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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Lion Conference power Rankings
Another day bites the dust...
Well, Cameroon is on the board with its first win.... I said we were the best winless team in now were bumped out of that spot! We plan on coming out on top of the Scorpions and beating Gut Coast handily...I see they have a new owner, Good luck to you, but sorry we will not be showing mercy on you!
Couple big games to finish out the season. Bite and Pirates win 1 they clinch a playoff spot. Kings need some help. At least 1 win with an Undertaker loss gets them in the door. But with the Undertakers and Monkeez on the outside looking in can ill afford to lose 2 and keep those 2 teams hopes alive. Monkeez need to win out to keep their chances alive unless the kings get 1 win so need some help. If the Undertakers can win out they just need a Kings loss as they have the head to head tie breaker from week 1.

At the bottom we have an interesting battle going on as well seeing how the Scorpions and the outlaws have each won 2. The Outlaws having just beat the Scorpions have the tie breaker and they face the Gut Coast pirates next game. Scorpions need to win out to have a chance of not being in the bottom 2. Outlaws hold the future in their hands. Win out and stay.
Originally posted by Nicodareus
Couple big games to finish out the season. Bite and Pirates win 1 they clinch a playoff spot. Kings need some help. At least 1 win with an Undertaker loss gets them in the door. But with the Undertakers and Monkeez on the outside looking in can ill afford to lose 2 and keep those 2 teams hopes alive. Monkeez need to win out to keep their chances alive unless the kings get 1 win so need some help. If the Undertakers can win out they just need a Kings loss as they have the head to head tie breaker from week 1.

At the bottom we have an interesting battle going on as well seeing how the Scorpions and the outlaws have each won 2. The Outlaws having just beat the Scorpions have the tie breaker and they face the Gut Coast pirates next game. Scorpions need to win out to have a chance of not being in the bottom 2. Outlaws hold the future in their hands. Win out and stay.

No quote abour Rwanda? jking
Rwanda is told to dress in drag after each game for fear of losing to the Gut Coast ??
Originally posted by Willyard

No quote abour Rwanda? jking

Nothing about the Bugeaters either....hater!!!

Talk about hating, Mogadishu didn't get a mention in our quest to seal up the 5th seed with a win over Bamako. (OK, not quite sealed up at that point - Go get them Pirates Dar!) And nary a word about the upset of the year a couple of weeks ago at Cape Town. Haters! (except in the play of the year thread - thanks majech)

It's probably karma for me hiring that trolling DC of mine. Oh, no wait. That would be finishing the regular season at Conarky..

I'm just messing around. With 6 of the top 8 teams facing off to end the in-conference regular season, it should be a lot of fun.
Originally posted by Nicodareus
Rwanda is told to dress in drag after each game for fear of losing to the Gut Coast ??

Alright who leaked?

Majech he isnt a bughead hater, dont be like that. He is just a Rwanda lover!!! HA!
Last edited Jul 11, 2008 15:49:34
Originally posted by throughyperspace
Talk about hating, Mogadishu didn't get a mention in our quest to seal up the 5th seed with a win over Bamako. (OK, not quite sealed up at that point - Go get them Pirates Dar!) And nary a word about the upset of the year a couple of weeks ago at Cape Town. Haters! (except in the play of the year thread - thanks majech)

I got your back dog.

Ho-Hum, another lack-luster win for the under-leveled Bugeaters. Better drop them in the power rankings a few spots...

Hey, nic, you're not gonna kill us for our SOS after our next game are you, lol?
uh...the begeaters beat the werewolves and are still behind them in the ratings...i call BS...
Originally posted by tramiken
uh...the begeaters beat the werewolves and are still behind them in the ratings...i call BS...

uh.... the chart hasn't been updated for matches that just played a few hours ago. Did you bother checking when was the chart last updated?
Last edited Jul 11, 2008 18:40:50
cant a man work?? sheesh lol I am getting to them here soon.

Lets see if you pull off teh almost 5 point swing on week 16 to overtake them for 3rd overall.

As the Lion Conference Turns will continue ..... after this....
Last edited Jul 11, 2008 19:32:29
Thank you Lion Conference for the compliments as well as the constructive criticism. Hopefully for the most part they were enjoyed and something to look forward to. i understand somethings were just not quite right and i will spend some time during the off season trying to tweak the formula a little but getting my own team as well so not sure how much tweaking I will do.

Bugeaters. Sorry you are the #2 seed atm in GLB which is what truly matters. Sorry the numbers didnt fall your way for my rankings.

Pirates. Good job at the end of season climbing up to having a good shot in the playoffs.

Rwanda. I need more women or I am docking you 30 points.

Wolves and Sharks. I hate you both for tying early in the year!!! lol j/k good season.

Monkeez. I would say get a new QB yours talks too much and thats the Wr job to be the trash talker. However, even though some games were suspect he did put up good numbers overall.

Everyone else thank you as well, just mentioned the teams that were most active in me trying to get a good formula.
Nic, I appreciated the effort and looked forward to seeing how horribly wrong your rankings were each week..

I'm just kidding. With that being said: No love for Dar beating Bamako and Barbary? lol

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