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Forum > Game Recaps > Why is there all this kai hate
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy
..... says the guy who has tied up how much time focused on a team that he thinks isn't worth any time.

As i said you all are a joke, clowning on you is entertainment.
Originally posted by dss02
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy

..... says the guy who has tied up how much time focused on a team that he thinks isn't worth any time.

As i said you all are a joke, clowning on you is entertainment.

And the guy who lets himself get so wrapped up in it is better..... how?

Originally posted by PierreThomas
Originally posted by jxgator33

actually, I had nothing to do with the team last season. Also, I was not posting shit, I was agreeing with you. Pretty much all the hate comes from noobs who couldn't run a Pro team to save their life.

I hate the Kai. I've never seen a team talk so much shit and repeatedly fail to back it up. I've never seen a team owner that krais more than ITS. Every thread he starts is either a brag thread or a thread disguised to "help better the game" but in reality it is him trying to get the rules changed to help him actually succeed at something. The only thing the Kai are good at is self promoting but even that has blown up in their face when they get trashed every season in the playoffs. Even then they can't take a loss and have to make up a million excuses and act like it is what they wanted to happen.

I look at the kai as a group of 3rd graders making faces at kids on the playground then when they get punched in the mouth they go running and crying to the teacher.

After all that though, I have to say Kai is good for GLB because we all need someone to lol@.

A+ post by the owner of an undisputed top2 team in the game.

Originally posted by Ronnie Brown 23
Edited by Ronnie Brown 23 on Mar 26, 2010 10:50:24
Originally posted by talmon
Originally posted by dss02

I am glad that you and the other agents involved with kai enjoy being no more than a joke.

its true... they never answer why they blow that bad to not have any trophies. Their excuse is they are in pro??? like wtf a lot of people win in pro.... Then they say they are competitive??? really, seriously... This team is a bunch of people who know they blow and have no excuse so yeah, they have some of the best players on the team AND could still not win. that is no excuse...

Says the guy who can't get out of the minors. Actually only 3 teams had won SAPL through season 10. I guess it depends on your definition of "a lot".
Originally posted by Ahoda
This thread delivers.

Talmon is only jealous of the Kai because he can't be on their team. To all the haters, including me, they are fun to have around and to talk some glb smack too. Without them, these forums would definitely not be as fun as they are now. These hate threads are clearly out of jealousy.

no u
Originally posted by talmon
Originally posted by JuniorMcSpiffy


this guy is... Like seriously, do all cobra fans have no trophy. Talking about this kid shit players?

Originally posted by ImTheScientist
We have GLB endorsements named after us ..... what do you have? If you left the game today nobody would even know it happened. If the kai was sold back I guarantee there would be a 1000+ post thread about it. Does it make you upset that we are the most well known franchise in all of GLB?

The Kai are like the Yankees.....without the 27 rings.

Originally posted by ImTheScientist

We have GLB endorsements named after us ..... what do you have? If you left the game today nobody would even know it happened. If the kai was sold back I guarantee there would be a 1000+ post thread about it. Does it make you upset that we are the most well known franchise in all of GLB?

There would be a 1000+ post thread about it not because people care, but because you and half the agents on the Kai would troll the fuck out of that thread.
Originally posted by Ronnie Brown 23
Originally posted by ImTheScientist

We have GLB endorsements named after us ..... what do you have? If you left the game today nobody would even know it happened. If the kai was sold back I guarantee there would be a 1000+ post thread about it. Does it make you upset that we are the most well known franchise in all of GLB?

There would be a 1000+ post thread about it not because people care, but because you and half the agents on the Kai would troll the fuck out of that thread.

And even knowing that.... you can't help yourself... can you?

ITS will send you a thong. Alwayws keep the fans happy....

People like that ^^^^ are why people hate kai

I like ITS and SI (not TD) just not his crappy troll henchmen
Originally posted by Chessey
People like that ^^^^ are why people hate kai

I like ITS and SI (not TD) just not his crappy troll henchmen

My original response was snide, but I'm undoing that because I want to know something. I am pointing out to people that as much as they are hating the hype machine, they are the same ones who feed it. I am pulling back the curtain. I am spelling out how to make it stop. I am giving them the stake to drive through the heart.

Is that what you don't like.... that I am willing to reveal the magician's secret?
Edited by JuniorMcSpiffy on Mar 26, 2010 13:13:23
What is it that you exactly do for Cobra Kai besides professional fan?
Originally posted by Chessey
What is it that you exactly do for Cobra Kai besides professional fan?

Not that there is anything wrong with that, as we all no I'm not a real GM of any team nor do I provide quality dots to brag about in forums.
Originally posted by Chessey
Originally posted by Chessey

What is it that you exactly do for Cobra Kai besides professional fan?

Not that there is anything wrong with that, as we all no I'm not a real GM of any team nor do I provide quality dots to brag about in forums.

Cobra Kai Minister of Information.
ITT like 2 real agents dissing the Kai and the rest are jokes.

I would never talk smack about a team not having a gold. Especially if they are Pro/WL cause all I got is AA and minor trophies. Not counting the 1 lol trophy from the hood.

Seriously people Pierre can talk ahoda can talk Ronnie can talk but the rest of you are just lame as hell.

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