even spies. A lot of that was CB's getting off their blocks and making plays. I don't think you should be all bent out of shape because I managed to stop your QB's, because I could do it anyway before the spy changes. It was everyone else that couldn't.

The fact that I ran my QB's 47 times for 5.5 YPC though, now that was funny.

There are no friends on srs gamedays, but now that the game that counts is out of the way my offer still stands. I'll still set up some private scrims with you to help you beat the spy changes. But, if you'd rather go fishing, that is fine too.
Edited by Kirghiz on Mar 31, 2011 07:58:28
Edited by Kirghiz on Mar 31, 2011 07:55:51

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